Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 671 Sword Tomb!

Chapter 671 Sword Tomb!


The next moment, Burying Heaven Sword Immortal and Qin Yu turned into two beams of light and rushed into the sword lake.

From the outside, Jianhu Lake looks only about ten feet in size, but the moment you enter it, it is as if you have traveled through time and space, and you have come to a vast starry sky.

This piece of starry sky seems to be boundless, and there are terrifying sword lights flickering in the void, like meteors breaking through the sky, appearing without warning and disappearing without a trace.

In the center of the starry sky, there is a huge and extremely ancient light gate.

This door of light is not uncertain, but actually floating in mid-air.

Qin Yu and Zhantian Sword Immortal flew to the door of light, and their expressions became a little dignified.

I saw this majestic figure holding an ancient sword appearing in the light gate, like a mountain.

The incomparably terrifying coercion of the sword radiates from that majestic figure, suppressing the world.

The source of Qin Yu's and Zantian Sword Immortal's dignified expressions was the coercion emanating from this majestic figure.

"Unexpectedly, it has become so big."

After the Zantian Sword Immortal looked at the figure carefully, a look of surprise flickered in his eyes.

"This is, the spirit of the psychic Sword Tomb?"

Qin Yu spoke.

This majestic figure has no breath of life, nor does it have fluctuations in the soul path, it is not a living thing.

The only possibility is the Spirit of the Sword Tomb that the Burying Heaven Sword Immortal once said.

"To be precise, this is the projection of the spirit of the Sword Tomb. When I came here in the past, it was clearly only a hundred feet in size. Now, it may be more than a few thousand feet."

Burying Heaven Sword Immortal took a deep breath, took Qin Yu, and flew towards the top of the ancient light gate.

There, there is an ancient sword light seal with a lot of meaning.

However, what the Burial Sword Immortal and Qin Yu did seemed to trigger some kind of restriction.

The countless sword shadows that originally flashed past in the void were like runaway monsters,

With extremely terrifying power, they rushed towards Zantian Sword Immortal and Qin Yu. The number of them was so large that they directly formed a wave of swords.


"Swallowing Dragon Seal!"

The Burial Heaven Sword Immortal and Qin Yu, who had been on guard all along, made their moves immediately.

I saw the ancient sword of Burying Heaven Sword Immortal slashing, and the pitch-black sword light burst into dazzling light, slashing head-on at the roaring wave of swords.

A resounding dragon chant appeared on Qin Yu's body, that is to say, he saw an ancient dragon seal condensed and rushed out with its fangs and claws.

A huge pitch-black vortex appeared in the dragon seal, and a large wave of swords was swallowed.

Under the attacks of Qin Yu and Zangtian Sword Immortal, most of the terrifying wave of swords roaring towards him was neutralized.

However, in the depths of this vast starry sky, there is a clearly audible sword cry.

Up, down, left, right, and in all directions, there is the sound of swords screaming, just like the humming of peaks, which makes people's hair stand on end.

Qin Yu and Zangtian Sword Immortal looked at each other, knowing that they must not be dragged here, they must fight quickly.

Immediately, the two of them didn't hold back the slightest bit, and they used their super unique skills one after another to completely wipe out the wave of swords.

Immediately, the figures of the two of them flashed and appeared in front of the ancient sword light seal on the top of the light gate.


Qin Yu and Zhantian Sword Immortal joined forces, and the earth-shattering Taoism condensed and exploded. The sky exploded at this moment, and an extremely terrifying attack broke out.


On the ancient sword light imprint, a layer of extremely ancient enchantment power emerged.

But even so, it didn't stop the joint attack of Qin Yu and Jiantian Jianxian.

I saw that accompanied by a crisp cracking sound, the ancient sword's light seal suddenly cracked, and a slap-sized hole appeared.

The eyes of Qin Yu and Zangtian Sword Immortal flashed, and they immediately cast secret techniques, turning into two beams of light, and escaping into the opening.

Almost at this moment, the void rumbled and trembled, and hundreds of millions of terrifying sword lights roared towards them, slashing all over the opening of the ancient sword's light seal.

In an instant, the opening was blocked. If Qin Yu and the two of them reacted a little slowly, it would take a lot of effort.

On the ancient light gate, the towering figure holding the giant sword trembled slightly.

On the ancient sword light seal, sword patterns spread out, and the hole that was bombed by Qin Yu and the two of them immediately returned to its original state.

But the hundreds of millions of sword lights roaring violently did not just disappear, but danced around the ancient gate of light.

At this time, Qin Yu and Jiantian Jianxian who entered the ancient light gate appeared in a rather ancient and mysterious sword tomb.

The reason why it is called the Sword Tomb is because the sarcophagus that appeared here was buried with ancient swords, and the extremely terrifying power of the sword was sealed in the sarcophagus.

Counting carefully, there are nine hundred and ninety-nine sarcophagi in the sword tomb.

And the sword power contained in each sarcophagus is enough to make even the ancient emperor feel palpitating.

"Look there!"

The Burial Sword Immortal sent a voice transmission, motioning Qin Yu to look at the center of the sword tomb.

After Qin Yu looked over, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he saw a stone chair nine feet high in the center of the sword tomb.

This stone chair stands out from the crowd in this sword tomb, attracting attention.

Because from the overall layout of the sword tomb, the nine hundred and ninety-nine ancient sword sarcophagi seemed to be worshiping that stone chair.

As if sensing Qin Yu's and Zantian Jianxian's gazes, circles of ripples appeared on the originally empty stone chair.

A figure wearing an ancient robe, who seemed to come from the ancient gods, appeared on the stone chair.

That figure was exactly the majestic figure that Qin Yu and the others had seen on the ancient light gate before.

Obviously, this figure is the spirit of the sword mound mentioned by the Burial Sword Immortal.

"Thousands of years have passed, and you are here again."

An old and deep voice appeared, and after the light flickered on the figure's body, it revealed its true face.

It was a white-haired old man, holding a rusty ancient sword, looking ordinary.

But the aura emanating from his body made Qin Yu and Jiantian Jianxian feel extremely dangerous.

The existence of the later period of the ancient emperor definitely did not have such a terrifying power.

Qin Yu now understands why Long Hao has such terrifying power just by merging with that immortal sword intent.

The cultivation of the Spirit of the Sword Tomb was far beyond Qin Yu's expectations. Its strength might be enough to fight against the blue dry ice beast, or even stronger.

"Thousands of years have passed, and your cultivation has grown astonishingly. Could it be that you have crossed the limit of the ancient emperor?"

Seeing the spirit of the sword mound, still remembering him, Jiantian Jianxian said slowly.

"Hehe, I said that day that the ancient emperor's limit is an insurmountable moat for you, but as long as you get my inheritance, you can cross it smoothly. You didn't believe it back then, but now, you regret it Woolen cloth."

The spirit of the Sword Tomb laughed lightly, but his sword-like sharp eyes were completely unwavering and completely icy cold.

Hearing the words of the spirit of the sword mound, Qin Yu and Jiantian Jianxian thought of Long Hao.

There is no doubt that the reason why Long Hao has fallen into this state must be because he believed the words of the spirit of the Sword Tomb and inherited its inheritance.

If Long Hao hadn't been injured by the Heaven-Suppressing Ghost Emperor, he might have been taken away by the spirit of the Sword Tomb long ago.

(End of this chapter)

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