Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 679 Strong and domineering!

Chapter 679 Strong and domineering!

"It's like this again. It seems that the comprehension from the previous life is not an illusion. The Immemorial Dragon Fighting Art has indeed reached a certain limit..."

Qin Yu opened his eyes, and there was a flash of thought in his eyes.

In his previous life, he had refined thousands of dragon clan supernatural powers.

Logically speaking, with the Primordial Dragon Fighting Art, as long as the dragon blood is refined, it can continuously improve the extraordinary effect of cultivation, and it should have been able to cross the late period of the ancient emperor long ago.

But in Qin Yu's previous life, he was always trapped in the limit of the late ancient emperor.

Although refining the original blood of the dragon clan can make Qin Yu's combat power continuously superimpose, but the realm is still unable to break through.

"I don't believe it anymore!"

With a ruthless look in his eyes, Qin Yu sat cross-legged again, frantically refining the rest of the power of the heavenly essence.

Qin Yu's crazy refinement did not make the feeling of blockage disappear, on the contrary, it became more and more intense, and even Qin Yu's meridians all over his body felt severe pain at this moment.

Qin Yu gritted his teeth, ignored the blockage and severe pain, and continued to crazily refine the heavenly essence.

When Qin Yu's meridians all over his body seemed to be cut into pieces.

Qin Yu clearly felt that there seemed to be some kind of seal unraveling in the ancient battle dragon.

Although the blockage and severe pain still did not disappear.

But Qin Yu could feel that some kind of change had taken place in the Immemorial Dragon Fighting Art.

When Qin Yu used the Immemorial Dragon Fighting Art again, he could faintly sense that there seemed to be something in the east direction that echoed the Immemorial Dragon Battle Art.

"Could it be, Xianzang?"

Qin Yu muttered to himself after perceiving it carefully.

Qin Yu has been to Xianzang before, and knows the location of Xianzang, which is in the boundless sea to the east of Tianyu.

It seems that after all the grievances and grievances of Tianyu Kyushu are settled, they have to go to Xianzang.

Although there are still three pieces of ancient fairy tokens that have not been found, but one piece is on Xingluo.

Gu Xianling will be almost collected after he takes revenge on Xingluo and the others.

"Take the initiative to deliver it to your door, so that I won't have to look for you again."

Qin Yu stood up, pure dragon energy surged in his body, and a cold light shone in his eyes.

After a few breaths, Qin Yu, who had fully recovered from the injuries in his body, stomped on his feet, and the patterns spread out.

With a flash of light, Qin Yu disappeared.

Outside the secret realm, in the sword tomb, the world-shattering violent battle became more and more fierce.

Whether it was the Heaven-Suppressing Ghost Emperor, the Four Elephants Dao Emperor, or the Heaven-Buying Sword Immortal and Ao Di, they all used all means to kill them with all their might.

The battle of eleven mighty men in the late period of the ancient emperors, even this space of sword tombs containing infinite sword power, is unbearable for such destructive methods.


Suddenly, the Zhentian Ghost Emperor, Sixiang Taoist Emperor, and Luanbei Great Emperor who were in the battle suddenly changed their expressions, and they all turned their heads to look.

I saw a figure in the sky above the sword tomb, which appeared at some unknown time, looking at them coldly.

"Dragon God... Emperor Zun!?"

After seeing that person's appearance clearly, no matter whether it was the three Heaven-Suppressing Ghost Emperors or the four Blood Fiend Emperors, their pupils shrank like needles.

The person who appeared was naturally Qin Yu, but at this time, Qin Yu had recovered his previous appearance.

What appeared now was not only Qin Yu, but also the Dragon God Emperor Zun who ruled over the Tianyu in the past!
"Really... still alive!?"

With the appearance of Qin Yu, there was a momentary pause in the violent and destructive battle.

The seven Heaven Suppressing Ghost Emperors all had terrified expressions on their faces.

Although their purpose was to kill Qin Yu.

However, when Qin Yu really stood in front of them, the terrifying power brought by the invisible made them feel extremely palpitating.

"Why, you seem surprised to see that I'm still alive."

Qin Yu's cold and indifferent eyes swept across Zhentian Guidi and others one by one.

The Heaven-Suppressing Ghost Emperor, Sixiang Taoist Emperor, and Luanbei Great Emperor who had ambushed him at the Immortal God Burial Back then had the same expressions as the Seven Star Ancient Emperor back then, all of them extremely unbelievable.

It seemed that the three of them, like the Seven Stars Ancient Emperor, could not know why he was able to be reincarnated after his soul disappeared.

"It's really surprising. How did you survive? Who is helping you secretly?"

Zhentian Ghost Emperor, after taking a deep breath, looked at Qin Yu with a majestic expression.

If it wasn't for someone secretly helping Qin Yu at the burial place of the immortal gods, how could Qin Yu have survived?
But, who is it that can allow Qin Yu to escape with his life under the eyes of their thirteen late-stage ancient emperors and dozens of mid-stage ancient emperors?

"People who are about to die, why do they know so much?"

Qin Yu sneered, and with a flash of his figure, he was holding a long spear, and as fast as lightning, he rushed towards the Heaven-Suppressing Ghost Emperor.

"Hmph, although I don't know how you survived in the first place, but do you think that you are still the Dragon God Emperor who swept across the heavens and nine states?"

The corner of Zhentian Guidi, who was locked by Qin Yu's attack, twitched.

There is Ao Di watching over there, once he escapes, he will definitely be fatally attacked.

Immediately, the Heaven-Suppressing Ghost Emperor let out a furious roar, and charged towards Qin Yu head-on with terrifying ghostly supernatural powers.

Seeing this, Ao Di was not in a hurry to attack Ao Di.

Now Qin Yu's aura emanates from his body, even he feels quite palpitating.

The Heaven-Suppressing Ghost Emperor, whose strength was comparable to his, would naturally not be Qin Yu's opponent.

hold head high!
After a resounding dragon chant, the supernatural powers and mystical techniques cast by the Heaven Suppressing Ghost Emperor rushing towards Qin Yu were directly swallowed by Qin Yu with the Heaven Swallowing Dragon Seal.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Yu cast by Qinglong Zhantian burst out Nine Nether Purgatory, World Exterminating God Thunder and other supernatural powers to destroy the dragon clan one after another.

A face-to-face, Zhentian Guidi, was beaten back and forth by Qin Yu, unable to fight back at all.

If the Heaven Suppressing Ghost Emperor's combat power was at its peak, he might still be able to fight against Qin Yu one or two times.

But it's a pity that Zhentian Ghost Emperor has fought against Zantian Sword Immortal and Ao Di successively, and his cultivation base has been consumed a lot. On the other hand, Qin Yu has just broken through and is in excellent condition.


Qin Yu stabbed out with a sharp spear, directly piercing through the ghostly aura of Zhentian Ghost Emperor's protective body, and smashing his right arm with a single shot.

The Dao of Destruction exploded, and Ghost Emperor Zhentian vomited blood and flew backwards from the attack, and his breath became visibly disordered and weak.

"Fairy weapon?!"

Looking at the Primordial Battle Armor that was directly exploded on his body, Ghost Emperor Zhentian looked at the Chaos Dragon Spear in Qin Yu's hand with unconcealed horror.

His Primordial Battle Armor was the clan god treasure of the ghost clan in the past, and even the existence of the late ancient emperor could not be destroyed.

It is precisely because of the heaven-defying defense of this ancient armor that the successive ghost emperors of Ghost Emperor Sacred Island can stand firm in Zhongzhou.

But now, the ancient battle armor that was most likely made by the ancient immortal was destroyed by Qin Yu forcefully, which naturally made Zhentian Guidi guess.

"Gossip transforms into a dragon!"

Qin Yu didn't give Ghost Emperor Zhentian any time to react, and immediately unleashed an astonishing killing move.

I saw Qin Yu, who was filled with chaotic dragon energy, directly turned into a dragon, and charged at the Heaven-Suppressing Ghost Emperor like lightning.

(End of this chapter)

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