Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 682 The Battle Begins !

Chapter 682 The Great War Begins ([-])!
"In the previous battle, the Dragon God Emperor should have completely lost his soul, and it is impossible to use the secret technique to survive.

But now, for some reason, he survived. Tell me, could this matter be related to the Mad Dragon Emperor? "

God Emperor Xuanyu heard the words and suspected that Qin Yu's escape had something to do with Xingluo.

At the beginning, Xing Luo did not know why, and came to join hands with Qin Yu, who had a grievance with Qin Yu.

Because they had offended Qin Yu, and because they were too jealous of Qin Yu's strength, and feared that Qin Yu would be killed in the future, God Emperor Xuanyu and others agreed to Xing Luo's request for cooperation.

However, they never figured out why Xing Luo was dealing with Qin Yu.

You know, at that time, the relationship between Qin Yu and Xing Luo was as close as brothers, and the two were still from the same school.

"Probably not. Back then, when dealing with the Dragon God Emperor, the Mad Dragon Emperor risked his cultivation and used the forbidden technique. He obviously had the intention of killing him. If he had the heart to save the Dragon God Emperor , there is absolutely no need to take that risk.”

The Heaven-Suppressing Ghost Emperor pondered for a long time, as if he was recalling the previous battle, and then shook his head.

It is still possible to say that the other ancient emperors who participated in the war had different intentions.

But Xing Luo made it clear that he didn't want to let Qin Yu go.

As soon as the Heaven Suppressing Ghost Emperor finished speaking, his expression suddenly changed.

He opened his palm, and a distorted ghost pattern was trembling slightly.

This ghost pattern was refined by Zhentian Ghost Emperor at a considerable price, and it can sense the fluctuation of the Immortal Devouring Ghost Curse.

Although the Immortal-eating Ghost Curse in Long Hao's body has been dissolved, there are still some fluctuations of the Immortal-Eating Ghost Curse left in Long Hao's body.

That's why Zhentian Ghost Emperor was able to follow Qin Yu all the way into the Eternal Sword Tomb after setting out from Zhongzhou.

It's a pity that Zhentian Ghost Emperor wanted Qin Yu to be buried in the Eternal Sword Tomb, but he didn't want to be killed in the Eternal Sword Tomb instead.

"They are coming towards Nanzhou. I'm afraid they want to catch you all before you react!"

Zhentian Ghost Emperor looked at Divine Emperor Xuanyu and Emperor Dayan.

The reason why he came directly to Nanzhou was because he knew that Qin Yu was in his body, leaving a restriction.

If it is to return to Ghost Emperor Holy Island, there is absolutely no way to escape, so come to find Emperor Xuanyu and Emperor Dayan.

"Hmph, we're not those wastes in Dongzhou. It's not that easy to kill us in Nanzhou."

After God Emperor Xuanyu's face changed slightly, he made a cold voice, stood up immediately, and typed out several secret letters.

Emperor Dayan didn't hesitate, and hastily sent out a secret letter.

Just in case, they gathered all the ancient emperors in the Xuanyu Dynasty.

Now as long as you send out a secret letter, they will gather.

Following the actions of God Emperor Xuanyu and others, the entire Xuanyu Dynasty was on extreme alert, and countless strong men gathered here.

The power of the entire Nanzhou was shaken by this.

When the sun was setting and the sky was getting dusk, a mighty and terrifying power swept over the border of the Xuanyu God Dynasty.

After just a few breaths of time, that terrifying power, like a meteor piercing the sky, traversed most of the Xuanyu Dynasty, and arrived at the center of the Xuanyu Dynasty.

"Sure enough!"

Xuanyu God Dynasty Emperor City, above the Central Shrine, headed by Xuanyu God Emperor, Dayan Emperor, Zhentian Ghost Emperor, and behind them are [-] terrifying people, lined up.

Although the cultivation of these people is not as good as that of Sixiang Daodi and others from Zhongzhou, they are all powerful people who have stepped into the late ancient emperor period.

In Tianyu Kyushu, they are already among the top powerhouses.

"The formation is not small!"

The four of Qin Yu who came through the sky at a very high speed were a little surprised to see the eighteen mighty ancient emperors in the sky above Xuanyu Shenchao.

But it was just a little unexpected, and there was no trace of fear in his expression.

Qin Yu, Burying Heaven Sword Immortal, Long Hao, and Ao Di are not ordinary late ancient emperors.

Their fighting power is comparable to that of the Heaven Suppressing Ghost Emperor, and of course they won't have any fear of Shangnanzhou and other late ancient emperors.

"Huh? That person..."

"No way……"

"Could it be that..."

"Dragon God Emperor!?"

When they saw clearly that behind the four Qin Yu who had arrived, the eyes of those experts in the Ancient Emperor Realm in Nanzhou all fell on Qin Yu.

Immediately, these late ancient emperors who recognized Qin Yu were all horrified.

Although thousands of years have passed, none of these great powers in the later period of ancient emperors has lived for thousands of years.

Naturally, he will not forget that the dragon god Emperor Zun who ruled the Tianyu in the past and even overwhelmed the demons outside the territory.

Back then, the Dragon God Emperor disappeared inexplicably. There were rumors that the Dragon God Emperor had already fallen, but there were also rumors that the Dragon God Emperor had crossed the limit of the ancient emperor and left the Tianyu.

But no matter what kind of rumors, there is no concrete evidence.

Now, Qin Yu appeared in front of them alive, which naturally made them unbelievable.

In addition to being horrified, they also looked at God Emperor Xuanyu and Emperor Dayan in unison.

The reason why they were invited to come was because God Emperor Xuanyu said that they would come because the foreign demons and the ancient demons joined forces and sent strong men to invade Nanzhou.

Could it be that the strong man sent by the foreign demons and the ancient demons that Emperor Xuanyu said was the Dragon God Emperor?

"God Emperor Xuanyu, Emperor Dayan, although we haven't seen each other in a thousand years, but there is no need, welcome me with such a big formation."

Qin Yu stepped forward and looked coldly at God Emperor Xuanyu.

"Hmph, Emperor Dragon God, you have colluded with the ancient demons and intend to invade my heavenly domain, of course we must join hands to welcome you."

Hearing Qin Yu's words, God Emperor Xuanyu spoke coldly.

He knew Qin Yu's identity could not be concealed, so he simply called him by his first name.

Of course, the most important thing he said was to tell other late ancient emperors to listen.

At this time, it is impossible for the ancient emperor to leave.

"Collude with the ancient demons? Oh, that's why there are such people, have you been deceived to this point?"

Qin Yu chuckled, and understood why God Emperor Xuanyu and Emperor Dayan were able to summon fifteen late-stage ancient emperors.

It was not long before the invasion of the demons from outside the territory ended. At this time, God Emperor Xuanyu and the other two used the invasion of the ancient demons as an excuse, which is indeed something that people cannot ignore.

"Why did I come here today to settle the grievances with God Emperor Xuanyu, Emperor Dayan, and Emperor Zhentian Ghost? It has nothing to do with you. Are you sure you want to take this muddy water?"

Qin Yu looked at the dozen or so late-stage ancient emperors, and spoke indifferently.

Although God Emperor Xuanyu and others teamed up with the fifteen great ancient emperors, their combat power was as strong as that of eighteen late ancient emperors.

But Qin Yu showed no signs of fear.

The combat power in front of him is indeed much stronger than when he was besieged at the fairy god burial ground, not at 01:30.

But Qin Yu was not in the same state after being attacked by Xing Luo.

Qin Yu's combat power is now at its peak.

What's more, this time, Qin Yu also had Heaven Burying Sword Immortal, Long Hao, Ao Di, Ancestor Golem, and Chaos Ancestor Dragon with their astonishing combat power.

Today, even if it is said that Potian and God Emperor Xuanyu and the three of them don't want to leave alive.

(End of this chapter)

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