Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 698 Inheritance of the Immortal King!

Chapter 698 Inheritance of the Immortal King!

"Nine original ancestor dragons?"

Qin Yu was stunned. He had only heard of the Primal Chaos Dragon.

But with the cultivation base of the Immortal King Zhanlong, the ancestor dragon he subdued will naturally not be an existence like the chaos ancestor dragon.

What's more, what the Immortal King Zhanlong said was still the original ancestor dragon.

What is the origin?The source is the only one!The only one in the world!

Although the Chaos Progenitor Dragon is called the Progenitor Dragon, not only one has appeared in the history of Tianyu.

"Unfortunately, when the Eternal Immortal Kingdom encountered darkness and turmoil, my Immortal King Clan was the first to bear the brunt of the calamity.
It was also in that battle that I was severely injured and had to seal off Tianyu and hide here to recuperate.

The ancestor dragons of the nine origins took advantage of my weakness to break through the ban and escape,

Otherwise, combine the nine original ancestor dragons into one and step into the rumored realm..."

The Immortal King Zhanlong sighed softly, he was born at the wrong time.

"Eternal Immortal Kingdom? Dark turmoil? Immortal King Clan?"

Qin Yu had never heard of any of these words spoken by the Immortal King Zhanlong.
For him, these words are equivalent to a whole new and mysterious world.

"However, this battle dragon plate is a fairy treasure refined from the bones of the nine original ancestor dragons.
As long as there is a battle dragon coiled around, it can sense the location of the nine original ancestor dragons. "

After saying that, Immortal King Zhanlong handed the Zhanlong Pan to Qin Yu.

As soon as Qin Yu touched it, the Zhanlong Pan turned into a beam of light and entered the soul.

Qin Yu clearly felt that there was an extra battle dragon disk in his soul,

At the same time, many incomprehensible points about the Primordial Dragon Fighting Art have also become transparent.

"Darkness and turmoil will come again, I hope that before that, you can step into the rumored supreme realm..."

Accompanied by the Immortal King Zhanlong, the gradually illusory and ethereal voice.

At this moment, the stars all over the sky are shining with dazzling light.

The next moment, beams of immortal light containing the supreme inheritance all converged on Qin Yu.

When passing on the mantle to Qin Yu, the illusory body of Immortal King Zhanlong became more and more transparent.

Finally, in Qin Yu's gaze, it completely turned into light and dissipated...

"That is……"

"Qin Yu is accepting the inheritance!?"

"Sure enough, what relationship does he have with the Immortal King Zhanlong!"

At this time, the Dragon Soul, the Burying Heaven Sword Immortal, the white-clothed woman, and Long Hao, who were outside the monstrous fairy shadow,

It was through the pupils of the fairy shadow that he saw Qin Yu who was accepting the inheritance.

Seeing that scene, Long Hun and Long Hao were all overjoyed.

It is rumored that there is an ancient immortal inheritance in the immortal treasure.

Now that Qin Yu has obviously obtained the inheritance of the ancient immortals, this naturally makes the two of them happy.

As for the Burying Heaven Sword Immortal and the woman in white, their expressions were different.

The Burying Heaven Sword Immortal had received the inheritance of immortal power, so he knew that what Qin Yu was inheriting now was definitely not an ordinary ancient immortal inheritance.

The woman in white is even more aware that the Immortal Treasure was created by the Zhanlong Immortal King in the past.

The inheritance of a generation of Supreme Immortal Kings was being forfeited, which made the woman in white couldn't help showing a complex look in her eyes.

If it wasn't for the fact that her immortal body had not collapsed now, and the immortal soul still needed to rely on the map of the nine gods defeating the immortals, she would have rushed out long ago.

Under the watchful eyes of the four Dragon Souls, the monstrous fairy figure shrunk at an obvious speed.

It looked like that fairy figure was being devoured by Qin Yu continuously.


After about half an hour, a deafening bombing sound resounded.

I saw huge spider web-like cracks appearing in the void.

The cracks were bombarded open, and two figures appeared with a terrifying aura and murderous aura.

Those two people were Prince Rakshasa and the Blood Demon who had followed all the way.

Although they relied on secret techniques, they were able to follow Qin Yu and the others all the way.

But it is a pity that after Qin Yu and others entered the starry sky of the Immortal King's Inheritance, Prince Raksha and the Gorefiend could no longer follow them.

Looking at the weak and disordered aura on Prince Rakshasa and the Gorefiend at this moment, one knew that they were in great danger.

"Has the inheritance already begun?"

The Emperor Rakshasa and the Gorefiend who appeared immediately saw Qin Yu who was accepting the inheritance, which made their eyes tear.

They tried their best to sneak into Tianyu at the risk of their lives,

In the end, he didn't expect that the inheritance of the Immortal King Zhanlong had been preempted by others.

Especially the Gorefiend, the Immortal King Token on Qin Yu's body was given to Qin Yu himself.

At first, he wanted to use Qin Yu to collect all the Eight Great Immortal King Tokens, and then he would reap the benefits of being a fisherman.

In the end, he was the one who fetched water from the bamboo basket in vain.

"Rakshatian dance!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Prince Raksha directly performed the forbidden technique of the Raksha tribe.

I saw a series of mysterious and ethereal gray shadows bursting from the body of Prince Rakshasa, rushing towards the fairy shadow where Qin Yu was.

The power emitted by each of those gray shadows is not weaker than the existence in the later stage of the ancient emperor realm, and the power makes people's hearts tremble.

"not good!"

Long Hao's eyes and pupils shrank slightly, and the ancient sword on his back suddenly unsheathed, and immediately turned into sword light, he flew to the huge fairy figure, and slashed out with a sword.

Immediately, countless dazzling sword lights slashed out, blocking all the gray shadows.


However, the continuous bursts of cracking sounds were Long Hao's sword glow, which crumbled and dissipated one after another when they encountered those gray shadows.


Long Hao was hit by the gray shadow, and immediately vomited blood and flew backwards, his aura weakened significantly.

If it hadn't been for the Dragon Soul immediately influencing time and space with the power of time and space at that critical moment, Long Hao might have suffered more than just vomiting blood and being injured.

"How did his cultivation become so strong?"

The Heaven Burying Sword Immortal, who followed the Dragon Soul and chopped those gray shadows into pieces with terrifying immortal energy, looked at Prince Rakshasa in shock.

Compared to when he was in the burial ground of immortals and gods, Prince Rakshasa's cultivation has clearly undergone earth-shaking changes.

If the Burying Heaven Sword Immortal hadn't refined the majestic immortal energy of the Immortal God's Burial Ground, then his current fate would not be much better than that of Long Hao.

"Blood Tyrant Nine Heavens!"

At this time, when the Blood Demon saw that Prince Luosha was blocked by the three Dragon Souls, he also shot.

As the Gorefiend's hands changed seals again and again, the blood mist that covered the sky and the sun billowed and surged, covering most of the sky.

In that terrifying blood mist, a ferocious demon god condensed out, descending with vast power.


After the woman in white raised her eyebrows slightly, she still chose to make a move.

After all, she had a contract with Qin Yu, and it was better for the inheritance of the Immortal King to fall into Qin Yu's hands than to be snatched away by Prince Rakshasa and the Gorefiend.

I saw the woman in white wave her sleeves, and in the picture of the Nine Gods Slaying Immortals, nine vast gods evolved and appeared, rushing towards the terrifying blood demon.

The body of the white-clothed woman rushed directly towards the blood demon with vague and elusive traces.

"Ancient Immortal?!"

The Gorefiend looked at the woman in white, his eyes flickering with surprise.

He has sneaked into Tianyu for so many years, but he never expected that there are still ancient immortals from the Immortal King period in Tianyu...

(End of this chapter)

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