Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 700 Snow Immortal Mark!

Chapter 700 Snow Immortal Mark!

"It's so fast, you can break free from the suppression of the rules of the immortal law?!"

The woman in white and the blood demon sensed the terrifying coercion of Prince Rakshasa, and their expressions were constantly changing.

The solemn look in the eyes of the woman in white became more and more intense, and just being a blood demon was enough to keep her from being distracted.

Now, with the addition of a combat power of the Nine Levels of Heavenly Dao, her situation is getting worse.

As for the Gorefiend, his expression was extremely ugly.

Because he had to concentrate on fighting against the white-clothed woman, he still couldn't completely get rid of the suppression of the rules of the immortal law, but he didn't expect that Prince Raksha broke through the suppression ahead of time.

"Heavenly Demon God Fist!"

Prince Raksha, who summoned the Raksha Sky Demon, showed a ferocious look on his face, without the slightest hesitation, after a roar, he punched in the air.

Several fist shadows pierced through the air at such a high speed that the three of them, Dragon Soul and Long Hao, were unable to react at all.

Bang bang bang!
After three violent crashes, the three Burial Heaven Sword Immortals vomited blood and flew backwards. Their breaths were extremely disordered, and they were severely injured. It was even difficult for them to stand still.

As for the ancestor golem, without Qin Yu's soul power, it has become a puppet.

Prince Rakshasa obviously noticed it too, so he didn't waste time on the ancestor golem.


Seeing the three Burial Heaven Sword Immortals, who received a frontal blow from him and were not killed directly, Prince Luocha was extremely surprised.

Although his current cultivation has only been restored to the Tianyuan realm, the weakest of the nine levels of the Heavenly Dao, the power of the Heavenly Dao True Yuan cannot be resisted by a mere Martial Dao True Yuan.

"It can only end here."

The Burial Heaven Sword Immortal, Dragon Soul, and Long Hao looked at Prince Raksha, the Raksha Heavenly Demon with an extremely terrifying aura, all with intentions but powerlessness.

If it wasn't for the body of the Buried Sword Immortal with immortal power, and the dragon soul with the power of time and space, Long Hao would have received the inheritance of the Eternal Sword Tomb.

With the move just now, the three of them absolutely had no way out.

call out!
After glancing at the three Burial Heaven Sword Immortals, Prince Raksha didn't continue to attack, his figure flashed, and he rushed towards Qin Yu in the fairy shadow at top speed.

Right now, it is more important to seize the inheritance of the Immortal King Zhanlong.

At this time, the fairy shadow is only a few hundred feet in size. If it continues to be delayed, maybe the inheritance of the fairy king will completely fall into Qin Yu's hands.

This is not what Prince Rakshasa wants to see.

"There are many fairy shadows!"

The woman in white, aware of Raksha's intentions, glanced at the blood demon, gritted her teeth, and changed her hands.

Immediately, a series of mysterious and ethereal fairy shadows manifested, intertwined in the void, and intercepted Prince Rakshasa.


The Rakshasa prince roared furiously, and the Rakshasa Heavenly Demon appeared on his body with a soaring demonic aura. Immediately, he flapped his wings and flew towards the attacking celestial shadows. A big battle broke out between the two sides.

Prince Rakshasa cast a gloomy glance at the woman in white, not getting involved in the battle, his figure flashed, and rushed into the shadow of the fairy.

"not good!"

Seeing that scene, the expressions of Dragon Soul, Long Hao, and the woman in white all changed drastically.

Now is the critical moment of Qin Yu's succession, once it is disturbed, the consequences will be extremely serious.

However, in their current state, they can't stop the Rakshasa at all.

In fairy shadow.

Sitting cross-legged, Qin Yu's eyes were slightly closed, his expression suddenly moved slightly, and his eyes slowly opened.

In the depths of his eyes, mysterious dragon seals emerged, and each dragon seal contained supreme immortal power.

It can be clearly seen that Qin Yu's whole body is covered with ancient fairy lines, which are faintly visible, making him in a mysterious and mysterious state.

After the void swayed slightly, a murderous figure appeared in the fairy shadow, it was the Prince Raksha who rushed in.

"Inheritance of the Immortal King!"

Seeing the ancient fairy lines surrounding Qin Yu's body, Prince Luocha's eyes were filled with incomparably hot fire.

"Immortal king's inheritance, how can you and other ants be able to inherit it, die."

The next moment, Prince Raksha shot suddenly, and his figure flashed out, bringing up layers of phantoms, and rushed towards Qin Yu from all directions.

This is the great killing technique of the Raksha clan, called Raksha Tutian, and its power is endless.

Facing Prince Rakshasa's mortal killing technique, Qin Yu naturally would not be indifferent. The ancient fairy patterns wrapped around his body were all shining with fairy light.

Seeing Prince Rakshasa's killing move was about to attack Qin Yu from all directions, an ancient token appeared from Qin Yu's body.

A woman in white, accompanied by snowflakes, emerged without warning...


Immediately afterwards, a deafening bombing sound resounded in the ears, and a palm of ice and snow that was as large as Zhang Zhang suddenly blasted out from the fairy figure.

A figure was blown hundreds of feet away by the ice palm, its breath was disordered and violent.

"what happened?"

Dragon Soul and the others, who originally thought Qin Yu was dangerous, took a closer look, only to realize that the one who had been blasted out was actually Prince Luocha, which greatly cheered their expressions.

Could it be that Qin Yu's inheritance has ended, and he still has the ability to surpass the ninth level of heaven?
But in the palm of this ice and snow, there is no Qin Yu's aura...

Even the white-clothed woman and the blood demon who were fighting fiercely looked over in amazement. Even they had never expected the situation in front of them.

"Cough cough!"

After stabilizing his body, Prince Raksha coughed violently, vomiting blood from his mouth.

"Jiugong Dili...that kind of existence, why can it appear here?!"

After Prince Raksha suppressed the injuries in his body, he raised his head to look at the ice and snow beam of light, and there was an unconcealable shock in his eyes.

"Fairy Xuelan..."

In that celestial figure, Qin Yu looked at the figure in white clothes like snow, accompanied by snow flakes, with an uncontrollable excitement in his expression.

That figure was none other than Fairy Xuelan who left Tianyu and went to Xueyu.

But Fairy Xuelan at this time is not a real entity, she floated out of the mark of Immortal Xuelan, so she should be just a soul body.

Fairy Xuelan smiled at Qin Yu, but didn't accept the words. She just tapped her finger lightly, and the circles of snow-white light spread out, spreading to the entire fairy shadow.

Immediately, it could be clearly seen that the speed at which the fairy shadow merged into Qin Yu's body became extremely fast.

Not long after, the entire fairy image was integrated into Qin Yu's body, allowing Qin Yu to integrate all inheritances.

At the same time, Fairy Xuelan's body gradually became illusory, and finally disappeared completely, and the mark of Fairy Xuelan also fell from the void.

Qin Yu held the imprint of Xuexian tightly in his hand.

Although now, his cultivation base has entered the ninth level of heaven, but Qin Yu still feels that there is an unreachable sense of distance from Fairy Xuelan.

However, with the inheritance of Immortal King Zhanlong, Qin Yu firmly believed that one day, he would catch up with Fairy Xuelan.

(End of this chapter)

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