Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 710 Fire Emperor Inheritance!

Chapter 710 Fire Emperor Inheritance!

"This is……"

"The Demon King Secret Realm in the Fire Demon Mountain Range has been triggered?"

"Someone has sneaked into the secret realm of the Demon King?"

"How is it possible, the enchantment of the Demon King's Secret Realm can't be resisted by even the strongest in the Heavenly Venerate Realm."

With the violent tremor of the Fire Demon Mountain Range, the thousands of monster clans in the entire Fire Demon Mountain Range clearly sensed it.

Immediately, countless monster clan powerhouses were dispatched, and rushed towards the depths of the Fire Monster Mountain Range at an extremely fast speed.

Fire Spirit Race!
"The secret realm of the demon king?"

In the Valley of the Fire Spirit Tribe, the real crane, who had been cultivating cross-legged and closed his eyes, realized it instantly, left the house immediately, and rushed towards the depths of the Fire Demon Mountain Range.

"how can that be?"

Huo Xiao, the patriarch of the Fire Spirit Clan, looked into the depths of the Fire Demon Mountains, his eyes filled with disbelief.

"Brother, what's going on here? Have you triggered the enchantment of the Demon King's Secret Realm?!"

A ray of fire came through the sky at a very high speed. It was the fire spring, which sensed the birth of the demon king from the secret realm, and came at a very fast speed. He asked with a surprised expression.

"It's not me, it's someone else who triggered the Demon King's secret realm."

Huo Xiao looked grave, and shook his head slightly.

"Without the Fire Demon Token, can the Demon King's Secret Realm be triggered?"

Huoquan was stunned, and the surprise on his face turned into disbelief.

Huo Xiao's expression became more dignified by these words.

The Demon King's Secret Realm is the last hope for their Fire Spirit Clan to rise again.

If it is taken away by others, then their Fire Spirit Clan will never be able to rise again.

Monster Bear Clan!
"The Demon King's Secret Realm... is it from the Fire Spirit Race?"

Tall and strong, like a small mountain, Xiong Li, who is extremely oppressive, has a gloomy look in his long and narrow eyes.

Xiong Li is the patriarch of the Demon Bear Clan, and one of the few Sky Wheel Realm powerhouses in the Fire Demon Mountain Range.

"Patriarch, it seems that the Fire Spirit Clan has already understood the secret of the Fire Demon Order, we can't wait any longer."

Xiong Yuan, who met Huo Qing in the middle of the night before, also had a murderous look in his eyes.

If the Fire Spirit Clan gets the inheritance of the Demon King's Secret Realm, then their deployment for so many years will be completely in vain.

Xiong Li narrowed his eyes slightly, and there was a flicker of thought in his eyes.

Although the Fire Spirit Clan is in the Fire Demon Mountain Range, their power is on the lower side.
But in the Fire Demon Mountain Range, apart from the Demon Bear Clan, no other monster tribes knew that the Fire Spirit Clan was the overlord who once dominated the Fire Domain at its peak.

Although it has fallen now, if he acts rashly, Xiong Li is not sure that he will be able to wipe out the Fire Spirit Clan in one fell swoop.

And once the Fire Spirit Clan slips through the net, the Fire Demon Token they want from the Demon Bear Clan may not be able to obtain.

Most importantly, once the news of the Fire Demon Order spreads, the entire Fire Demon Mountain Range, and even the forces in the west of the Fire Region, will definitely be mobilized because of it.

That's not what Xiong Li wants to see.

However, the Mystic Realm of the Demon King has been triggered in front of them. If they continue to drag on, the inheritance of the Secret Realm of the Demon King will be lost by the Fire Spirit Clan.
At that time, it will not be so easy to deal with the Fire Spirit Clan.


But at this moment, in the depths of the Fire Demon Mountain Range, the mighty demon power gushing out disappeared without a trace, without the slightest fluctuation remaining, as if it had never appeared before.

This made Xiong Li and Xiong Yuan extremely surprised.

Could it be that the Fire Spirit Tribe failed to trigger the enchantment of the Demon King's secret realm?

After all, if there was no failure, the fluctuations in the Demon King's secret realm would not disappear so easily.

call out!
When Xiong Li and the two were astonished, a gray light flew into the sky from a distance and landed in front of Xiong Li and the two. It was a secret message.


After Xiong Li broke the restriction, he opened the secret letter and looked at it, and couldn't help but let out a little gasp.

"Patriarch, what's wrong?"

Seeing this, Kumahara couldn't help asking.

"A secret message came from the Fire Spirit Clan. It is said that the person who triggered the secret realm of the Demon King is not the Fire Spirit Clan!"

Xiong Li handed the secret letter to Xiong Yuan, with a strange flicker in his eyes.

"Not the Fire Spirit Race? So, there are other Monster Races that can also trigger the Demon King's Secret Realm?"

After reading the secret letter, Xiong Yuan was also taken aback, and immediately reacted.

"It seems that I really can't wait any longer."

After contemplating for a long time, a flash of determination flashed in Xiong Li's eyes.

Originally thought that only the Fire Spirit Clan had the means to open the secret realm of the Demon King, so they could take a long-term plan and deploy slowly.

But now, the trigger of the Demon King's Secret Realm made Xiong Li so angry that he immediately changed his mind.

On the side of the Fire Spirit Clan, they can control it in the palm of their hands, but now the one that triggers the secret realm of the Demon King doesn't even know what power it is.

Therefore, the Monster Bear Clan can't wait any longer, otherwise, the Monster King's Secret Realm will completely miss them.

At this time, in the depths of the Fire Demon Mountain Range, in the mysterious cave.

After passing through that barrier, Qin Yu entered the depths of the cave.

The cave is not very big, at a glance, it is estimated to be only a few hundred feet.

The void in the cave was filled with dazzlingly rich fire energy, which turned into flames and burned from time to time, making the entire cave look bright red.

In the center of the cave, there is a skeleton wearing a flaming armor, holding a flaming spear, surrounded by billowing flames, sitting there majesticly.

Judging from the monster power emanating from the flaming skeleton, it seems that it was a peerless monster in life.

"God realm..."

According to Qin Yu's judgment, the demon power emanating from this flaming skeleton was the first to reach the level of a god.

One must know that even in the Heavenly Martial Domains, the existence of the Heavenly God Realm is already regarded as the overlord of the famous side.

Qin Yu did not expect that there would be such a powerful existence in such a remote place as the Huoyao Mountains.


When Qin Yu approached the flaming skeleton, he found a half-person-high stone tablet standing on the right side of the skeleton.

It was blocked by the flame armor of the flame skeleton before, so Qin Yu couldn't see it.

On the stone tablet, mysterious fire patterns were engraved, and there was a row of ancient flame characters on it.

Qin Yu glanced at it and recognized it, it was the characters of the Fire Spirit Clan.

[Sinful Jiang Huojiang, committed suicide in front of the tomb of the Fire Emperor, guarding the spirit of the Fire Emperor during the era]

Qin Yu took out the ancient book, searched and compared it, and finally understood the meaning of the line of ancient characters of flames.

"The surname is Huo, and it appeared in the Fire Demon Mountain Range again... It seems that this flaming skeleton is the ancestor of the Fire Spirit Clan."

Qin Yu didn't expect that the Fire Spirit Clan, now reduced to the edge of the Fire Demon Mountain Range and struggling to survive, had such a powerful ancestor.

It seems that the Fire Spirit Clan was also quite a glorious monster clan in the past.

Of course, what Qin Yu is more interested in is the tomb of the Fire Emperor and the spirit of the Fire Emperor written above.

Whether in the Ninth Layer of Martial Arts or the Ninth Layer of Heavenly Dao, an existence that can be called an emperor is definitely an existence that has reached the pinnacle of a certain field.

If there is an ancient tomb of a strong man in the Ninth Level of Heaven and Emperor Realm here, that would be a great opportunity.

Unfortunately, Qin Yu wandered around in the cave, but failed to find the so-called ancient tomb of the Fire Emperor.

Finally, Qin Yu's eyes fell on the stone tablet beside the flame skeleton.

After pondering for a moment, Qin Yu walked over and lightly touched the stone tablet...

(End of this chapter)

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