Primordial War Dragon Art

Chapter 73 Collect some interest first!

Chapter 73 Collect some interest first!
"What does the Xue family want to do?"

"With so many strong men coming to the Holy Court, wouldn't it be to interrupt the attack on the Holy Court?"

"Are you kidding? The Royal Holy Academy was created by the royal family. Even if the Xue family is one of the royal families, they would not dare to act wildly in the Royal Holy Academy."

At this time, in front of the gate of the Royal Holy Academy, there was a dense crowd of students from the Holy Academy, and the sound of discussion resounded continuously.

In front of those students, there were dozens of murderous Xue clan members.

Those warriors of the Xue Clan, whose cultivation base is the weakest, also started with the Martial King, and there are not a few Martial Kings.

The one who attracted the most attention was the strongest gray-haired old man.

The terrifying cultivation base exuded from the gray-haired old man made all the warriors present feel heavy pressure, as if an invisible mountain was pressing on him.

Wu Zun!

There is no doubt that the gray-haired old man is a strong Martial Venerable, and even in the Martial Venerable Realm, he should be a top-notch existence!
A figure came flying through the air.


Seeing the flying evil shadow, those Martial Emperor elders in the holy courtyard were all relieved.

Although they knew that the Xue family would not dare to do anything in the Royal Holy Academy, they still felt pressured by the pressure of a strong Martial Lord.

"Xue Chongshan, you old guy, why are you crazy? Could it be that you want to rebel?"

The evil shadow flew down and asked the gray-haired old man unceremoniously.

Xieying was also going to confirm whether the fact that the Xue clan secretly sent a hundred Wu kings and ten Wu emperors to the secret realm was true or not, but unexpectedly, the Xue clan rushed to the door.

Seeing this posture, Xie Ying no longer doubted what Bai Qingyue and Qin Yu said.

"Hmph, Xie Ying, don't label me a rebel. I'm here today to question you."

Xue Chongshan's voice was hoarse, and he snorted coldly.

"Ask me? Then I want to hear it."

Xie Ying laughed a little.

"As the head of the Criminal Court of the Royal Holy Court, you indulged that little thief named Qin Yu and killed the students of the same court. Do you need to give me an explanation?"

While speaking, Xue Zhongshan's icy eyes looked behind Xieying, with killing intent in his eyes.

At this moment, Qin Yuyun, Guxuan, Bai Qingyue and other talents from the inner courtyard came flying from the void.

The warriors of the Xue clan all stared at Qin Yu with murderous intent.

Especially Xue Qingtian's eyes were blood red, wishing he could rush forward and kill Qin Yu immediately.

"It seems that the Xue family has to be eliminated as soon as possible."

Sensing the murderous intent of the members of the Xue clan, Qin Yu also had an astonishing killing intent flashing in his eyes.

"Dragon Soul, refine the dragon blood of the Ten Thousand Poisonous Ink Jiao as soon as possible."

Thinking of this, Qin Yu said to the dragon soul in the ancient seal of the dragon god.

"Don't worry, it will be fine soon!"

Dragon Soul is also very murderous, even a mere Martial Venerable dares to be arrogant in front of them, not knowing whether to live or die.

"What you said, if it's the life-and-death battle between Xue Tianwu and Qin Yu, then I think you should know the cause and effect."

"I didn't abolish Xue Mo's cultivation base, and expelling him from the Holy Court already gave you Xue family a lot of face."

Ever since meeting Qin Yu at Zhenlong Pagoda, Xie Ying has deliberately investigated Qin Yu's information.

He is also very clear about the matter of the life-and-death battle back then.

"Life and death platform battles, life and death are up to heaven, Tianwu's strength is not as good as human beings, so I naturally have nothing to say."

"But what I want to say is that in the secret realm of the holy courtyard, Qin Yu's little thief killed Invincible, Xie Ying. My Xue clan will definitely investigate this matter, and I will never die."

Xue Chongshan's voice was cold, with a piercing killing intent, and even the temperature of the air dropped faintly.

"Xue Wudi, was killed by Qin Yu?"

Those students and elders who didn't know it were shocked when they heard this, and their surprised eyes fell on Qin Yu one after another.

"What happened to the secret realm of the Holy Court, how do you Xue people know?"

After Xie Ying heard the words, his eyes flashed slightly, and he asked lightly.

"My Xue clan's direct descendants all have my Xue clan's unique secret technique. Once they are killed, they can detect the scene before death."

Xue Chongshan was obviously very dissatisfied with Xie Ying's repeated inquiries:

"Xieying, the evidence for this matter is solid. As the dean of the Holy Academy personally appointed by His Majesty, do you still want to protect him by cheating for personal gain?"

As soon as these words came out, a strong murderous intent emerged from Xue Chongshan's body, and when there was a big disagreement, he was ready to strike.

"Xue Chongshan, I haven't pursued you Xue Clan yet, and secretly dispatched infiltrators to infiltrate the secret realm of the Holy Court. You should be the first to crack down on it."

Xie Ying laughed, but the laughter was quite cold. ,
If it was the Xue family, they would not have violated the iron rules of the Holy Court and sneaked into the secret realm of the Holy Court so boldly.

As for the killing of Xue Wudi, Xie Ying would really pursue Qin Yu.

But now it's different.

What the Xue family did, in the eyes of Xieying, was already a serious provocation to the Holy Court, no, it was simply a provocation to the majesty of the royal family.

"Xieying, if there is no evidence, I advise you not to talk nonsense!"

"My Xue family followed the late emperor to expand the territory, made great military achievements, and was named a hereditary clan. Even if you are the head of the Holy Academy, if you frame our Xue family for no reason, you can't afford the consequences!"

The corner of Xue Chongshan's eyes twitched, and his voice became even more sinister.

"I can testify to this matter."

At this moment, Bai Qingyue stepped forward with big strides, staring directly at Xue Clan and the others with clear eyes.

"Girl of the Bai family, this matter has nothing to do with your Baiwu County Palace, don't talk nonsense."

Xue Chongshan glanced at Bai Qingyue and ignored him, while Xue Qingtian took a step forward and said coldly.

"Xue Wudi led a hundred Wu Kings and ten Wu Emperors of the Xue Clan to form a hundred killing formations to kill Junior Qin Yu. I saw this with my own eyes, so I'm not talking nonsense."

Facing Xue Qingtian's murderous gaze, Bai Qingyue did not retreat half a step.

"Hundred kill formation?"

"Could it be, Xue Clan's strongest killing array?"

"No way? The Hundred Killing Formation is made up of a hundred Martial Kings and ten Martial Kings. It is said that even the strongest Martial Kings may be injured. How did Qin Yu survive?"

When Bai Qingyue said these words, the surrounding observers, who were only surprised at first, couldn't help but gasped at the moment, extremely shocked.

"Hahahaha! Girl from the Bai family, what you just said was a hundred-kill formation?"

Xue Qingtian's face changed slightly, he did not expect Bai Qingyue to protect Qin Yu so much.

But immediately, he looked up to the sky and laughed again, as if he heard some ridiculous joke.


Bai Qingyue frowned slightly, and looked at Xue Qingtian strangely.

"Everyone knows that when the Hundred Killing Formation comes out, there will be death and no life under the Martial Lord!"

Xue Qingtian said in a cold voice: "Don't say that he is only at the Heavenly Martial Realm, even the Martial King or even the Martial Emperor, don't even think about surviving under the Hundred Kills Formation!"

His words also caused many onlookers to discuss.

Indeed, as Xue Qingtian said, if it was really the Hundred Killing Formation, Qin Yu would not be alive.

And if there are one hundred Martial Kings and ten Martial Sovereigns, even if they don't need to form a Hundred Killing Formation, they should be able to kill Qin Yu easily.

Bai Qingyue's face changed slightly, and when she was about to defend herself, a figure came out.

Surprisingly, it was Qin Yu.

"Since you don't believe it, how about trying it on the spot?"

With a strange smile on the corner of Qin Yu's mouth, he looked directly at Xue Chongshan and the others.

The Xue family will be wiped out sooner or later, so let's collect some interest first.

(End of this chapter)

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