Ouyang Luo didn't speak much, and his tone was not sharp, just a simple sentence.

"Marry her? It's ridiculous. Don't forget that she is the murderer who killed your brother. Do you think we will agree to let such a woman be the young mistress of our Ouyang family? Do you love her? How many times have you met her?" It's ridiculous that you want to marry her." Ouyang said sarcastically.

It's ridiculous to marry her. It's really ridiculous for Ouyang Luo to marry an enemy of Ouyang's family.

"I don't need you to take care of my affairs. I just came to tell you that we will have a wedding and I want to marry her." Ouyang Luo said again.

"How dare you, it's not your turn to be the master of this family." Ouyang Leng shouted excitedly.

"Really? Who do you think can be the master?" Ouyang Luo asked with a sneer.

"Luo, don't go too far." He Ya looked at Ouyang Luo and said.

"I want to marry her, and no one can stop me." After Ouyang Luo said this, he turned and left, but when he left, Ouyang said coldly: "If you marry her, you go to Ouyang Home."

"Everything in Ouyang's family belongs to me, Ouyang Luo. You have no right." Ouyang Luo left directly.

Ouyang Leng and He Ya glanced at each other, and then quickly called the lawyer. When they heard the lawyer's words, both of them were stunned. Ouyang Luo's speed was too fast, unexpected, and they were not prepared for anything .

"Yaya, what should I do?" Ouyang said while holding He Ya's hand coldly.

"Ouyang Luo is our son, don't worry, he won't do anything to us? As for that woman, huh, she turned out to be a vixen, and Luo's heart sank so quickly, well, you want to marry her, just marry her , I will take good care of her, I will definitely let her die, I will not let Chang'er suffer those crimes in vain." He Ya said.

Ouyang Leng was quiet for a long time without speaking. After a long time, he nodded. They were no match for Ouyang Luo.

"Can you tell me why?" Ouyang looked at Ouyang Luo coldly and said.

"I never need you to ask about my affairs." Ouyang Luo said coldly.

"I'm your father, and I have the right to know." Ouyang said coldly.

Ouyang Luo didn't speak, just looked at Ouyang Leng, Ouyang Leng looked into his son's eyes, and finally withdrew, yes, he didn't have the right to say that, but he couldn't make everything belong to Ouyang Luo, he had to do it for Chang Just save some, but how will he keep it?

"Mine?" Xia Youyi looked at the wedding dress and asked in confusion, what's going on?

Why is there a wedding dress all of a sudden?Everything is inexplicable.

"Marry me." Ouyang Luo looked at Xia Youyi and said, the blackened eyes were so bright at night that Xia Youyi was afraid.

"No, no, no." Xia Youyi directly refused.

It's just a joke, marry him, what is this?No relationship, just know each other for two days, no, it's not acquaintance, just met twice, the two of them haven't spoken ten words, so they are going to get married?It's really funny, marriage is not a child's play, she only wants to marry Li Haocheng, the man who can shield her from the wind and rain, not the man in front of her who doesn't even know his name.

"As long as I keep you alive, you will agree to anything. This is my only condition." Ouyang Luo said.

"No, no, I can't agree, I can't marry you." Xia Youyi refused again.

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