woman obediently let me pet

Chapter 396 Ghost, where are you?

"Okay, I promise you, but don't feel bad. In fact, one child is enough. If you have too many children, you will be tired, and if you always take your children with you, you will lose a lot of time. You and Ouyang Luo have the opportunity to be alone. , it’s fine for you to be like this now, so don’t think about it, besides, you said it’s basically impossible, but it doesn’t mean it’s impossible, so it’s okay, relax.” Lin Wanrong said with a smile.

"Don't worry, I'm fine." Xia Youyi said with a smile.

But in Xia Youyi's heart, there is still a little bit of discomfort. After all, she is a woman, and a woman who can't bear children is an incomplete woman. Although she has a child, she still thinks so, but then again Come back, in life, there are always many things that we cannot predict, and it is impossible to follow our wishes in everything, so sometimes, we must be sure that this will never change.

Xia Youyi returned home, looked at the empty house, touched her belly, and said seriously: "God, I have suffered for so long, this time, I want happiness, I never dare to ask for anything extravagantly, this time, Just think I'm asking for more, I just want a baby, so I can take good care of the baby, and I can be with the baby, I hope the baby is not alone, and I hope that we have a lot of family, God, if you can hear me, please You give me a child."

Xia Youyi worked very hard to adjust herself, so that Ouyang Luo could not see this scene. Life, after all, must be lived. The sun rises and sets, and everything is fine.

Xia Youyi looked at the time, it was almost time to get off work, and wanted to ask Ouyang Luo to go home together, but Ouyang Luo sent a text message, saying that he had something to do at night, and told her that the baby went to play at a classmate's house, and asked her to go home alone Home.

Xia Youyi nodded helplessly. When it was time to get off work, she didn't bother to go home for dinner, so she found a random restaurant, sat down, and ate noodles quietly.

When the food was normal, I felt that the person over there seemed to have seen it before. Xia Youyi thought for a long time, that was a ghostly friend. Thinking of this, she quickly stood up and walked to the woman. She was busy Said: "Hello, I'm Xia Youyi, do you remember me?"

The woman raised her head, looked at Xia Youyi, nodded, and said, "I remember."

"Hello, I want to ask, where is the ghost? Have you seen him?" Xia Youyi asked quickly.

"Haven't you looked for him?" the woman asked back.

"Yes, I looked for him, but I couldn't find him. I don't know where he went? I know that you have a good relationship. Do you know where he is?" Xia Youyi asked.

"I'm sorry, I'm not very clear. Ever since he was with you, my relationship with him has been slowly broken, and we haven't been in touch since then. I'll leave first after I finish eating." The woman finished speaking After that, she got up and left quickly. Xia Youyi looked at the woman's back and didn't speak for a long time.

If ghosts don't want her to find them, even if they search all over the world, they won't be able to find them. Just like before, Ouyang Luo wouldn't be able to find her if he hid her. Ghosts have such abilities. Thinking of ghosts, all appetites No more, after she paid, she walked out, thinking of ghosts, couldn't help but drove to apartment No. [-].

Xia Youyi walked in and saw that everything here was done with the help of ghosts. When she came to a room on the third floor, Xia Youyi looked at the photo of her and ghosts. At that time, they agreed that if ten years, Xia Youyi is immersed in hatred. If Xia Youyi has not succeeded in revenge for ten years, then they will come here and never leave again. Xia Youyi walked over gently, touching the ghostly photo, Then he put it on his chest and didn't speak for a long time.

Xia Youyi walked to the TV, turned on the TV, and a video of her and the ghost appeared in it.

Xia Youyi looked at the ghost's smile, and she said with red eyes: "Ghost, where are you? Tell me why I can't find you. I tried my best to find you, but I never had any news about you. In the United States, I asked my friends to inquire, why do you turn a blind eye to me? Ghost, you are a very important person in my life, without you, you would not understand, my heart, only you, never hurt I, only you, in this world, only you."

At this time, there was the sound of opening the door, and she was taken aback for a moment. Only he and the ghost had the key here, and it was the ghost. Thinking of this, Xia Youyi rushed down quickly, and shouted loudly: "Ghost, ghost."

When Xia Youyi ran downstairs, she only saw a voice running away. She chased outside frantically, but she couldn't find it. She shouted excitedly: "Ghost, it's you, right? I know, it must be You, only you have the key here, ghost, why didn't you see me? I really want to see you, ghost, are you here? Why did you leave me? Ghost, come out, come out, ghost, please, Come out, look at me, I don't expect you not to leave me, but look at me, let me see you too, I'm worried about you, ghost, let me see you."

Xia Youyi yelled many times, and shouted many times excitedly, but in the end there was no result.

"Ghost, where are you?" Xia Youyi shouted excitedly, but there was no reaction around her.

Xia Youyi smiled bitterly, and then shouted loudly at the sky: "Ghost, I really want to see you, I want to tell you, I am getting married, I am very happy now, Ouyang Luo treats me very well , I have a baby by my side, our family will be happy, I want to thank you for being kind to me, I want to tell you, without you, I, Xia Youyi, would have died long ago, you are a very important person in my life , I love Ouyang Luo, and I love you too. You stayed by my side when I was in the most difficult time. When you were in the most painful time, you chose to leave. You don't know, my heart is ghostly, I know, you must It's going to be okay, I know, you can hear me saying this, I want to see you, I really want to see you."

"Ghost, ghost, did you hear?" Xia Youyi roared excitedly, but the surroundings were quiet, she turned and left again, maybe it was a phantom, she walked to the front of apartment No. [-], touched the door, and then lowered her head Said softly: "Ghost, no matter where you are? I miss you very much, no matter what you are now? I will bless you, Ghost, I really love you very much, you are so good, I hope you are happy, I Love you."

Lock the door, get in the car, start the car, and leave quickly.

A figure came out, looked at Xia Youyi's back, and didn't speak for a long time.

In the world, there is a kind of love that has surpassed love and friendship, and that is family affection. In Xia Youyi's mind, ghosts are her relatives and cannot be separated. She admits that she is useless and cannot find ghosts, but she Knowing that the ghost is by her side, always there, only she is in danger, the ghost will definitely appear, Xia Youyi gently wiped away her tears, and said with a smile: "Ghost, I said it, I hope to see it Your smile is now the most beautiful smile, ghost, I smiled, did you see me smile? I know, you must have seen it, I will find you, I will definitely find you."

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