woman obediently let me pet

Chapter 491 If You Like It

Ouyang Luo didn't speak, just opened the door gently, and two people came out from inside, and there were tears on their faces, Xia Youyi asked puzzledly: "Who is this?"

"Yiyi, are you Xia Youyi?" Ma Ling grabbed Xia Youyi's hand and said with tears.

"Auntie, why are you crying? Don't get excited, I am indeed Xia Youyi." Xia Youyi said hurriedly.

"You are Xia Youyi, my child, are you my daughter?" Ma Ling cried.

"What? I'm your daughter? Auntie, you made a mistake, no, I don't have parents." Xia Youyi said quickly.

"You have, you have, we are your parents." Xia Guochang said quickly.

Xia Youyi looked at Ouyang Luo in confusion, and then said, "What's going on?"

"Uncles and aunts, don't cry yet, let's talk about this matter, otherwise Yiyi doesn't know what's going on?" Ouyang Luo said.

Ma Ling and Xia Guochang nodded, then wiped away their tears, and sat down quietly. Xia Guochang said, "My name is Xia Guochang, and this is my mother, Ma Ling. Our family was very happy before, and we had a daughter and a son, but because the family Something happened. Someone wanted to kill our family. In order to let you survive, we put you in relatives' homes, thinking that we would come to pick you up after everything was fine, but when we went back, we didn't know that the family You have been killed, we have been looking for you for a long time, and finally found you, Yiyi, is that aunt you mentioned just now called Ma Xiaoling?"

Xia Youyi thought for a while, and then said: "Sui, it's Xiaoling, because I always call her Auntie Xiaoling?"

"That's right, that's my cousin. The only person I could trust at that time was her. I think she drove you and your brother out because she was afraid of being hurt. Unexpectedly, something happened to their family. I'm sorry for them, and I haven't heard from you since, and I didn't know until now, Yiyi, we are your parents." Ma Ling cried.

"No, I don't have parents." Xia Youyi quickly explained.

"You have, but it's not by your side." Ma Ling said quickly.

"Auntie, do you have any tokens?" Ouyang Luo reminded.

"Yes, when we left, Lei Lei had jade on his neck." Xia Guochang said quickly.

"Is there?" Ouyang Luo looked at Xia Youyi and asked.

"Yes, yes, but why don't I remember you?" Xia Youyi asked puzzled.

If she really had parents, why is there no trace of her in her memory?This is a very strange thing, she doesn't understand it, and she doesn't understand it.

"When you were young, you fell and fell on your head. At that time, the doctor checked that there was no major problem, and it might cause partial amnesia. At that time, I saw that you were alive and kicking, and there was no abnormality, so I didn't pay attention. This happened." Ma Ling took Xia Youyi's hand and said distressedly.

"I, do I really have parents?" Xia Youyi looked at the two old people in front of her, trembling, no, it's impossible, there is no such possibility.

"I'm really your father, this is really your mother, Yiyi, my poor daughter, who made you orphans for so many years, Yiyi, my baby." After Ma Ling finished speaking, she took Xia Youyi's hand, The tears couldn't be controlled, Xia Youyi looked at Ma Ling, and then at Xia Guochang. Up to now, she was still puzzled.

"Uncle, aunt, why don't we eat first." Ouyang Luo said with a smile.

"Okay, let's eat, let's eat." Xia Guochang and Ma Ling said with a smile, and then the family sat down like this.

"I think it's better to test the DNA." Ouyang Luo said.

Xia Youyi looked at Ouyang Luo and couldn't help smiling. In fact, she also thought so in her heart. Although she longed to have parents, she was still very afraid of admitting mistakes. It is better to clarify many things.

"Okay, let's go after dinner." Xia Guochang said with a smile.

After having a good meal, they arrived at the hospital directly, and then took each other's hair and went to sit for dna.

After saying goodbye to Xia Guochang and Ma Ling, Xia Youyi seemed to be still immersed in the unbelievable situation, Ouyang Luo asked, "What's wrong?"

"No, I'm just wondering, maybe I made a mistake, I really don't remember what happened when I was a child, and I didn't have any parents for so many years, I find it incredible that parents suddenly appeared, but Ouyang Luo, I really I really hope that they are my parents, but I'm still very afraid of being alone." Xia Youyi said with a smile while holding Ouyang Luo's hand.

"It doesn't matter whether they are or not. I will always be by your side anyway. I love you. I never said it. Actually, Yiyi, I'm scared." Ouyang Luo said with some worry.

"What are you afraid of?" Xia Youyi asked puzzled.

"Xia Lei is because I went abroad, and now I have passed away. If they were really your parents, they would not let us be together? After all, I hurt you, Yiyi, I am eager to see your relatives get together , but I am even more afraid, you are together, and I am not qualified to stand with you, so what should I do?" Ouyang Luo asked.

Xia Youyi looked at Ouyang Luo's cheek very seriously, then hugged him, and whispered in his ear: "Fool, when I hold your hand again, I will tell myself, no matter what you meet What, I will never be separated from you, and we can't be separated again, no matter what the future holds, we must face it bravely, Ouyang Luo, I don't want to let go of your hand, and you don't want to give up on me either. "

"How could I give up on you? I'm just afraid. In the end, if you have to give up on me, I will definitely die. Xia Youyi, without you, my life would be worse than death, so please, don't let me go." hand." Ouyang Luo hugged Xia Youyi tightly and begged.

"No one can separate us." Xia Youyi said firmly, which was also the truest thought in her heart.

When Xia Youyi came out of the shower, she saw Ouyang Luo with her upper body naked, sitting on the bed, reading a book, Xia Youyi's face turned red naturally, she sat on the bed, and said in a low voice: "What are you looking at?" Woolen cloth?"

"Just look at it, wash it." After Ouyang Luo finished speaking, he put his arms around Xia Youyi's waist, put her on his lap, and said softly: "Yiyi, we should register for Nini gone?"

"Do you insist on being called Ouyang Ni?" Xia Youyi asked.

"No, just call me Xia Nianni." Ouyang Luo said with a smile.

"Are you sure?" Xia Youyi asked back.

"I don't care what you like." Ouyang Luo said with a smile.

"Okay then, let's call our daughter Xia Nianni." Xia Youyi said with a smile

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