woman obediently let me pet

Chapter 57 You Are Not Allowed To Cry For Another Man

"It's a pity you are in hell." Ouyang Luo's voice came.

Xia Youyi was startled, and then sat up. When she saw Ouyang Luo's angry face, she looked at the environment at this time, no, this is not heaven, it's just a ward, this is hell, she didn't die, she obviously committed suicide.

Xia Youyi looked at her wrist, and when she saw the sofa on her wrist, she smiled bitterly, then looked at Ouyang Luo and said, "Actually, you don't need to save me."

"Xia Youyi, try to die." Ouyang Luo quickly sat beside Xia Youyi, pinching Xia Youyi's chin and said.

Xia Youyi's tears fell into Ouyang Luo's palm like this, Xia Youyi looked at Ouyang Luo, cried and said: "He is gone, I can't live anymore, why are you so cruel? If you want to deal with me, you can Just deal with me, why do you want to attack innocent people, Ouyang Luo, why are you so cruel? I hate you, I hate you. "

Ouyang Luo didn't say a word, but rudely hugged Xia Youyi into her arms, and whispered in her ear: "This is the last time you cry for another man, if there is a next time, You understand the consequences, Xia Youyi, I gave your life, as long as I don't allow it, you can't die, if you want to die, Li Haocheng's family members will be buried with you, I am a devil, you have been in hell In this situation, there is no way to escape completely, you'd better find a reason to live strong, otherwise your life will be even more painful."

"I can't find it, I can't find it, woo woo, I can't find a reason to live, woo woo, I can't find it." Xia Youyi cried like a child in Ouyang Luo's arms.

Ouyang Luo hugged Xia Youyi gently like this, without saying a word, until Xia Youyi was tired from crying and fell asleep, Ouyang Luo gently put Xia Youyi on the bed, then closed the door and walked slowly out.

Xia Youyi opened her eyes, looked at the black night, held her chest, and said in a low voice: "Live, live, I must live."

"I know, you still have a younger brother. For your younger brother, please live a good life." Situ Yi's voice came from the dark night.

Xia Youyi was startled, and then said fearfully: "Don't let him know, don't, because he will threaten me. Xia Lei is my lifeblood, and she is the only person I desperately want to protect. If Ouyang Luo knows him The existence of Xia Lei will die, I can't take the risk, please, keep it a secret for me."

"We are brothers." Situ Yi looked at Xia Youyi and said.

"I know, I know you are brothers, but Xia Lei is my only family member. In this world, I only have him. I, I promise you, I will live a good life for Xia Lei, but please don't, don't Tell Ouyang Luo, Situ Yi, I'm afraid, I'm afraid of Ouyang Luo, he is the king of Yama, whoever dies, he will die, I'm afraid, please, don't tell him, please." Xia You Yi cried and said.

"I can promise you, but please live a good life. If I hear the news of your suicide next time, I will tell him that you have a younger brother. By then, not only you, but also your younger brother, Xia You Yi, please live well for your brother and for Li Haocheng's family. Death is the simplest thing in this world. After you die, there is nothing else to do. The living will continue to suffer. Please Think clearly." After Situ Yi finished speaking, he turned and left.

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