Three thousand women's colleges ranked in the fairy class

Chapter 1, Week 2 starts from being invincible

Chapter 1 The second week begins with invincibility

A scream pierced the billowing fairy sky.

A blue celestial luan flew across the Fukong Mountain, its long feathers brought up gusts of wind, blowing pine waves torrentially, like a harmonious sound, setting off the long and long cry.

Floating on the edge of the cliff, old pine roots are packed.

A young man in common clothes with handsome facial features, chewing dogtail grass, lying on the root of a tree with his sword on his pillow, looking at Qingluan who just passed over his head, thought to himself:
"If I keep my cultivation to the lowest level, and then use this hottest iron sword to chop this fat bird into elementary particles, maybe I can add a skill point to my swordsmanship..."

Thinking of this, the young man slapped himself backhanded.

"What are you thinking about? Your swordsmanship is already at the full level, and you don't need to spawn monsters anymore."

Lu Ya, 21 years old this year, is a member of the torrent of earth travelers in the 21st century.

It took less than an hour to travel to this fairy world, and he lay on the edge of the cliff in a daze, without taking a step.

The reason why he was sure this was the fairy world was because he was addicted to a large-scale fairy-like online game called "Ancient Immortal Court" in his previous life.

This game sets a fairyland composed of countless floating mountains, a seamless super-large map, a beautiful floating fairyland, rich professions that can be changed freely, various monsters and ghosts...

It is the world I see in front of my eyes!
For five full years, Lu Ya stayed up all night cultivating immortals, kryptonite and liver, and by chance, he got stuck in a certain slope and practiced swords for a month... He single-handedly swiped the dungeon of hell, killed the Nine-Star Underworld God in seconds, pushed through the various immortal gates, He beat the Immortal Emperor and Emperor, and finally played all the professions, at the moment when he achieved the first full-level title of all professions since the opening of "Ancient Immortal Court"——

He crossed!

Traveling to a parallel and real fairy world, retaining the handsome appearance carefully crafted in the game, the initial equipment of a swordsman, commoner clothes with no attribute bonuses and a cheap iron sword, and... Hanging the whole server The full-level strength of all professions!
I have crossed, and I am invincible?
He thought that his real and wonderful life was about to set sail, but Lu Ya soon discovered a cruel fact - he had already reached the pinnacle of all his professions and could not take a step forward.

Invincible also means boring.

Zongmen arena, spawning monsters in dungeons, fairyland battles... I am tired of all the fun in the fairyland.

I have no desire to explore at all, I have no pursuit in life, and I don't want to work hard at all.

If he encounters a huge Qingluan in the game, he will definitely go up and chop it up immediately, trying to gain some sword skill points or experience points.

But now?

Lying on the pine tree, blowing the fairy wind, looking at the fairy scenery floating above his head, Lu Ya didn't want to move.

The gentle mountain wind blows the corners of the clothes and hair on the temples, bringing the tangy fragrance of pine nuts and the melodious sound of pine chirping.

The ultimate meaning of hard work is salted fish.

The past five years of staying up late for liver games, although I had a very happy and fulfilling life, was indeed too tiring.

Now that the level is full, there is no point in trying harder, it's time to start the life of a salted fish.

Lu Ya made a decision immediately, and immediately started planning.

It's cool to be a free and unrestrained fairy, but it's still too tiring to do everything by yourself.

According to the career setting of "Ancient Fairy Court", there are three good directions for salted fish——

One, go to Xiaoxianmen and become an elder who is a fool.

Second, go to Daxian City and find a rich fairy to take care of her.

Third, Yu Xianting is in the immortal class and has a spare time.


When Lu Ya imagined it casually, he was like a spring breeze, feeling three kinds of comfort.


His stomach growled!


I'm at the full level, but I'm googling?
Lu Ya was a little surprised. He was [-]% sure that it was absolutely impossible for him to starve to death at the full level. Even if his aura was exhausted and the fairy world collapsed, he would definitely not starve to death.

However, after a simple test, it was found that he knew the cold and the heat, he would be thirsty and hungry, his tongue would hurt from biting his tongue, his legs would go numb after sitting for a long time, and he would get upset when he was bored. It can be seen that he still retains the five senses of ordinary people.

This is to let him transform into a mortal and experience immortal life?But there are good and bad experiences, just like now, he won't die from starvation, but the hunger is unbearable, which forces him to pursue the happiness of delicious food...

Either way, the food in the real fairyland is better than the virtual one in the game. If you only pursue salted fish, hibernation can handle it. Only happy salted fish is life.

Let's find something to eat first!

The consciousness spread slightly, covering the entire Floating Mountain in an instant.

The Fukong Mountain is not big, and there are no immortals living in it. There are squirrels, sparrows, rabbits, pangolins in the forest, as well as various wild vegetables, mushrooms and fruits, and there are ginseng in the soil... It's a pity that these ingredients have not entered the immortal rank, and they belong to food in the game. No amount of vulgar food can restore immortal power, and more importantly, their taste is far inferior to advanced immortal food.

Gotta eat some shit!

Thinking of this, Lu Ya suddenly moved, stood up, and waved his hand.

"Birds come—"

In an instant, the giant green luan, which had already flown to the next floating mountain, was suddenly grabbed by an irresistible and terrifying force out of thin air, and flew backwards all the way back to the peak of the mountain it had just passed.

When he came back to his senses, a big hand had tightly grabbed the bird's neck.

Holding the big bird with his bare hands, Lu Ya secretly sighed that the size of the bird is astonishing, more than one foot long, the feathers are smooth and bright, the blue is slightly blue, and the round fat belly is like a blue hydrangea.

While marveling at the rareness and beauty of Qingluan, Lu Ya knocked its head unconscious, plucked its feathers, drained its blood, and cleared its internal organs...

The action is very skillful!

In the game "Ancient Immortal Court", Lu Ya's cooking skill is the second full-level skill after swordsmanship.

He is especially good at grilling, and the celestial power produced by roasting is purer than that of other people's alchemy.

For him, there's no restoration or upgrade that can't be solved with a barbecue, and if there is...

That's two meals.

It's a pity that he didn't cross over with his equipment bar, which contains his carefully crafted god-level barbecue equipment and ingredients, even if you meet a dragon, it can bake you a crunchy one.

Make bricks without straw.

There were no ingredients, so Lu Ya used local materials, and randomly found some spiritual fruits in the forest that could be seasoned, such as Saltwort that can provide salty taste, wild pepper with spicy taste, and cumin fruit with fragrance...

Without any equipment, Lu Ya dug a big earth pit on the edge of the cliff, stringed the green luan with an iron sword, put it on the earth pit, found some firewood, snapped his fingers to start a fire, and roasted the whole bird in this way.

His style of action still retains the precise saving in the game, unless he has to, he will never waste a single red and blue bar.

Even so, after one operation, compared to the [-]% exhaustion setting in the game cabin, it is still a bit tiring to do it yourself in the real fairy world.

"I really worked hard on myself."

It seems that you have to find a rich fairy to support, or get an apprentice or maid to serve you in order to salt the fish...

After a stick of incense.

Under Lu Ya's precise control of the fire and the infiltration of hundreds of seasoning fruits without dead ends, the meaty aroma that penetrated straight into the spirit erupted like a volcano.

When the mountain wind blows, you can smell the heavenly aroma of meat for ten miles.

Much more fragrant than the pixels in the game!

Just when Lu Ya was about to feast on a delicious meal——

Suddenly, two miniature sword shadows swayed from the air and fell towards the edge of the cliff.

Lu Ya looked up.

They were two six or seven-year-old twin girls, with exactly the same facial features, body shape, and clothing, as if copied and pasted, and it was difficult to distinguish them for a while.

They are all entry-level immortals, with buns on their heads, Tsing Yi tied around the waist with Huang Ling, their pink and round faces, and their big watery eyes are adorable!

It's a pity that Lu Ya is not a lolicon, he was annoyed by the brat, so he turned his back and pretended he didn't see it.

As soon as the two girls landed on the ground, they put away their spirit swords, stared straight at the big bird, and blurted out a clear milking sound.


" that you?"


Lu Ya frowned, suddenly had an ominous premonition, and said indifferently:


Ignoring Lu Ya, the two girls threw their chubby legs straight at the roasted Qingluan, not afraid of the hotness of the barbecue, with snot and tears, crying like a pear blossom with rain, extremely sad.

"Hydrangea, what's wrong with you, Hydrangea?"

"Hydrangea, you can't die!"

A random roasted bird is actually the pet of the two children?
Why do you carry it like this?
Lu Ya is most afraid of dealing with children, because there is no reason to speak, and he can't beat the children, not to mention that he is at fault now, and the situation is very passive.


After confirming that the big roasted bird was "Hydrangea", the two girls stared straight at Lu Ya with tears in their eyes, and Lihua asked with rain:

"Big Brother... Did you kill Hydrangea?"

Seeing the crying girl, Lu Ya was too embarrassed to lie to the child, so he nodded and said:

"it's me."

The crying stopped abruptly, and the two girls said in unison:
"It's just you, it's none of our business."

What do you mean it's none of your business?

Lu Ya didn't quite understand the logic.

The two girls looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

Then they each licked their mouths and gnawed at the roasted green luan together!

The mouth is like a device, and the tongue is like a spring.

Shaped like a glutton, shocking!
 One, the beginning of this book is similar to the old book that was sealed, not plagiarism.

  Second, this book is purely alien, and there will be no public betas for players.

  Three, this book is in a relaxed style, please detour if you are angry.

(End of this chapter)

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