Three thousand women's colleges ranked in the fairy class

Chapter 14 Wake Up, You Don't Have a Falcon

Chapter 14 Wake Up, You Don't Have a Falcon

When everyone reacted, there was already green smoke curling up on Jianping, filled with the scorching smell of burnt feathers, mixed with a hint of slanderous and indescribable meaty smell.

Zhang Pingzhi turned his head to look, and was suddenly stunned.

Two giant falcons just standing on the slanting pine on the edge of the cliff...

One end disappeared.

On the other end, there is only a falcon feather left!
Where is my falcon?

Who killed my falcon?

The line of sight shifts.

Not far from the oblique pine.

A long sharpened bamboo strings the plucked falcon's body and puts it on a simple baking table built with bamboo stems and iron swords.

The naked falcon is covered with saltwort, wild salamander and cumin nuts.

There were crackling sounds under the bamboo platform, and the open fire burned the green bamboo branches and leaves.

Under the infiltration of hundreds of seasoning fruits in the green leaf spirit fire rain, a meaty fragrance that penetrates directly into the spirit spleen, like a volcanic eruption, radiates from the falcon's body.

The mountain wind blows slowly, filling the entire Fukong Mountain with the heaven-defying fragrance of meat.

The smell of meat soaked into the spirits and spleens of everyone, and instantly spread to every cell in the body.

The hair and skin of the body, internal organs, muscles and bones, and even every cell in the whole body trembled together, as if screaming with joy.

So much so that Zhang Pingzhi almost forgot himself, immersed in the aroma of roasted falcons.

really fragrant...


"My falcon—"

He suddenly screamed.

Zhang Pingzhi's howl woke everyone up suddenly, and they all looked at Lu Ya and the others.

Beside the huge grill, Mu Yufei was grinning and adding firewood to the fire. Suddenly, a burst of flames burned the tiger hair on the foreheads of the two of them.

Lu Ya turned the falcon's body evenly on the side, with simple movements and warm eyes.

What the hell is this cozy atmosphere?

It has been less than a quarter of an hour since the two of Zhang Pingzhi set foot on Jianping.

The location of Lu Ya Roasted Falcon is only seven or eight zhang away from the nearest Tahongzi.

such a short time.

such a close distance.

How did the three kill the falcon, pluck the hair, remove the dirt, build the platform, light the fire, and roast the falcon under the eyes of everyone?
I have heard that Liu Xuanye of the Zhuquan School is good at making three thousand swords, which can kill people invisible; Ning Zhongzi is good at refining black medicine, and can poison high-level spirit beasts... Could it be that the three of them have Liu Xuanye Sword Shadow and Ning Zhongzi Black medicine support?
Ta Hongzi fell into deep thought, and looked up at a certain area in the sky.

Zhang Pingzhi's mind went blank, and he couldn't believe the facts in front of him.

A fairy actually roasted a fairy beast in front of everyone?
Not to mention how you do it, but how dare you do it?

Blatantly making an enemy of Xianting?

Zhang Pingzhi was shocked, trembling with anger, gritting his teeth every word——

"You actually roasted my falcon?"

Lu Ya was so focused on roasting the falcon that he didn't even look at Zhang Pingzhi, and just said something casually.

"Wake up, you don't have a falcon."

I don't have a falcon?

As a man of heaven, Zhang Pingzhi is extremely sensitive and vulnerable to the topic of the lower body.

At this moment, Lu Ya Wuxin touched Nilin, his face was full of black lines, and his complexion was frosty.

The bridge of the nose, which was already slightly curved, appeared even more distorted, and the long, soft and sharp fingers trembled slightly.

"How dare you!"

"Torturing and killing the spirit beasts in the fairy court is the only one. There is no place for your Zhuquan sect in the fairy world."

"Liu Xuanye, Ning Zhongzi, and you three rebels, everyone will die!"

His tone sounded calm and forbearing, but it was almost on the verge of madness.

However, as soon as the words fell——

A gust of wind blew up, and the bamboo forest behind him swayed and billowed, echoing his echoes.

Not an echo of these words, but an echo of a few passages spoken earlier...

[Do you also know that it has been since the opening of the sect?How many years has it been?Times have changed, no matter who among you killed Yun Zhongzi, if you want to get the reward from Immortal Court, you must turn in the spoils. 】

[Regulations are made by people, special cases are special cases, although Yun Zhongzi's reward is not high, but Xianting will issue you a certificate, which is of great benefit to the reputation of the noble sect. 】

【You don't want Sect Master Liu to be investigated, do you? 】

His words have long been engraved in the bamboo forest by Lu Ya in the form of echo suppression...

Zhang Pingzhi's tone was choked.


Lu Ya leisurely flipped the grilled falcon, and said meaningfully:

"If I send this recording to your leaders, saying that you want to steal my Bamboo Spring Sect's booty, then not only will your falcon be gone, but your official will also be gone."

Instantly regaining his sanity, Zhang Pingzhi's cold eyes flashed a faint killing intent.

The deacon of Xianting can't kill people at will, but if the evidence is convincing, he can kill first and then act later.

"Do you dare to slander the deacon of Xianting?"

Before Lu Ya could react, he narrowed his eyes.

A soundless air blade cut directly at Lu Ya, killing people invisible.

This son must die!

Lu Ya continued to roast the falcon.

Mu Yufei collected firewood to add to the fire, even if the tiger hair on her forehead was burned, she still never tired of it. You have a branch, and I have a leaf. Together, we collect firewood and the flame is high, and we don't care about other things at all.

Ning Zhongzi noticed the air blade, looked at Zhang Pingzhi and shook his head without saying a word, as if looking at a dead person.

Zhang Pingzhi remained calm and calm.

The silent air blade slashed straight at Lu Ya, threatening to kill him instantly.

At this moment, a grand spiritual pressure of the Immortal Sect Realm descended from the sky!

Like Mount Tai pressing down on the top, ten thousand swords hang upside down, destroying the invisible air blade Zhang Pingzhi cast in an instant.

The piercing spiritual pressure of the Immortal Sect Realm continued to sink, and suddenly landed on Zhang Pingzhi, forcing him to kneel on one knee, no matter how much the spiritual power in his body resisted, he couldn't stop it.

who is it?

Seeing this, Ta Hongzi instinctively drew his sword, but the sword was not out of its sheath, and he knelt down on one knee, also pressed by the spiritual pressure.

The two knelt down, their canthus cracked, and the sea of ​​​​qi was billowing. They tried their best to raise their heads and looked at the sky.


Where did Zhuquanzong come from Xianzong?
Not the man in front of me!
Who is it?

Both Zhang Pingzhi and Ta Hongzi were young talents from high-level immortal realms. They were less than two thousand years old, but they already had the cultivation base of a nine-star immortal master.

At such a young age, he can be regarded as a generation of pride in a remote place like Dongfu Immortal District, but it can only be regarded as mediocre in high-level Immortal Territory.

As the deacons of the fairy court, the two voluntarily applied for an internship in the remote Caiyun fairyland. qualifications.

Before today, the two of them passed the test without any disadvantages, and even the Xianzong of some sects would give face.

In the end, I came to a small Zhuquan sect...

The falcon was roasted.

People also knelt down.

Echo evidence of violations and threats was even recorded.

Who is it!

Zhang Pingzhi's eyes were shattered, his neck pouted, and he forcibly raised his head.

"Senior is openly hostile to Xianting, why don't you speak up?"

"An enemy of Xianting?"

A solemn voice came slowly from the depths of the bamboo forest.

It's Liu Xuanye!

Lu Ya still roasted the bird like no one else, thinking that his wife is really kind.

Zhang Pingzhi and Ta Hongzi bowed and knelt down, with blank expressions on their faces.

Isn't Liu Xuanye the Nine Star Immortal Master?

Didn't it mean that she failed to advance to Xianzong because of her witch physique for thousands of years?
It is said that the Bamboo Spring Sect was almost destroyed when he was promoted to Immortal Master!
Why did Xianzong leave without saying a word?

Only then did the two realize why someone as stable as Yun Zhongzi would capsize in Zhuquanzong.

This woman has been pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger!

The question is, why did Liu Xuanye dare to attack the deacon of Xianting for the sake of a superficial Taoist companion?

Zhang Pingzhi gritted his teeth and said with a smile:
"For the sake of a man, he actually attacked the deacon of Xianting, Sect Master Liu is really a man of temperament."

"Is the future of Bamboo Spring Sect inferior to a mortal in your heart?"

"Or do you want to abandon the sect?"

In the depths of the bamboo forest, the sound is like the hanging moon——

"I'm protecting you."

Zhang Pingzhi:

"Letting the two of you mess around will kill people. Now that you're here, let's speak up, Deacon Blackstone."

Liu Xuanye had already discovered the black stone hidden in the sky, and at this moment, the sound was like a hanging moon, hitting the sky directly.

Ning Zhongzi was slightly taken aback, and looked up at the sky.

this old fox...

A huge eagle body slowly showed a gloomy silhouette over the Zhuquanzong.

The sky gradually darkened.

A Immortal Ancestral Realm spiritual pressure stronger than Liu Xuanye suddenly fell towards Jianping, quickly liberated Zhang Pingzhi and Ta Hongzi who were kneeling on one knee, and then retracted it in an instant.

From the majesty of the fairy court.

It's more than just a gift for a guest.

He didn't rely on his cultivation to surpass Liu Xuanye and force Zhang Pingzhi to stand out.

Lu Ya had already discovered the existence of this black deacon, and seeing that he was much more sensible than Zhang Pingzhi, he looked up.

A figure stood on the head of a huge eagle.

The cultivation base of the Six Star Immortal Sect!
In order to protect Liu Xuanye from injury, this person wore a thick black mask and wrapped himself up like a mummy.

And there is no plan to land on Jianping.

A dry and stagnant voice fell from the sky.

"You two have disappointed me so much, thank you for your mercy."

Zhang Pingzhi and Ta Hongzi didn't quite understand Heishi's logic, and felt humiliated in their hearts, but they couldn't do anything wrong after Senior Heishi said so, so they had to grit their teeth and express their thanks.

"Thank you, Sect Master Liu."

"Thank you."

Standing on the eagle's head with his hands behind his back, Heishi bowed to the west of Zhuquanzong and said:

"Congratulations to Sect Master Liu for advancing to the Immortal Sect Realm."

Words sounded calm.

But also shocked.

"Since you don't dare to go to the ground, surely it won't be too long?"

The female voice deep in the bamboo forest is solemn and lazy, no different from before.

Deacon Heishi can be regarded as an old acquaintance of the Zhuquan Sect. He is not an enemy or friend, but he likes to make money while following orders.

Seeing that Liu Xuanye was promoted to Xianzong, his attitude was obviously much more respectful.

"I will bring the ashes of the Black Lotus people back to Dongfu City for verification. If there is no problem, I will notify you to collect the reward."

"Thank you."

As for the procedures for Lu Ya to enter the immortal class...

Blackstone seems to have a personal opinion.

Even if Zhang Pingzhi and Zhang Pingzhi were at fault first, it would be a very serious matter for Lu Ya to kill and roast the hunting falcon in the fairy court without authorization, which would damage the dignity of the fairy court, but he didn't seem to care.

Heishi felt very unusual, and asked tentatively:

"Young man, do you know that what you grill is a fairy beast?"

This voice did not contain spiritual pressure, but it was not angry and majestic, which made people chill.

Liu Xuanye remained calm.

Ning Zhongzi looked solemn.

Mu Yufeifei was too frightened to add any more firewood.

Zhang Pingzhi and Ta Hongzi stood up straight, awe-inspiring and divine power overflowing their bodies.

While roasting the bird, Lu Ya asked curiously:
"Is there any difference?"

There is only curiosity and attention to food in the tone, and no other emotions can be heard.

Jianping was completely silent.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Heishi was silent, and the sea of ​​energy in his body was tumbling.

After a long time, suppressing Qi Hai, he only said coldly:

"The fairyland is huge, go out and have a look."

"Are you sure you want me to... see more?"

Lu Ya raised his head leisurely and looked at Hawkeye.

A frightened hiss pierced the sky!

(End of this chapter)

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