Three thousand women's colleges ranked in the fairy class

Chapter 16 Do you drink sweet tea or salty tea?

Chapter 16 Do you drink sweet tea or salty tea?

With the mentality of trying, Ning Zhongzi drew some big cakes for Lu Ya that he thought were impossible.

It worked unexpectedly!
Ning Zhongzi remained calm on the surface, and her joy could only be seen from her slightly undulating chest.

First, prepare a few carrier pigeons to spread the news that Zhuquanzong will hold a couple ceremony tomorrow.

They also took a few villagers with them to Dongfu City to buy wedding supplies and hired masters of ceremonies, musicians and cooks.

Riding the wind and controlling the sword all the way, she faintly felt that she had touched some of Lu Ya's thoughts.

But I firmly believe that this is just the tip of Lu Ya's iceberg. A man as powerful as him will never be so superficial and addicted to material desires, he must have deeper sophistication.

Encountering a bottleneck in practice, transforming into a mortal, honing the Taoist heart?
Study the local conditions and customs at the bottom of the fairy world?
Or is it simply protecting the suzerain?
These are not things she can presumptuously...


There is a lake in the middle of the bamboo forest on the top of the mountain.

The surface of the lake is not big, roughly round.

The lake water is as clear as a mirror and bottomless. All kinds of fairy fish float up from the bottom of the water, playing and chasing bamboo leaves and cherry blossoms. The water surface trembles and the mist curls up.

In the sky over the lake, a giant green bamboo plant with a height of more than tens of feet hugs the water pool in the middle, like blue giant swords, straight into the sky, and the top cannot be seen at a glance.

The breeze and the morning sun passed through the bamboo forest and sprinkled on the lake, sparkling with waves. It was empty and high, and everything was silent. Listening carefully, it was full of insects, birds, fish leaping, and rustling.

The cherry blossoms by the lake are shaded, the boulders are jagged, and all kinds of fairy flowers, spiritual grasses, auspicious beasts and beasts are in harmony.

On the east bank of the lake, there is a pavilion, which is ancient and fragrant, and graceful.

On the railing of the pavilion.

Mu Yufeifei lay down in two big characters, patting her chubby belly, feeling like she had collapsed, she didn't even have the strength to pick her teeth.

The strength of the fairy-level Saker Falcon is too great!
The fairy-level giant falcon beast spirit, coupled with Lu Ya's superb grilling technique, completely transformed the spiritual power of the falcon meat into the Qi Haixian power in the two people's celestial stage.

They even had the illusion that they were about to advance.

According to the common sense in the fairy world, the more nourishing the food, the lighter the taste, or even bitter.

Why is the falcon roasted by Lu Ya not only incomparably delicious, but also unambiguously nourishing, even better than the master's elixir?
The two said that the Beast Fairy would never be a slave, but they became captives of delicious food step by step.

For this reason, they gave up the chance to play with Ning Zhongzi in Dongfu City.

I went to the mountainside and cut some moso bamboos, and asked Lu Ya to build a recliner that can adjust the back angle.

He also carefully selected and cut a straight thin bamboo, and asked Lu Ya to make a fishing rod that can be stretched and adjusted freely.

He stole the needle and thread from master Ning Zhongzi and asked Lu Ya to transform it into fishing lines and hooks.

He even dug up earthworms for him...

After providing one-stop service to Lu Ya, he lay down on the railing chair to rest.

After thinking about it, the two became a little unconvinced and began to discuss in a low voice.

"This won't work, Feifei, what kind of high-ranking maids, intensive pets, and future ship girls are all lies. We are about to become slaves of this guy."

"Obviously I could go to Dongfu City with my nanny, but I ended up wasting my life here."

"But the nanny is too fierce, doesn't she also treat us like tool people?"

"The essence of human beings is to order, and that condescending face is really hateful!"

As soon as the words fell, only a voice came from the lake.

"I'm so thirsty, can someone pour me a cup of hot tea?"

Do your Spring and Autumn Dream!
"The Beast Immortal will never be a slave. It is definitely not empty words. I have decided that from today onwards, I, Mu Yu, will act in my life. I will only follow my heart and never let others order me around!"

"I, Feifei, will sleep here until the end of time. Even if I die of starvation, I will never be ordered by anyone again."

At this time, the voice by the lake said again:

"Oh, it seems that I will have to eat grilled fish alone later."

And grilled fish?

The two girls jumped up excitedly.

"Do you drink sweet tea or salty tea?"


Lu Ya sat on a deck chair by the lake.

A straight fishing rod stretches into the center of the lake.

The breeze and the morning sun pass through the bamboo forest, sparkling on the surface of the lake, the sound of insects, birds, and fish jumping in the ears, forming a wonderful concerto.

Lu Ya thought to himself, this Bamboo Spring Sect has mountains and rivers, the fierce sister Yu is busy, the tiger fairy loli breaks her leg, and there is a high-cold fairy wife who pulls hatred, attracting a steady stream of enemies to send heads and warmth...

Stay at home, enjoy the fairy life.

At this time, a solemn and lazy female voice came from the west, lingering over the bamboo forest.

"I am an ominous woman. Once you and I become a Taoist couple, there will be no turning back. Do you really not regret it?"

Lu Ya casually pulled the fishing line.

"Not really."

"So are you ready?"

"What are you preparing for?"

On the second floor of the West Palace, under the array of three thousand swords, Liu Xuanye slightly opened his picturesque eyebrows and eyes, and the beauty of the beauty suddenly faded away.

"Prepare to be an enemy of the world."

Lu Ya smiled and said nothing.

It is the world that needs to be prepared.


Under Xiaozhuquan Mountain, Qingquan Village.

A clear spring flows down from the top of the mountain, forming a clear stream that extends into the fertile fields.

The wheat fields along the coast are like a fluttering golden ribbon, turning up waves of wheat in the melodious wind.

Several strong women were discussing enthusiastically while bending over to harvest wheat.

"It's too fast! The suzerain will hold a couple ceremony tomorrow..."

"The Taoist companion is the man brought back by Mr. Huxian yesterday?"

"The name is Lu Ya, and now he is the elder of the sect holding the sword!"

"Yeah, I heard it was the hydrangea caught by that man."

"But he's just a mortal..."

"Mortal is fate!"

"What mortal, I heard that last night that person defeated Hei Lian by himself."

"How did I hear that it was Hei Lian who was promoted to the Immortal Sect and defeated by the Sovereign?"

"The suzerain has been promoted to Xianzong? Aren't we in danger?"

"What are women afraid of? Just remember not to look at the suzerain's face, and... look after the boys and old men in the village."

"I'm about to be withdrawn from the sect by the Immortal Court. Is it meaningful for the suzerain to get married at this time?"

"Of course it makes sense! The most urgent thing right now is that the number of people inside the door and the number of our immortals are too small."

"I guess the suzerain's marriage is to prove his innocence, and then find disciples to join the sect, and win over refugees to settle down."

"Oh, I really don't want the Zhuquan Sect to fall. If we hadn't been taken in here, we refugees would have to be servants wherever we went. How could we farm the land ourselves?"

"But it's too late..."

"The suzerain is a good man, but he has such a body."

"Hey, except for the boys and the old man, let's all go to the Sovereign's consort ceremony tomorrow. Maybe this is the last time we will see her."


The fairy world uses [Qiankun, southeast, northwest] to designate the six directions of space, and Qiankun is up and down.

Zhuquan Zongqian is five hundred miles away to the east, in Dongfu City.

Dongfu City is the third largest fairy city in Caiyun Immortal Territory, and it is also the closest fairy city to Bamboo Spring Sect.

In the city, an attic towering into the sky like a giant sword is the residence of the Dongfu Xianting Branch——

Xing Tian Pavilion.


A court room with elegant decoration and the fragrance of ink.

Heishi sat in front of the desk, clutching the bamboo slips he had just received from Zhuquan Zongning Zhongzi.

The bamboo slips included invitations to Liu Xuanye's wedding ceremony tomorrow, and also briefly described Zhuquanzong's next farming plan, hoping that Dongfu Xianting would give some support in terms of policies.

Black Stone has a big head.

This kind of message that seemed to be asking for help, after experiencing Lu Ya's strange glance this morning, when he read this message again, he felt that he was under some kind of coercion.

This guy actually bit me!
Hei Shi felt his scalp go numb. He is the middle-level deacon in charge of the Zhuquan sect, and he has made a lot of money in the Zhuquan sect. It stands to reason that he should attend the wedding ceremony in person tomorrow.

But he really didn't want to see Lu Ya again.

Another deacon had to be found to attend Liu Xuanye's wedding ceremony, and at the same time, as the envoy of the Immortal Court, he would be stationed at the foot of Zhuquan Mountain for a long time.

In order to support Zhuquanzong's farming and expanding the people, it is actually to secretly monitor Zhuquanzong, investigate Lu Ya's real strength, or search for evidence that Liu Xuanye is a witch.

Let Zhang Pingzhi or Ta Hongzi do this kind of thing, and there will definitely be trouble.

Who should I go to?

An unknown woman appeared before Heishi's eyes.


Nine hundred miles southwest of Zhuquan Zongkun, there is a forest of beast nests.

This is a vast and rugged large floating mountain, covered by towering virgin forests.

There are a large number of ferocious beasts living in it, and the beast tides are frequent, extremely dangerous, and the terrain is easy to defend and difficult to attack. It is the base of many unscrupulous Sanxian organizations.

A certain organization of immortal thieves.

A large village, hidden deep at the bottom of a dark pool.

"I heard that Hei Lian attacked Zhuquanzong last night, but was killed by Zhuquanzong!"

"real or fake?"

"Is this still fake? Yun Neutron's ashes have already been examined in Dongfu Fairy Court."

"That old thief Yun Zhongzi will die? Why don't I believe it!"

"In the final analysis, Yun Zhongzi is still too weak. A half-step Xianzong is only a half-step after all. If you bump into a passing Xianzong deacon, won't you be dusted?"

"Although Caiyun Xianyu is remote, if there is no high-ranking Xianzong, don't even think about walking sideways."

"After the black lotus rebelled against the sect, it is said that she still has inextricable relations with the Bailian sect. The white lotus sect has lost its reputation this time, and it will definitely not let it go."

"Especially Yun Zhongzi's teacher, the former head of the Bailian Sect, Yun Zhonghe, is an extremely protective person. It is said that Yun Zhongzi is his illegitimate son!"

"The Bamboo Spring Sect seems to be in trouble, wait... Is the Bamboo Spring Sect still alive?"

"Not only is he alive, but I heard that suzerain Liu Xuanye will hold a consort ceremony tomorrow, and become a Taoist couple with a mortal. It seems that he wants to prove his innocence, work hard to farm, win over the immortals, and avoid being withdrawn from the sect by the immortal court."

"Isn't this good? Bamboo Spring Sect is a good place. When the fairy wheat fairy valley they planted on a large scale matures, let's grab a wave, hehehe..."

"Although Liu Xuanye's cultivation base is not high, he is not too easy to provoke. Even someone as cautious as Yun Zhongzi has been defeated. Although the boss is an immortal, he still needs to be cautious."

"Idiot, is the boss still playing in person? Recently, a beast master came to the regiment, stronger than Fairy Tail. He controlled a wave of beasts and made them eat up all the people and wheat."

"Then what shall we eat?"

"What do you say?"

"But just to be safe, we will send a spy to infiltrate the Zhuquan sect..."


Seven hundred miles to the northwest of Zhuquanzong, there is Bailianzong.

In the depths of the rolling mountains, three thousand hidden formations are hidden, in a forbidden cave like a dog's cave.

A thin, dying old man sat cross-legged on a cattail mat, and suddenly opened his eyes.

The ashes suddenly revived in the cloudy eyes, ready to burst forth.

"Neutron Yun... is dead?"

"The avatar that has been in business for more than 3000 years was trampled out by an unknown person?"

"Old man Yun Zhonghe has been in the immortal world for thousands of years, when did he suffer such a great humiliation?"

The old man stood up slowly, his joints exploded, the hatred in his eyes was burning fiercely, and the terrifying Immortal Venerable Aura kept vibrating in the Sendai.

With a flash of his figure, he shot straight into the sky like a fire and lightning, heading towards Zhuquanzong...

fly in the opposite direction.

"Caiyun Immortal Territory can't wait anymore, go to the remote Immortal Territory first and retreat for a thousand years. When the old man leaves the seclusion, I will definitely smash this son into thousands of pieces!"

(End of this chapter)

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