Three thousand women's colleges ranked in the fairy class

Chapter 19 [Big Chapter] The Rich Woman Hugs Me

Chapter 19 [Big Chapter] The Rich Woman Hugs Me
Night falls.

On the grass, candles were flickering and bonfires were everywhere.

There are magnificent rituals and music and laughter.

The gentle evening breeze blows the aroma of wine, meat and grain out a hundred miles away.

The local immortals, especially the women, were especially able to come. Although they knew that the time of the sect was numbered and they felt a little sad in their hearts, they still sang and danced on the surface, and 700 people made a noise with 7000 people.

Even the refugees from other places were infected. The women applauded, the beggars wandered around, and a group of sallow and emaciated children made a fuss.

Xiaozhuquan Mountain.

On the east side of the mountain, Ning Zhongzi's bedroom.

Before changing Liu Xuanye's clothes and make-up, Ning Zhongzi had to change the groom's clothes first.

The wedding dress was custom-made by her overnight.

On the green robe of Zhuquan Zong, tie a red water chestnut, sew red skirts and cuffs, and hang a red tasseled sword tassel on the saber.

It looks very elegant and embellished with just the right festiveness.

Lu Ya felt very strange.

What is the experience of getting married on the third day after time travel?
He is married for the first time.

I thought it was just going through the motions, but seeing the excitement outside, I suddenly felt a little exciting.

"It's very lively outside."

Lu Ya was a little curious.

Ning Zhongzi was arranging Lu Ya's skirt, embroidering red borders, and trimming excess threads.

She is very careful.

Even though he was very close to Lu Ya, he didn't feel strange at all.

Three days felt like relatives who had been together for three or 30 years.

"Thanks to you, there is today's excitement."

"Is there anything extra for the wedding ceremony that I need to do?"

"Immortal's wedding ceremony doesn't have to be too formal, senior brother can figure it out. The point is that after the wedding ceremony, I will announce the senior brother's plan to build the city in public."


Lu Ya nodded, and asked casually:
"Who was the half-fox girl just now?"

"The envoy sent by Blackstone has a complicated background and purpose. She is a woman more ominous than the suzerain. Brother, please don't provoke her."


Lu Ya agreed with his mouth, but thought in his heart.

Isn't your aggressive approach implying that I should go and provoke her soon?
Let me find out the reality of this woman?


The wedding feast begins.

The master of ceremonies was an old man with a one-star immortal cultivation base, tall and thin, hale and hearty, with a dignified expression, and a bit of a fairy spirit.

At least that's how it looks from a mortal perspective.

Under the auspices of the old master of ceremonies, four strong local women carried a large wooden barrel onto the bamboo platform.

Inside the barrel is the fairy beer brewed overnight by Lu Ya and Ning Zhongzi.

Although the time is a bit rushed, but with full-level cultivation and full-level brewing skills, it is not a big problem.

With a powerful voice like mountains and flowing water, the old master of ceremonies introduced to the guests:
"This is cold malt wine brewed by Elder Lu himself for you. The raw material is from local fairy wheat. Because it was brewed overnight, only one barrel was produced. Everyone has a bowl. In addition, each person has a pot from East China. Immortal brewed rice wine from Fucheng."

Most of the guests are women, and they are not interested in wine. They only drink some wedding wine occasionally.

The wine fox fairy is different.

She is a master drinker.

Looking forward to the wine, she soon received a wine plate from a local woman.

On the top of the plate is a whole pot of Xianmi Niang and a bowl of malt wine.

Sitting cross-legged on the big gourd, the Immortal Wine Fox squinted slightly, playing with the Xianmi wine pot back and forth, appreciating the porcelain material, craftsmanship and engraved runes and calligraphy of the wine pot.

He opened the wine cork with his hands, the tip of his nose moved, and he closed his eyes to drink, full of a sense of solemn ceremony.

Afterwards, I had a delicious taste of Xianmi Niang.

Mmm... very fragrant.

Ning Zhongzi is very willing to pay for the high-quality goods in Dongfu City.

Thinking of this, she drank it all in one gulp, feeling some taste.

And look at another bowl of so-called ale.

It was the first time she had ever heard of ale.

If you observe carefully, you can see that the spiritual power is negligible, the wine is light yellow in quality, with strange bubbles, exuding a strange smell like urine.

"Iced ale?"

"What's the smell?"

"What's so good about non-advanced malt wine?"

"That woman Ning Zhongzi prepared this thing?"

While researching, the wine fox fairy kept muttering.

Probably because she is also a Beast Fairy, Mu Yu Feifei has a very close relationship with the Wine Fox Fairy, and she has become acquainted with her for a long time, and now she is also licking her little face and sitting on the big gourd.

"This is the wine brewed by my uncle, I really want to drink it."

"Smelly nanny, we are almost six hundred years old, and we are not allowed to drink."

"What can you say that you can't spoil the children of Xianmin's family..."

"I think she is stingy!"

The two girls were filled with righteous indignation.

The wine fox curled his lips, and said with disdain:
"What's so good about this kind of wine brewed by Fanmai? If it wasn't for the investigation... ahem, to study the brewing process, I would drink this horse urine?"

After finishing speaking, he took a sip with a look of disgust.

Suddenly, a look flickered on the beautiful round face.

Mu Yufei licked her little lips and asked hastily:


"Too hard to drink."

Jiuhu Immortal frowned, with a very painful expression.

Painful enough to want to go to heaven...

The bright fox eyes turned slightly, and she suddenly took out a bag of fairy crystals from her bosom, and threw it to Mu Yufei:

"As the envoy to the sect, I can't let the immortals suffer this kind of grievance. You two help me to ask if there are any women and children who don't drink. I will exchange them with fairy crystals. One piece of fairy crystal is a bowl of wine. I'll give you another piece of immortal crystal commission, hurry up."

When the two girls heard it, they jumped up happily.

"Okay! Senior, you are really great."

"I don't know how much higher than those humans!"

Run away in a hurry.

Come back in a flash.

Because it was a wedding wine, and it was served in bowls, everyone drank it very quickly. The two girls only received a dozen bowls of malt wine, and they handed it to the wine fox fairy with some reluctance.

I sighed for the indifference and heartlessness of the nanny, only the fairy crystal in my hand still had some warmth.

"You guys are doing a great job!"

The Wine Fox Immortal was reluctant to drink it immediately, so he carefully put it into the wine gourd, to taste it privately...

the study.

On the bamboo platform.


Under the auspices of the old master of ceremonies, a huge roasted falcon was carried up.

"This is a congratulatory gift from the deacon Heishi of Dongfu Immortal Court - a falcon at the level of an immortal master. Congratulations to Sect Master Liu and Elder Lu for their wedding!"

The immortals were suddenly stunned.

Was the falcon in Xianting originally used for eating?
"Wow, it smells so good..."

"Xianting is so generous!"

"Is there no problem if the fairy master eats the spirit beast?"

The master of ceremonies hurriedly explained.

"Although it is a saker falcon at the level of an immortal master, Elder Lu personally cooks this falcon, and ordinary people can eat it casually, so there is no need to worry about your body being overwhelmed."

The wine fox was a little confused.

Fairy falcon as a congratulatory gift?
Elder Lu cooks it himself?
Where is this going?!

"No... where did you get the fairy falcon? Heishi doesn't have the guts, does he?"

Mu Yufeifei played with the fairy crystal in her hand, aimed at the bonfire, squinted slightly, and watched the fire through the crystal.

According to Ning Zhongzi's confession, he said in unison:
"The two deacons of Xianting made a mistake and mortgaged their mounts to Zhuquanzong."

The deacon of Xianting made a mistake and mortgaged his mount to the sect?
Jiuhu Immortal has traveled all over the rivers and lakes for thousands of years, and this is the first time he has heard such a strange thing, so he can't help being a little skeptical.

"This guy even dares to roast and eat the falcon in Xianting?"

Mu Yufeifei nodded with a tacit understanding.

"It's disgusting, isn't it?"

"It doesn't take our fairy beasts seriously."


Jiuhu Immortal felt a little unable to keep up with the thoughts of the two girls.

On the bamboo platform.

The chef sliced ​​the fairy falcon and put it on a plate, and the women of Qingquan village distributed it to every guest.

The falcon meat plate soon arrived in the hands of the wine fox fairy.

Even Mu Yu Feifei was divided into two sets.

A plate of ten slices is about a catty of meat.

The two girls didn't even think about it, they even swallowed all the meat in their stomachs.

In an instant, the sea of ​​air was tumbling, and a spiritual wave slammed onto Xiantai——

There were two surging sounds, and the two of them were promoted together!

From a one-star fairy to a two-star fairy!

The wine fox fairy next to him was stunned.

Is this even possible?

In Jiuhu Immortal's view, the talents of these two Tiger Immortals are very average, and it is a miracle that they can be enlightened. There is a high probability that they will only be one-star Immortals in their lifetime.

Now, eating a bite of meat directly ascended to immortality?
Even if you eat the elixir as a meal, it won't work, right?

Jiuhu Immortal, a three-star Immortal Sect, was stunned by the two little Immortals in front of him.

"Are you sure you didn't play me?"

Mu Yufei started to be honest.

"We ate half a roasted falcon yesterday, but yesterday's ingredients were not good. It's not as exciting as today's one. It's a pity that we can only eat a few slices of meat..."

The Jiuhu Immortal was skeptical, and didn't care about any fairy beasts, so he grabbed the meat and ate it directly.

The aroma of meat rippling in the mouth like ripples, tender and smooth, crispy, fresh and salty, spicy and fragrant, writhing and dancing in the mouth in an instant.

What's even more miraculous is that the spirit of the fairy-level fairy falcon spread to the Sea of ​​​​Qihai without loss, and the whole body was warm, and it felt like it was about to ascend to heaven.

If this is Xianzong-level falcon meat, can't it be promoted directly?
Wiping the fine sweat from the snowy valley on his chest, Jiuhu Immortal's curiosity about Lu Ya exploded.

What kind of fairy are you?

Didn't wait too long.

The consort ceremony officially begins.

Under the auspices of the master of ceremonies, Liu Xuanye was accompanied by Ning Zhongzi, and Lu Ya was accompanied by the old village head of Qingquan Village. The two walked up the bamboo platform slowly from the bamboo steps on the left and right sides of the bamboo platform.

Liu Xuanye wore a green bamboo hat on his head, a thin red gauze fell over the hat like a waterfall, a red scarf was tied around his waist, and a woven red tassel hung on his sword.

It looks like a festive wedding ceremony without losing the elegance of a fairy.

Its body is like a green bamboo, with an awe-inspiring sword aura, and the waves are graceful and graceful, as if they were outlined by nature and carved by gods and ghosts.

Jiuhu Immortal didn't even look at Liu Xuanye.

Back then at Dongfu Immortal College, the Jiuhu Immortal sneaked into the private bathing pool and wanted to take a bath with Liu Xuanye, but was pierced through the immortal platform with a sword.

If it weren't for this injury, she would have been an immortal.

Wanting to see but not daring to look, Jiuhu Immortal had no choice but to divert his gaze and just stare at Lu Ya.

Look and look.

"What, this guy is just mediocre, far worse than Sister Xuan Ye!"

"And it doesn't seem like you're hiding your strength and capturing Sister Xuan Ye with delicious food?"

"What happened to the bamboo pieces just now?"

The Jiuhu Immortal couldn't figure it out, so he had to take a mouthful of fairy juice and continue to look.

The immortals didn't expect much from Lu Ya, but when they saw his appearance, they found that he was unexpectedly handsome, and his awe-inspiring immortality was no worse than any immortal.

"Drink a glass of wine—"

Under the host of the master of ceremonies, Lu Ya and Liu Xuanye drank a cup of wine in turn, bowed to each other's nominal elders, went through a simple cutscene, and prepared to step down.

After all, the drunken man's intention is not to drink, and the couple ceremony is just a formality, the purpose is to show the public that Liu Xuanye's Kefu physique can be restrained.

Only in this way can the immortals from other places be attracted to come to Zhuquanzong to do business or settle down.

Under the effect of the protective bamboo pieces, the guests at the scene did not feel any abnormality, and even the old master of ceremonies who was close to him was still hearty and in high spirits.

at this time--

Immortal Jiuhu suddenly stood up from the hanging gourd, spread his legs, pointed at Lu Ya and shouted:

"What kind of wedding ceremony is this? In the face of such a beautiful fairy wife, Xianlangguan is too perfunctory, right? Could it be that he doesn't like our sister Xuanye?"

Ning Zhongzi hurriedly shouted:

"Stop messing around!"


The Jiuhu Immortal laughed suddenly, and the vast Immortal Sect's spiritual pressure instantly enveloped the entire bamboo platform.

"I am the envoy of the Immortal Court, and I represent the Immortal Court and even the Dao of Heaven. The Zhuquan Sect wants to prove its innocence and dispel everyone's doubts. I am afraid it will be hard to convince everyone by going through the motions?"

The audience was silent.

The master of ceremonies was sweating like raindrops.

Ning Zhongzi held back and looked at Lu Ya.

Under the red gauze bamboo hat, Liu Xuanye's body was like a hanging sword, showing no joy or sorrow.

Mu Yufeifei felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere, and quickly jumped off the hanging gourd to draw a line with the wine fox fairy.

Suddenly, Lu Ya asked back with great interest.

"You represent the way of heaven?"

"The fairy court is the way of heaven."

The wine fox fairy has clear eyes and speaks loudly.

"is it?"

Lu Ya suddenly raised his sword and swiped forward lightly.

Liu Xuanye's green hat was split into two, and it floated down, revealing a shocking beauty.

It was a beautiful fairy face that seemed to come out of poetry and painting, dignified and heroic, like a young girl, with light scarlet makeup, like a goddess under the light of flickering candles.

She was dressed in black silk like hanging clouds, her eyebrows were smeared with light ink, and she flew into her temples obliquely. Her clear eyes were as bright as stars in a lake, and she stared straight at Lu Ya, showing a rare tenderness.

"not good."

After sneaking a glance at Liu Xuanye, Jiuhu Immortal suddenly felt bad, and regretted it, the old injury recurred in a blink of an eye, and his blood flowed backward.

She immediately closed her eyes and meditated, her face turned pale instantly, and Cen Cen was sweating uncontrollably on her forehead.

The guests were stunned, shocked by Liu Xuanye's peerless appearance, some people couldn't help but marvel:
"The bride is so beautiful..."

In a blink of an eye, the local immortals covered their mouths, for fear of causing any unexpected reactions.

There is such a beautiful woman in the world!
In just a split second, Lu Ya's sword pierced through his heart.

Looking at the beautiful fairy wife, it was as if her bones had been eaten away by thousands of ants, and she fell into the abyss of eternal doom in an instant.

Liu Xuanye, who has always been cold and ruthless, has moments of tenderness.

Who can stand this?

If you don't go into the tiger's lair, how can you catch the tiger's cubs, Lu Ya thought to himself, Jiuhu Immortal is right, there is no point in going through the motions, he will not take the initiative to pursue anything, but he will never evade when things come.

Do I like it?

I'm greedy... I'm for the sect!
Liu Xuanye frowned slightly, as if she had sensed something, she almost didn't think about it, she instinctively moved back three steps, for fear of hurting Lu Ya.

Only then did she realize that tonight was her wedding ceremony, and Lu Ya was her fateful companion. She couldn't help feeling unreal, her body froze suddenly, and she didn't know what to do next.

Lu Ya sensed Liu Xuanye's jerkyness, and found it a little cute. He really wanted to say "the rich woman hugs me", but he held back after all. After all, it was a wedding ceremony that everyone was looking forward to, and the sense of ritual was very important.

With ten thousand swords piercing the heart.

Lu Ya raised his hand.

With an irresistible force across the air, he hugged Liu Xuanye in his arms.

Liu Xuanye had no time to react, but Lu Ya bowed his head and kissed him in an extremely domineering posture...

The night sky, split open.

(End of this chapter)

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