Three thousand women's colleges ranked in the fairy class

Chapter 298 [Big Chapter] What if you can fight against Tian Yi and destroy the three realms?

Chapter 298 [Big Chapter] So what if you can fight against the sky and destroy the Three Realms?
A golden gloom enveloped the sky, like a flowing sunset glow.

The whistling pine song resounded through the sky, and three mighty sword qi that tore through the vastness traversed the heaven and earth and the universe.

Song Ming transforms the Sanqing with one breath, and the battle with the maiden in charge of the palace, the old master and Ji Yunzi has already begun.

Next to the whistler's fruit.

Ge Lan didn't care about the battle outside. She was sweating profusely, her air was surging, and her expression was so frightened that she almost didn't show her dragon shape.

It was the first fear in his life.

It is also the highest level of fear experienced by all living beings in the Three Realms universe in history!

However, he did not escape.

He is simply...


at the same time.

The root of the sacred tree.

The taproot vine at the bottom of the sacred tree is now full of peach blossoms, and spring has arrived all of a sudden.

The peach tree has become one with the divine tree.

The seven academy disciples who had been sitting around the peach tree before all dispersed at this moment, each separated by a distance of a hundred miles.

This is to mobilize the power of the Seven Divine Pillars, activate the unprecedented seven-element formation, and try to send Lu Ya out of this plane.


While Lu Ya was observing how Liu Xuanye and the others captured Qianyu Ji, the seven of them had already quietly activated a seven-element formation.

This time, the seven-element formation didn't use the power of the divine pillar, but just poured the power of seven people into the sacred tree, and activated a sufficiently concealed formation!

But even so, it was dozens of times stronger than the bone dragon seven-element formation 3000 years ago. Logically speaking, it was enough to send Lu Ya away from here.

At that time, there was a brief disturbance in time and space.

Even Ge Lan was slightly shaken, but Lu Ya and the other three were nailed to the sacred tree like nails, without moving at all.

Not only did Lu Ya not move, he even held his wife and children down. He didn't even notice this space-time disorder.

It's not that Lu Ya's spiritual sense is not sharp.

Can you feel the ants on the bottom of your feet having sex?

This is the root of Golan's fear.

Fear, mixed with excitement!

Hidden in the abyss of the sea of ​​Qi in Sendai, the excitement that shakes the soul!

It's been a long time since he met such a strong man, and he even wondered if there was such a strong man in this world.

The answer is yes.

And it was much stronger than he imagined!

The seven people at the bottom of the tree looked solemn.

The three of them looked lonely, but they were outspoken.

"Isn't this guy really heavenly?"

There was an inexplicable expectation in his heart.

Losing to the way of heaven is not shabby.

"Anyway, we have to try again."

Ming Xuanzi closed his eyes.

"Do you understand the consequences?"

"We are just trying to send him away instead of attacking him. Even if we pay the price of the destruction of the sacred tree, it is worth it."

Lian Chengzi said, seeing that everyone was very nervous, he explained:
"I think everyone has already seen that Liu Xuanye is too smart, and she has prepared everything for this. If we can't solve Lu Ya's problem, we won't be able to solve Liu Xuanye either."

Ming Xuanzi slowly opened his eyes.

"the last time."

The red pig said:

"But there's not enough time..."

Lianchengzi said:

"Fourth Senior Brother will buy us time."


In the whistle blower's sea of ​​consciousness.

Lu Yaotian swallowed the jujubes wholeheartedly, and quickly digested the pigeons that were more than ten meters high, which made the Jiuhu Immortal speechless.

Lu Ya frowned slightly.

Pigeons appear more and more frequently, and their size is getting bigger and bigger, even catching up with the whistleblower's dreamland.

Lu Ya felt that this might be a carrier pigeon, appearing in front of him again and again, as if conveying some message.

It's a pity that he was eaten by Lu Yaotian, otherwise he would be arrested and questioned...

Fortunately, Lu Ya saw the scene where he appeared out of thin air, and he was 100% sure that he had nothing to do with Qian Yu Ji, and he wasn't too interested in the rest, so he packed up and prepared to leave the whistleblower's sea of ​​consciousness.

At this time, a calm voice sounded from the sky of Consciousness Sea.

The whistleblower, who had been in a half-sleeping state, suddenly said to Lu Ya:
"Why don't you dare to look at your sealed memory?"

It was only then that Lu Ya realized that the dog had been observing secretly.

"It's fun, you don't understand."

The whistler said again:
"In your retrospective time and space, someone used a black shadow to avoid the observation of Tiandao, don't you care about that?"

Lu Ya asked back:

"When you walk, a group of ants under your feet avoid you to play multi-ant sports, do you also care?"


The silence of the whistler, the movement of many ants, what a distant vocabulary.

After a while, he said again:

"You underestimated Liu Xuanye."

After talking nonsense, Lu Ya feels that this guy is either looking for faults or delaying time.

Fortunately, he is still interested in this topic.

"What kind of underestimation?"

The whistler said slowly:
"I made a special observation just now. Among the three traitors who imprisoned Lord God King, Liu Xuanye is the main force."

"is it?"

Lu Ya had a premonition that there would be content inappropriate for children, so he decisively blocked the consciousness of Jiuhu Immortal and Lu Yaotian.

The whistler spoke.

"She directly captured the soul of the Lord God King with the resonance of the Dream Dao from the dream realm of the Lord God King. Even without Song Ming and another power, she can control the Lord God King by herself."

Lu Ya couldn't deny it, he just praised with a smile:
"Your divine sense is simply the eye of heaven."

Whistleblower said:

"I guess it's impossible for someone as strong as you not to see this, just don't want to admit that your wife is a rebellious, matricide demon."

The matricide demon is okay.

Just as the whistleblower said, Lu Ya could see clearly, but Lu Yaotian was by his side, he didn't want to present the mother's devilish essence in front of the child unreservedly, that would be too cruel.

After all, Lu Yaotian's talent beats the whole universe, if she wants to learn to be bad, only he can cure her in the whole chaos.

Wouldn't he be more tired this way?
He could see Liu Xuanye's strength better than anyone else.

In the dream world, if the dreamer's soul power is too strong, the illusion created is too realistic, causing the illusion to occupy the dreamer's soul, thus giving the dreamer a self-will.

This kind of self-will, in essence, belongs to the dreamer's sub-soul, but it has been out of the dreamer's control.

Once this will is strong enough to see through the illusion and know the dreamer, the split soul may resonate with the original soul, and there is a chance that the split soul will take over the body of the deity at a moment when the original soul is not aware of it!
The reason why Liu Xuanye was able to achieve this in a short period of time was because she was the perfect incarnation created by Qianyu Ji, entrusting Qianyu Ji's highest artistic pursuit, and putting a lot of effort and emotion into Qianyu Ji.

Secondly, she used the cover of Song Ming and Sombra to make the process of taking the house extremely smooth.

However, the cover work only needs one thing that can attract Chiba Hime, and it doesn't say that it must be strong.

Why did Liu Xuanye insist on choosing two strong men, Songming and Heiying, to help?

Moreover, Liu Xuanye also handed over Qianyuji's power to Songming afterwards, and wanted to give Qianyuji's illusion ability to Sombra, but was rejected.

Both of them were obviously very afraid of Liu Xuanye's illusion backlash.

Liu Xuanye had no choice but to keep Qian Yuji's spirit by his side.

Regarding this point, Lu Ya has not yet figured out Liu Xuanye's motives.

Didn't even bother to think about it.

only said:

"Mother-killing is too exaggerated. The soul of Lord God King is still in Xuan Ye's dreams and illusions. She also wants to rest. Maybe one day Xuan Ye achieves her goal and releases her."

The whistleblower was just trying to delay time by bringing up a topic that Lu Ya was interested in and luring him to express his opinion.

"What about yourself?"

Lu Ya:

"What myself?"

The whistler pretended to be profound and said with a smile:

"You don't want to admit that your wife imprisoned your mother-in-law, just like you would rather seal your own memory than admit that you are actually the Dao of Heaven."


Lu Ya was stunned for a moment... Am I the way of heaven?

Time and space violently oscillated.

The sacred tree is densely cracked.

The invisible crystal walls are falling all over the sky like snowflakes!
Ge Lan was startled suddenly, and stretched out her pitch-black dragon claws with both hands. As soon as the two claws came out, they were riveted to the bottom of the long river of time and space, so as not to be affected by the shock.

The majestic tearing force seems to drag all living beings into the unknown abyss.

At the moment when the shock was about to destroy the sacred tree——

Time and space suddenly subsided.

It was as if an invisible big hand gently smoothed the shock.

With 70 billion divine fruits and 70 billion souls, they felt a ray of paternal love in the dream world at the same time.

After all, Lu Ya used to be one of the 70 billion. If it wasn't a parallel world, it would be troublesome if he died.

Lu Ya's invisible caress not only calmed the turbulent spiritual energy in the Tongshen column, but also calmed the cracks in the Zhongshen column that were cut by Song Ming.

Randomly, with no purpose.

The seven people under the sacred tree looked up to the sky.

"Is this the way of heaven..."

Although the seven people were in despair, they felt relieved when their despair was over.

It's not that the national army doesn't work hard, but the communist army is as high as it is.

That's probably how it feels.

There is no need to work harder, just lie down.

The whistleblower was conscious.

Divine Consciousness Coast, on the white sandy beach.

Lu Ya looked up to the sky and said with a smile:

"Heaven? Is this your vision?"

After leaving such a sentence, Lu Ya's spirit took his wife and children and stepped out of the whistler's sea of ​​consciousness.

Only the whistler was left with a pale face, as if he had seen the scariest demon you can imagine...

He thought, he imagined.

Returning to his body, Lu Ya opened his eyes, and saw a young man with a short stature, ordinary features, and a humble complexion.

Jiuhu Immortal recognized Ge Lan at a glance, and was a little scared.

She subconsciously stood behind Lu Ya.

Just out of instinct... beyond the instincts of the personality.

She had heard about Ge Lan, and also heard the legendary dragon's chant, and the sacred body of the sky fox in the depths of her immortal platform, and felt fear for the first time.

Coincidentally, it was also the first time for Gelan.

Scared for the first time.

Although he disguised himself very well, the hidden black shadow of the giant dragon behind him was already trembling, and his figure was about to collapse.

Lu Ya glanced at this young man who was so frightened that his mind was split...

He didn't sneer.

This was the first time that Lu Ya saw a man who was afraid of him to such an extent since he traveled through time.

Also, the strongest person.

Just like, those who stand on the top of Mount Everest will really find that the sky is much higher than people imagined!
The unattractive young man in front of him is the Mount Everest of the Three Realms today.

From Lu Ya's point of view, if this son insists on destroying the Three Realms, he will be able to completely destroy the Seven Gods Pillar within a quarter of an hour.

He was suddenly curious.

"You are very strong...what's your name?"

Ge Lan bowed her head slightly and responded politely.

"Sylvie Forget it, just call me Golan."

Lu Ya was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect this guy to have an English name, and suddenly he felt much more fashionable.

"Ge Lan, why are you afraid of me?"

Golan was silent.

The invisible black figure behind him trembled in fright.

Lu Ya comforted it and said:

"Although I am much stronger than you, I am harmless to humans and animals. What's more, my daughter is still nearby, so how could she hurt people casually? It was not me who saved the sacred tree just now, and the gods are probably about to die."

It is impossible to hurt people casually, but you can hurt dragons casually!
There was a bone dragon in the front, and Yuwen and his son in the back. It was a bloody lesson. Although Ge Lan was [-] times stronger than them, in Lu Ya's eyes, there seemed to be no difference.

Ge Lan can go, but he has stayed until now.

"Fear is my source of strength, thank you."

Saying this, Ge Lan suddenly made a tactic with one hand, saying:

"Xingtian Nine Gates, open!"

"Life Gate, open!"

"Shut the door, open it!"

"Chumen, open!"

Lu Ya felt that something was wrong, the seals of this guy's Sendai were untied, and the vast dragon power poured into his body in reverse.

"Hey, you're not here for real, are you?"

Golan continued to unlock.

"Injury door, open!"

"Dumen, open!"

"Jingmen, open!"

Lu Ya couldn't stand it anymore, he didn't expect this guy to be so strong that both people and gods were angry.

"Are you going on like this, are you trying to destroy the Three Realms?"

Ge Lan said modestly:

"What if you can fight against the sky and destroy the Three Realms?"

His tone was humble, his gray eyes had turned into dragon eyes.

The invisible dragon behind him gradually condensed into a black shadow.

The black dragon is hundreds of feet tall, its whole body is charcoal black, as thin as dead wood, its eyes are sharp, and the red light is frightening. It is not so much a dragon's eye, but a blood-stained human eye.

Huge wings that are disproportionate but perfectly coordinated, dark and deep red eyes that point directly at people's hearts, the body shape is slightly similar to the legendary western dragon, but not so obvious evil; the expression is slightly similar to the legendary Chinese dragon, But even more domineering than that.

The first feeling of the whole dragon's temperament is not terror, but an invisible pressure on consciousness and thinking, which makes people feel a wholehearted and unreserved sense of surrender.

Jiuhu Immortal covered Lu Yaotian's eyes, only felt the blood in her body roiled, her brain was almost suffocated, an invisible coercion made her hair stand on end, she held her breath, and forgot the existence of the soul for a moment.

It wasn't was shock.

Human imagination, in the face of the magnificence of the universe, suddenly seems worthless.

However, this black dragon continues to grow stronger!

"Xuanmen, open!"

"Yellow door, open!"


Unfortunately, he met Lu Ya and opened the door.

"Brain, open!"

Lu Ya felt that if he allowed this guy to open the door to death, even if he could easily subdue him, it would inevitably cause irreversible damage to the universe of the Three Realms, and it would be very troublesome to deal with the funeral.

So he raised his hand and knocked down a chestnut, no different from Ning Zhongzi knocking on Mu Yufeifei.

A chestnut knocked the black shadow behind Gelan into a solid dragon shape that merged with Gelan.

The huge dragon's head split open, and under the impact of a chestnut, it fell from the sacred tree at the speed of light.

There was another loud bang, and the black dragon hole opened the earth, directly falling into the center of the God Realm.

The dragon's body collapsed quickly, but under the huge pressure of the earth's core, it didn't blow up ashes, it was just pure, and it was crushed into...


(End of this chapter)

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