Chapter 300
The crowd fell silent.

No one thought that Lu Ya, who had been watching the show, would suddenly make a move, and on the basis of Qi Mingshen having already taken down the God Realm, he would inexplicably stand on the opposite side of Liu Xuanye.

What the hell is this?

Where is his motive?

Lest there be no chaos in the world?

One can imagine what it must have been like for Lu Ya to save the beauty of the third heroine in front of his two wives.

But he saved it anyway.

It has to be said that the gentle touch of the maiden in the palm of the palace is exactly the same type of supercar as the senior sister.

After all, this is the divine avatar of Senior Sister.

The figure, facial features, and personality are all similar.

The experience of the last 3000 years is also different.

Rather than being killed by Song Ming, it would be better to save him and let the senior sister deal with it. Maybe it would be okay to have a two-in-one.

Lu Ya is very professional about the operation of combining the main body into one body.

Liu Xuanye frowned slightly.

Ji Yunzi smiled without saying a word.

Songming... only felt his scalp go numb.

This guy really killed Ge Lan in one blow?
He suddenly felt that he had overestimated both himself and the system by predicting the [-]/[-] chance of winning against Lu Ya.


Everyone is wondering.

What does this man want to do?
Is he the way of heaven?

Including the maiden in charge of the palace in Lu Ya's arms.

This was the first time she had contact with a man, but she felt a long-lost kindness inexplicably, as if she was her own father.

She suddenly couldn't remember her real father...

"who are you?"

Lu Ya saw her doubts.

"Who do you think I am?"

The warmth from the physical body is far less charming and reliable than Lu Ya's cosmos-like aura.

She suddenly realized why Master Zhang fell in love with this man.

"Do you love her?"

she asked calmly.

Lu Ya was a little embarrassed.

Glancing at Liu Xuanye, he frowned slightly, not knowing what he was thinking.

Glancing at the Jiu Hu Immortal, he held the child in his arms and drank wine, watching the play vigorously.

" wives are here, let's talk about this topic another day."

The voice of the maiden in charge turned cold.

"let me go."

Lu Ya:


At this time, Xingluan, Emperor Wilderness, Daoist Priest, and Deadwood also arrived at the scene.

Xingluan still has a large army of apostles and Xianwei in his belly.

These people had personally witnessed the scene and regarded Lu Ya as heaven.

Seeing Lu Ya teasing his sister at this moment, he was taken aback, and even began to question Lu Ya's status as a heavenly dao.

People are not benevolent, and treat everything as a straw dog.

You are not benevolent, you take everything as your wife?
Song Ming glanced at Lu Ya and the Holy Maiden in charge of the palace. Although he felt uncomfortable, he also understood that no matter whether Lu Ya was the Dao of Heaven or not, he was not an opponent he could challenge, so he said:
"Since she's your woman, there's no problem."

Lu Ya didn't expect this guy to confess so quickly, and the fun of his husband's current crime suddenly became much less.

"What are you going to do next?"

Song Ming resolutely said:
"Remove the Seven Divine Pillars, break the separation of the three realms, and transform gods, immortals, ghosts... and even all intelligent creatures into a unified form."

The world is in harmony...

Lu Ya sighed:
"There is no problem with the unified form, but if the seven pillars are removed, the universe will no longer be able to draw extraterrestrial power, and one day it will come to an end. Don't you want eternity?"

Compassionate, Song Ming shook his head and said:

"Keep the Pillar of God, and the universe will become stronger and stronger, even so strong that some people can approach the way of heaven. If the way of heaven is not happy, and the punishment of heaven will be imposed, maybe this universe will perish faster. It is better to follow the way of heaven. Follow nature, cherish the time of life, why fear death?"

Lu Ya suddenly remembered the legend of the Tower of Babel.

The Tower of Babel is the Tower of Babel built by humans in Chapter 11 of the "Bible Old Testament Genesis".

According to the chapters, at that time, human beings united to build a tower that hoped to lead to heaven; in order to prevent human beings from planning, God made human beings speak different languages, so that human beings could not communicate with each other, so the plan failed, and human beings have been scattered since then. .This event provides an explanation for the emergence of different languages ​​and races in the world.

But Lu Ya had a different idea.

Great harmony in the world may make the world extremely beautiful, but in a world without contradictions and enemies, society is no different from death, and civilization has no goal, so it is difficult to make further progress.

Just like aerospace and nuclear energy technology, the fastest developing time was precisely during the Cold War period when the United States and the Soviet Union were fighting for hegemony.

At that moment, human beings were equivalent to being close to the sky and possessing the power of the heavenly way, but the heavenly way did not come out.

In other words, it is impossible to achieve great harmony in the world. Once human beings have no enemies, they will kill each other.

Lu Ya embraced the beautiful woman, his eyes were like torches and he said:

"Fighting against the sky is a lot of fun. Struggle is the ladder of civilization and progress. Young people should not be too Buddhist!"

When everyone heard this, they were immediately speechless.

Want to refute, but don't know where to start.

Want to agree but feel something is wrong.

Songming has a saying that his mother sells criticisms and he is too afraid to say it.

It's easy to say, I'm the one who fights against the sky, and you're the one who's having a lot of fun, isn't this my life to give you pleasure?

Thinking of this, Song Ming said decisively:
"It is not my mission to fight against the sky. If I am a god king, I am only responsible to the people of the world."

At this time, Liu Xuanye beside him said:
"Even the sky will fall. The sky is dead, and the yellow sky will stand. This world only needs one king."

Saying this, Liu Xuanye took off the seven divine rings and solemnly handed them to Song Ming.

"You can't escape this battle."

Song Ming had an intuition that his head was big, holding the ring of the Seven Gods was like holding a hot potato.

You are Lu Ya's wife, you are very safe, if you can't beat Lu Ya, it's not you who died.

Song Ming suddenly had the feeling of being cheated by Lu Ya and his wife.

Seeing that Lu Ya had no intention of fighting, Ji Yunzi said:

"You are now the king of gods, the son of prophecy, inheriting the will of the fish-eating god, the conscience of heaven, and the master of the Seven God Pillars. Now is the time to end everything. Don't you want to escape?"

"You think I'm stupid!"

Song Ming finally became popular, and he uttered a foul language, revealing the basic quality of the game's dead house.

As he spoke, he directly stuffed the hot potato in his hand to Ji Yunzi.

"The Seven Gods give you the ring, and I want to beat you."

Ji Yunzi was holding the ring of the Seven Gods, with a strange expression and thoughtful expression.

"But I don't have the immortal body of your prophesied son, how can I fight?"

Song Ming suddenly vigilant:

"What do you mean?"

Ji Yunzi smiled, and slowly put on the Seven Gods Ring. After a long sigh of relief, his expression gradually became abnormal...

His seal turned black, and the black area quickly spread to the entire face, and continued to spread downward.

In a blink of an eye, the entire body turned into a black shadow, like graffiti with splashed ink, full of magic.

The seven divine rings also merged into a golden ring in Sombra's body!

"You are--"

Song Ming reacted instantly, drew his sword and annihilated a space, and fled thousands of miles away.

However, he was still restrained by the swastika in his body, his body flew back all the way, and was forcibly sucked into the god ring.

Everyone was horrified!

at the same time.

Xingluan, Emperor Huangtian, Daoist Priest, Deadwood, and even Zhang Ergou who was swallowed and turned into a fossil by Ge Lan, the five of them were all sucked into the God Ring regardless of whether they were dead or alive.

Gong Youxi held the swastika seal, replacing Liu Xuanye, and was also forcibly sucked into the god ring in the black shadow.

Liu Xuanye's true self has long since disappeared, and he brought up the illusion of the sacred tree and hid it in the golden ghost group in the sky.

At some point, a headless figure appeared behind her.


I have something to do today, this chapter is short, everyone can make do with it.

In five chapters, it's over!

(End of this chapter)

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