Chapter 31 Philosophical Thinking
The stronger you are, the more cautious you are.

Standing in front of the huge kun's mouth, the man in white squinted his eyes slightly, looking at the bottomless kun's throat, as if standing on the edge of an abyss, standing there for a long time, not daring to take a step forward.

The two girls urged behind him.

"Don't dawdle, you go in!"

"One step to the stomach, you will know everything!"

The man in white's face froze, feeling that these two tiger immortals were young but knew a lot.

It's a pity that it's a girl, he doesn't think it's cute.

He can't even reach his stomach...

When he was hesitating, he only heard the slight vibration of the air.

Two chestnuts knocked on the tiger brains of the two girls!
Below, the edge of the floating mountain.

The fierce woman with a serious face stood on the edge of the cliff with her hands behind her back and shouted sharply:
"Come back to me quickly!"

The two girls glared down hard, and then returned to the martial arts arena sullenly.

The man in white breathed a sigh of relief.

His strong and fit figure moved slightly, and he arrived at the martial arts arena in a blink of an eye.

Squinting his eyes slightly, using his consciousness, he scanned the crowd of beast immortals on the martial arts arena.

It was found that there are many male beast gods with strong bodies and handsome faces.

This Zhuquan sect is a bit interesting.


Right now there is business to do.

The man in white looked as usual, he punched Xiaozhuquan Mountain in the distance and Ning Zhongzi in front of him.

"Fan Pan, the Beast Master Elder of the White Lotus Sect, has met Sect Master Liu and Elder Ning."

Ning Zhongzi Zhuang Yan was solemn, but he was slightly surprised in his heart.

Although she didn't notice any Reiatsu, she felt—

This man is strong!

In Dongfuxian District, Fan Pan's name is like thunder.

Back then, after the Kunpeng brothers defected to the White Lotus Sect, the White Lotus Sect specially set up a new beast-monitoring elder to manage the mounts in the sect and solve the problem of ferocious beasts.

This person is Fan Yan.

Fan Pan is a native of Caiyun City. He used to be a beast hunter. He has long coveted the Kunpeng brothers in the forest of beast nests.

After taking office as the elder of the White Lotus Sect, he immediately organized his forces and went to the forest of the beast's nest to look for Brother Kunpeng.

In the end, because of the unfavorable terrain, he was defeated by Brother Kunpeng's combination skill, and fled back to the White Lotus School in a panic.

Of course, this is already more than 1000 years ago.

No matter how embarrassing he is, Fan Wei is still a fake half-step immortal, and has never put Zhuquanzong in his eyes.

Now that he respects the suzerain and himself so much, it is probably also the reason why he saw Xu Kun's inexplicable death.

"I met Elder Fan."

Ning Zhongzi bowed back politely, faintly feeling that the visitor was not kind.

"Why did Elder Fan come here?"

Fan Yan didn't answer, but pointed to Xiaozhuquan Mountain.

"That black boat is very familiar. Thank you, Guizong, for cleaning up the White Lotus Sect some time ago."

"Hands up."

"I've heard about the Bamboo Spring Sect recently. I didn't expect that you really wanted to build a city. There was the East Floating City to attract immortal merchants, and the beast horde in the Beast Nest Forest. Even the White Lotus Sect failed to build a city back then."

Fan Yan's voice was quite magnetic, but his tone was twitchy and coercive.

This made Ning Zhongzi very uncomfortable.

If it was before, she could only be respectful, but now that Zhuquanzong has Lu Ya, she naturally has confidence.

"Elder Fan speaks directly, there is no need to beat around the bush."

Fan Yan's eyes gathered slightly.

"I followed Brother Kunpeng all the way from the Beast's Nest Forest to come here. This Kun is the mount of Yun Zhonghe, the former suzerain of our sect. I have to bring this beast back to the White Lotus Sect."

How shameless!
Ning Zhongzi said coldly:

"I can't be the master of such an important matter. Elder Fan should have a face-to-face meeting with the suzerain. The suzerain is meditating in the bedroom. Please."

The plump zygomatic muscles twitched slightly, and Fan Yan's face was cold and deep.

"Elder Suwen Ning is the senior sister of the Liu Sect Master. All affairs of the Zhuquan Sect are decided by the elders... This Xu Kun was born as a mount of the White Lotus Sect, and died as a relic of the White Lotus Sect. Are you trying to steal the properties of the White Lotus Sect? .”

A faint spirit pressure of the immortal level floated over the bamboo spring sect.

There is no engraved coercion, only a hint of indifference.

In the fairy world, the immortal is the proof of the strong.

In any fairyland, the immortals are one of the few big bosses, and there are only a few people in Dongfu District, including the half-step immortals.

Although Fan Yan's faint spiritual pressure did not force people, it was also a hint - meaning that as long as he was willing, he could destroy the entire Zhuquan sect with one move.

All the beast fairies trembled.

Ning Zhongzi was unmoved.

"Now the affairs of our sect are handled by Lu Ya, the sword-wielding elder. Brother Lu is now cooking the meat in the kun's belly. If you want this kun, go into the kun's belly and ask him."

Fan Fan was taken aback.

Cooking Kun Meat in Kun's Belly?

Is there such a cooking method?

Didn't it mean that Liu Xuanye married a mortal?

Is it a strong immortal?
Fan Yan felt more and more that the matter was not simple.

"Where's Jin Pengzi?"

Ning Zhongzi turned sideways, revealing a towering and domineering silhouette, and said coldly with his hands behind his back:

"Elder Fan should ask Senior Brother Lu."

Fan Fan:


Ning Zhongzi:
"Why, is Elder Fan afraid?"


It was the first time that Fan Yan had been intimidated by a five-star immortal master for so many years.

But he really didn't want to enter Kun's belly, not only for the sake of caution, but also because of his psychological shadow.

in those days……

Forget it, don't mention it.

Fan Pan was embarrassed for a moment, hesitated for a long time, and then suddenly said:

"Since Qingluan City is open to welcome guests, why not go to the inn and try Elder Lu's craftsmanship."

Ning Zhongzi nodded.



As soon as Ning Zhongzi led Fan Yan into the inn, he bumped into Lu Ya sitting at a table, his eyelids drooping slightly, as if he had been waiting for a long time, and he felt a little impatient.

Fan Yan was slightly taken aback.

This is a very common table in the lobby of Yuelai Inn.

There are still scattered immortals sitting and eating on the surrounding tables.

There are no boxes.

No accompanying wine.

Not even wine...just a mortal sitting at a table waiting for him.

Fan Pan is not happy.

Is my half-step Immortal Venerable so worthless?
In front of the mortals, there is a plate of cooked Kun meat.

There is only one plate.

The kun meat was cut into diced pieces, and each piece was inserted with a toothpick. There were nearly a hundred servings of kun meat in a plate.

The meat looks like nothing special, but the aura inside it is very restrained and hard to detect.

But this scent...

too exaggerated!

Fan Yan always thought that the deliciousness of the giant kun was just a deliberate propaganda by Xianting to lure people to catch the giant kun, but he didn't expect the taste of this big fish to be so good!

No wonder Yun Zhonghe used this to entertain senior officials of Xianting back then.

Ning Zhongzi glanced at Lu Ya quietly, and stepped forward to introduce him.

"This is the Beast Master Elder of the White Lotus School, Fan Yan, the one I told my senior brother last time, that Elder Fan who went to hunt the Kunpeng brothers in the forest of the beast's lair and retreated heroically when the two of them attacked together."

Oh, it's that Elder Fan...

Lu Ya nodded, he didn't remember that Ning Zhongzi said this at all.

However, you can only be a tool man if you are defeated by two nine-star immortal sects as a half-step immortal.

Thinking of this, Lu Ya stretched out his fingers and sat down amiably.


Fan Wei did not expect that the mortal in front of him was Lu Ya!

But when he and Ning Zhongzi came to the inn, they didn't see anyone coming out of Kun's belly, nor did they find spiritual power fluctuations around them.

How did this person suddenly appear in the inn?

Fan Pan thought carefully and was terrified, how could he dare to sit down, and only said:
"Fan has recently suffered from hemorrhoids, so it is inconvenient for him to sit down."

It's okay if hemorrhoids are committed!
Lu Ya raised his eyebrows, and then looked at the half-step immortal in front of him.

He has a healthy body and looks quite upright, but he always feels that the direction of his uprightness is not quite right.

However, as a half-step immortal, his aura is still very strong, much stronger than Jin Pengzi!
How could the half-step immortal master lose to the two nine-star immortal sects?

Lu Ya didn't want to delay too long, so he asked directly:

"Did Elder Fan just want this Kun?"

Fan Yan was suddenly nervous, and quickly denied:

"Elder Lu was joking. For thousands of years, the Bailian Sect and the Zhuquan Sect have always been friendly sects. Fan thought this Kun was a disaster for the noble sect, so he wanted to accept the evil beast. Since Elder Lu had already killed him, it is natural It is owned by the noble sect."

Are people in the White Lotus Sect so cautious?
Lu Ya thought to himself.

That being the case, considering that this guy is fairly well-behaved and hasn't crossed the line too much, I decided to give him a chance to reform himself and become a (tool) person again.

Just thinking about it casually, Lu Ya had a plan in his mind to detonate public opinion in Dongfu City.

But he won't do it himself.

Tool man

"Actually, this virtual kun was indeed once a property of the White Lotus Sect, so it should be a piece of the pie for you."

Fan Yan was slightly taken aback.


"But there is one condition."

"What conditions?"

"You bring dozens of plates of kun meat and go to Dongfu City to distribute them to Sanxian for free. Each immortal can only receive one piece for free. It will be a sign for Qingluan City. If you want to taste more, please come to Zhuquan Zongyue Come to the inn."

I am a dignified half-step immortal, give you a third-rate small sect platform to solicit customers?

Fan Yan has a masculine look on his face.


Lu Ya then threw another piece of bamboo to Fan Pan.

Fan Yan looked down, and there was a square black maze carved on it.

"This bamboo slip has an audio-visual QR code showing the cooking process of the giant kun. Use WeChat to scan... No, scan it with your spiritual sense, and you will be able to see the cooking style of the giant kun."


Lu Ya said again:

"I believe that with Elder Fan's prestige in Dongfu District, he will not be regarded as a liar, and no one will question the safety of Zhuquan Sect."


"In addition, every time a fairy comes to Yuelai Inn to spend, I will give you a piece of Kun meat commission, how about it?"

Return the Kun meat commission?
What are you feeding the dog?
Fan Yan had never suffered such a great humiliation.

But it is also true that Kun meat is very fragrant.

The spiritual power contained in it feels more pure than the first-class elixir!
"But I'm the elder of the White Lotus Sect, isn't it suitable?"

"The pre-sale elder is very suitable."

Lu Ya made a pun, and then said:
"And didn't you just say that the White Lotus Sect and the Bamboo Spring Sect have always been friendly sects, so why don't you help me with this little favor?"


Under Lu Ya Enwei's equal attention, Fan Wei's thoughts changed sharply, and he quickly thought of a plan to take this opportunity to wash away his bad reputation!

In his view, it is not necessary for men to fight to determine the outcome.

Men can also attract each other, cooperate with each other, and make progress together.

Sell ​​this son as a favor first, and take the opportunity to secretly investigate his background and strength.

We are strong, we are friends.

It's the weak, hehehehehe...

Lu Ya glanced at Fan Yan faintly, always feeling that this guy was thinking about something disgusting, so he pushed Kun Rou in front of him.

"Try it."

Only then did Fan Yan sit down, picked up a piece of fat diced kun meat with two fingers, and stuffed it into those plump lips in a provocative motion.

His expression froze suddenly.

Feeling soaring.

After a long time.

The delicious flush faded from his face, leaving only the shock in his stomach.

What kind of magic cooking is this?
Maybe it was stimulated by the delicious food, or maybe it was because they wanted to secretly sell Lu Ya a favor.

He suddenly reminded Lu Ya:

"I know that Elder Lu is very powerful, but he will never be invincible, so before I go to Dongfu City, I need to remind you of three things."

Although Lu Ya was really invincible, he still asked curiously.

"Which three things?"

Fan Pan's eyes narrowed slightly, and instantly restored the coldness of the immortal.

"First, don't underestimate the power of this beast tide."

"Second, don't underestimate the wine fox fairy."

"Third, the most dangerous one, don't underestimate my ancestor Yun Zhonghe!"

(End of this chapter)

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