Three thousand women's colleges ranked in the fairy class

Chapter 33: Bailianzong is playing a big game of chess!

Chapter 33 The White Lotus Sect is playing a big game of chess!

East Floating City.

Spirit beast mounts and flying instruments, large and small, gathered from all directions and slowly landed on the square.

The wide streets are bustling with traffic.

The clerks of the spirit tool shop shouted in the street with brilliant light and shadow spells.

In the wine shop on the attic, the fairy lights flickered, overflowing with the refreshing aroma of wine.

Surprises erupted outside the auction house, and the melodious sound of copper bells resounded throughout the city.

A bustling fairy city...

Fan Yan led Ma Xian and Niu Xian on the broad street.

Ma Xian's name is Ma Xianhong, a two-star immortal master, and he looks quite handsome.

The name of the Niu Immortal is Niu Pingtian, the Eight-Star Immortal Lord, and he is very strong.

Seeing that the two came to Dongfu City for the first time, Fan Yan let go of his airs as a fairy, and lovingly introduced Dongfu City's customs, places of interest, historical evolution, and even the romantic places...

"In short, you can tell me what you want to eat and what you want to play."

Hearing that, the cow and the horse had goose bumps all over their bodies.

The two of them had heard about Fan Pan's hobby, and there were even rumors that the reason why he lost to the Kunpeng brothers of the Eight-Star Immortal Sect was not because of lack of strength, but because of some disgraceful reasons.

"The two of us need to return to the clan as soon as possible to report to Elder Lu, and please arrange it quickly with Elder Fan."

"What is your background, Elder Lu?"

"We joined the sect not long ago, so we don't know. Elder Fan can ask in person."


The three continued to move forward.

The White Lotus Sect has a resplendent and resplendent shop in the prime location on the main street of Dongfu City.

It's called the White Lotus Immortal Palace.

The White Lotus Immortal Palace mainly sells secret books such as spiritual swords, magic tools, elixir and exercise commentaries produced by the White Lotus Sect, and is quite famous in Dongfu City.

The shopkeeper is a short and fat old man from Immortal Sect Realm, named Jin Fangshuo.

He used to be an elder of the White Lotus Sect who had quite a reputation in the sect, but now that he is older, he was sent to be a very good treasurer.

However, Jin Fangshuo is only an immortal sect after all, and compared with the half-step immortal fan Fan, his status is still a notch lower.

When Fan Yan came to Bailian Xianshi, he saw Jin Fangshuo directly, without further ado, threw him a few toothpicks.

"Jin has met Elder Fan."

"Try it."

After taking a bite of toothpick meat, the fat old man's old face suddenly swayed, and he felt as if he was about to rise in age.

"This taste..."

"This is Kun meat."

Jin Fangshuo's old eyes froze, he was stunned for a while, and hurriedly cupped his hands and said:
"Congratulations to Elder Fan for finally slaying an evil animal after a thousand years."

Fan Fan was not happy.

"Brother Jin, Fan has a private matter to ask you."

"As long as it doesn't violate the sect, it doesn't matter."

"This time, I took advantage of the riot of the beast tide and tracked the Kunpeng brothers all the way to the Zhuquan Sect to lead their hands. It was difficult to distinguish between the superior and the superior for a while. It happened that Sect Master Liu helped me, so I killed Jinpengzi and that Xukun."

Jin Fangshuo's old face was startled.

"Sect Master Liu has this strength?"

"Of course not, but her physique has surpassed that of Jin Pengzi, so I took the opportunity to break their combined immortal technique and killed two people in a row. In order to thank Sect Master Liu, I am going to put Xu Kun in Zhuquanzong and let their people cook it." Come out and entertain the immortals of Dongfu City to help them develop the cause of Qingluan City."

"Elder Fan really thinks that dripping water is springing up, but this matter is no small matter, should we inform the head?"

"The head is so busy, this trivial matter is nothing. After Senior Yun Zhonghe left, this is my personal grievance with brother Kunpeng. In recent days, I have lived here."

After finishing speaking, Fan Pan directly stuffed Jin Fangshuo with a lot of fairy crystals, without giving him a chance to refuse.

Immediately, Fan Yan informed him of Lu Ya's marketing plan.

When Jin Fangshuo heard this, he was quite admirable.

"Elder Fan is very thoughtful, don't worry, I will handle this matter properly."

"I live upstairs. Senior Brother Jin will hold activities under my name. If there is any problem, I will come forward."

"it is good."


The cow and the horse felt their scalps go numb from Fan Pan's manipulation show.

It was obviously Elder Lu's credit, but it suddenly became his credit. Not only did he wash away the shame of the year, but he also fabricated a reason for Sect Master Liu's action, so as to repay his favor and support Qingluan City.

Not only is the logic strict, killing three birds with one stone, what's even more amazing is that with Elder Lu's health-preserving temperament of indifference to fame and fortune, not only does he not care about his actions, he even looks at him highly.

Unexpectedly, this guy is also a fierce and brainy type!

After a few hours.

The news that Fan Yan beheaded Xu Kun and cooked in Zhuquanzong spread throughout Dongfu City.

At first, some people were skeptical, until slowly some people started to scan the collard meat.

After tasting, I found that the deliciousness of Kun meat is unimaginable.

Not only that, the aura in the Kun meat is extremely pure, even purer than medicine pills!

The entire Dongfu City was boiling, and countless immortals came to scan the QR code to receive Kun meat. Among them, the brave and rich immortals even scanned the QR code to get bamboo slices and went directly to Zhuquanzong.

Fan Pan's reputation spread throughout Dongfu within a day.

For a while, the streets and alleys were full of lively discussions about Fan Yan.

"Elder Fan finally eliminated harm for the people!"

"The White Lotus Sect is really the light of Dongfu."

"The kindness of a drop of water should be repaid by a spring. Unexpectedly, Elder Fan is really a man."

"Is Qingluan City's culinary skills so high?"

"This kun meat is so delicious and pure in spiritual power."

"I want to go to Zhuquanzong to try it, but I don't know if it's safe."

"Safety, it is said that Elder Fan specially made bamboo pieces to protect Sect Master Liu."

"I'm not surprised. Elder Fan doesn't like humans. He's a good beast fairy. Naturally, he won't be affected by Liu Xuanye. I think the protective bamboo pieces he made are fine."

"I think it's a bit too coincidental. Maybe the White Lotus Sect and the Bamboo Spring Sect have a very close relationship and want to help out this time, or the White Lotus Sect has secretly annexed the Bamboo Spring Sect to develop the cause of the Immortal City."

"And this animal riot, I feel that there are many doubts."

"The White Lotus Sect is playing a big game of chess!"

"If this is the case, I want to open a shop in Qingluan City. After all, Dongfu City is at the foot of Xianting, and many businesses controlled by Xianting cannot be carried out."

"Anyway, let's go and have a look first."

"Go scan the code!"



The residence of Dongfu Xianting, Xingtian Pavilion, the second top floor.

Heishi hurriedly pushed away from the executive room.

Standing in front of the window was the back of a woman wearing an auspicious cloud fairy cloak and her silver hair tied sideways into a waterfall.

The cultivation base of One Star Immortal Venerable has experienced the baptism of years, and it appears extremely simple, restrained and calm.

"Is it for the White Lotus Sect?"

Heishi stopped suddenly, his tone pretending to be stunned.

"Dean, do you also know?"

The so-called dean is the dean of Dongfu Immortal Academy. After Li Wuxie, the former head of Dongfu, was demoted to herd sheep, he, as the only surviving immortal in Dongfu City, temporarily acted as the head of Dongfu.

The silver-haired woman nodded slightly.

"What do you want to say?"

"The subordinates believe that it is unlikely that the White Lotus Sect will cooperate with the Zhuquan Sect, and perhaps it is just Fan Yan's personal behavior."

"What's the basis?"

Heishi couldn't say that there might be a master at the level of Immortal Master in Zhuquan Sect, and even roasted the Immortal Saker Falcon.

He was very sure that this matter must have something to do with Lu Ya... After all, who else could have thought of roasting a giant kun except him?
"There is no basis, only intuition."

The silver-haired woman sighed softly.

"Liu Xuanye and Jiuhu Immortal used to be my students. If it wasn't for their bodies, each of them might be able to kill Brother Kunpeng alone, but now they have to rely on someone like Fan Yan?"

"Now the beast tide is out of control, the reason is unknown, there is likely to be a big move in the depths of the beast's nest, and any floating mountain in the east floating area will be swept away at any time. Without the guard of the immortal, the floating mountain will hardly survive."

"There are rumors that the out-of-control beast swarm is caused by the Wine Fox Immortal—although she was once my student, I don't know her very well. It's strange. I don't even have the right to view her fairy court file."

"The last person who tried to forcibly view her file is now herding sheep."

"What do you think?"

"I have always believed that Immortal Jiuhu is on the side of Xianting, otherwise she would have been dismissed by Xianting with her style."

"Wait, wasn't Li Wuxie dismissed because of his adultery with Fairy Tail's Snake Immortal? I heard that she also gave birth to a half-snake baby girl?"

"The other party is not Fairy Tail."

Heishi emphasized it especially, so he asked again.

"Let Li Zhishou come back, now is not the time to herd sheep, Dongfu City needs his strength."

"You asked me to violate Xianting's banishment order?"

"Li Zhishou's personal problems are just a misunderstanding and a pretense. He will soon return to his post, not to mention applying for support from Caiyun Xianting now. After a set of procedures, time is too late."

The silver-haired woman shook her head, turned around, revealing a slightly aged and delicate face.

"It's understandable that you care about the old master, but the beast tide is not as urgent as you said for the time being. Right now, we should first focus on the construction of the Zhuquan Sect and see the White Lotus Sect's reaction before making a decision."


(End of this chapter)

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