Three thousand women's colleges ranked in the fairy class

Chapter 35 Master Jiuhu lost all his pants

Chapter 35 Master Jiuhu lost all his pants
Go with the flow.

Be adaptable.

Do it at will.

This is Lu Ya's so-called plan.

He will not do anything specially for the development of Qingluan City.

When meeting Xu Kun, he roasted Xu Kun.

When you meet Fan Fan, use Fan Fan.

When encountering other cats and dogs, it is also used randomly.

But he underestimated the influence of the White Lotus Sect in Dongfu City.

Just that night, more than a thousand immortals came to Zhuquanzong.

When they first arrived in Qingluan City, these people were still a little cautious, worried about Liu Xuanye, worried about this, worried about that.

But soon, he was attracted by the tangy fragrance in Yuelai Inn, obediently took out the fairy crystals, and took a sip of real fragrance.

In the inn, besides Lu Ya's roasted kun meat, there are also boiled kun slices, stewed kun bones, shredded kun-flavored pork...

Although Yuan Zhou's cooking was a little worse than Lu Ya's.

But with Lu Ya's seasoning, coupled with his excellent cooking skills, it is enough to distinguish the fake from the real, and it is difficult to distinguish. Only Xianzong and above can distinguish the nuances.

The prices of these kun meat dishes are quite reasonable, there is no cheap sales, and there are no exotic goods to live in, which attracts a constant stream of customers, and there was even a queuing phenomenon at one point.

Until midnight, the Yuelai Inn was still brightly lit.

In the entire Qingluan City, there is only such a store that is open, but it is extremely popular, and it seems unreal.

But it really happened!

Not all the immortals who came that night came to consume, but most of them came to wait and see and admire Xu Kun's demeanor.

This is an evil animal that has plagued the Dongfu District for more than 1000 years, has committed countless crimes, and is also said to be extremely delicious.

Can't afford it or look down on it?

The area around the bamboo platform behind the inn was once again full of people.

Rao is an immortal, the strong shock of standing in front of the giant kun is no different from that of an immortal, just like an ant.

After a long time, someone asked:
"No, I see that there is no smell of barbecue smoke in the inn, so where is the diced meat we eat cooked?"

At this time, a local fairy replied proudly:

"It's in Kun's belly!"

"Our Elder Zonglu grilled it in Kun's belly!"

"Elder Lu?"

"You don't even know Elder Lu?"

"Sovereign Taoist Companion, Lord of Qingluan City!"

"Cooking in the belly?"

"A mortal?"

"How could Elder Lu be a mortal?"

"Did you Elder Lu really have a bridal chamber with Sect Master Liu?"

"Is that still fake?"

"At the wedding ceremony, the elder even kissed the suzerain. We all thought he was going to die, but it turned out that nothing happened, and we carried him back to the bridal chamber in a blink of an eye."

"Our hope now is that the Suzerain will give birth to a child!"

"Is it because of Elder Fan's protective bamboo?"

"Who is Elder Fan?"


Similar conversations continue to happen among the crowd.

Lu Ya did not intend to control speech.

There is no publicity, and there is no deliberate cover-up.

Everything develops freely.

The guests soon learned the cause of the Kunpeng brothers' death.

"Sect Master Liu killed Jin Pengzi alone?"

"Elder Lu cooked the giant kun raw from his stomach?"

"Elder Lu brought Zhuquanzong back to life?"

"It has nothing to do with the White Lotus Sect?"

I believe you a ghost!
There must be a shady deal with the White Lotus Sect!

The truth is often more exaggerated than lies, so that people prefer to believe lies.

Most of the immortals speculated that Lu Ya might be an agent secretly cultivated by the White Lotus Sect, with the purpose of joining the Zhuquan Sect and indirectly obtaining this treasured land of geomantic omen.

The elders of some nearby small sects also visited Ning Zhongzi one after another, sent congratulatory gifts, bought a large amount of kun meat and packed them, and asked when no one was paying attention:
"Junior Sister Ning, can you reveal the way to cooperate with the White Lotus Sect?"

"Don't get me wrong, we don't have a plan to build a city, we just want to discuss cooperation with the White Lotus Sect to forge swords."

Ning Zhongzi had no choice but to confess.

"We have not cooperated with the White Lotus Sect. The development of Qingluan City is the plan of Elder Lu of our sect."

"Which Elder Lu?"



For three days in a row, the flow of people in Qingluan City did not show the slightest sign of diminishing, and continued to climb steadily.

In addition to immortals, there were also rich and powerful mortals who came to consume, as well as a large number of idle refugees.

For a time, Qingluan City became famous.

Some merchants who were interested in Qingluan City, after several days of observation, confirmed that the Zhuquan Sect was not in danger, and the White Lotus Sect did not step forward to disassociate themselves from it, so the matter is self-evident.

Day four begins.

One after another, merchants came to the door to discuss cooperation with Ning Zhongzi.

Because Yuelai Inn focuses on drinks and food, the first batch of merchants who came here were all other businesses.

There are counterfeit artifacts and swords, there are pesticides and fertilizers, there are small medical clinics, and fortune tellers...

Because it is the early stage, according to Lu Ya's intention, as long as it does not violate the law of the fairy court, anyone who comes will not be rejected.

Among them, there are even casinos and romantic places!

Ning Zhongzi specifically requested——

Casinos must be limited.

Fengyue places can only perform shows to accompany drinks, not sell themselves.

And pharmacies can't sell addictive pills.

Qingluan City put an end to pornography, gambling and drugs!

Because the initial rent was not high, all [-] sets of shops except Yuelai Inn were rented out in just two days.

These merchants mainly focus on cheap Xianjia products, and they are also attracted by Xu Kun. On the seventh day, Qingluan City received more than ten thousand customers every day.

Half of them are immortals!
In just ten days, the commercial atmosphere in Qingluan City has picked up, along with the rapid expansion of the local planting and breeding industries, making the entire Fukong Mountain thriving.


ten days later.

After ten days of salting fish on the mountain, Lu Ya was a little tired again.

Sleeping every day, fishing, hot springs, picking up girls, drinking, the life of salted fish is so boring and boring.

Especially the routine double break with Liu Xuanye, Liu Xuanye was happy, Xiantai became warm and stable day by day, and he had a breakthrough in the way of swords every day.

However, Lu Ya suffered unspeakably, with back pain and leg cramps every time, but the boy was always like this, there was nothing he could do about it, and there was nothing to complain about.

It's time to go down the mountain to test the results of building the city, maybe you can find unexpected fun.

After a long stretch, Lu Ya took a step forward and went down the mountain.

Ten days later, the seedlings in the wheat fields and valleys at the foot of the mountain are more than a foot high, and even the pasture has expanded a lot.

When the immortals saw Lu Ya, their attitude was more enthusiastic than before.

"Elder Lu, you have worked hard."

"Elder Lu, my leeks are growing tall, do you want to cut some and take them home?"

"Elder Lu, the oysters in the river are very plump, take some back."

"Elder Lu, I'll add some goji berries for you."

"Let's talk later."

Lu Ya thought, my hard work is hard work, but not the kind of hard work you imagined.

To Qingluan City.

Lu Ya was completely dumbfounded as he looked at the small town crowded with people and bustling with people.

Is this the East Floating City?
Large and small spirit beast mounts and flying fairy weapons dragged bright light in the air, gathered from all directions, and slowly landed on the square in front of Yuelai Inn.

The wide one-sided streets are bustling with traffic.

The clerks of the spirit tool shop shouted in the street, and combined with the brilliant light and shadow spells, they brought various promotions and discounts to open the store.

The fairy lights flickered in the wine shop on the attic of the inn, and the laughter of cyclists and kabukis and the refreshing aroma of wine could be heard faintly.

Outside the auction house there was a lot of shock and discussion, and the copper bell on the roof rang once every time a sale was made, and the melodious sound resounded throughout the city.

In addition, there are some peddlers who set up street stalls on the edge of the cliff.

For example, charlatans selling dog skin elixir, handmade fairy craftsmen who put magic masks on fairy swords and spiritual weapons, fortune tellers who dress up as hidden masters, or storytellers who arrange fairy anecdotes...

Walking on the busy street, Lu Ya was in a daze.

It feels like not the last ten days, but ten years.

Is this really Qingluan City that I planned at will?
It feels a little dreamy.

Thinking of this, Lu Ya walked to a busy shop, and there was a huge plaque on which was written——

Wanhua Building.

Just listen to the upstairs pushing cups and changing cups, Yingying Yanyan, and various strings and flutes coming out.

There is a place for Fengyue so soon?
Qingluan City was not built in vain!

Even though Ning Zhongzi had told him a long time ago, the Fengyue place in Qingluan City must be operated legally, and it can only be a show, not a body.

But it's also very pleasant to go in for a drink, see beautiful women, and listen to ditties.

Married men need to have fun too.

Lu Ya was about to lift his foot to go in, when suddenly there was a plump and elegant figure lying in front of him.

In those gentle and bright eye waves, slightly dark filaments are constantly condensing.

"Why, did the suzerain snub senior brother?"

It was Ning Zhongzi.

Lu Ya suddenly felt ashamed of being caught and raped in bed, and hurried down the steps.

"You know, the suzerain has always been cold."

The black threads in his eyes suddenly dissipated, and Ning Zhongzi suddenly felt sorry for Lu Ya.

"I'll tell her well when I look back. Don't go to this kind of place. They're all vulgar fans, not suitable for seniors like Senior Brother."

"There is also a bit of art in vulgar fans."



Lu Ya was overwhelmed by Ning Zhongzi, and he didn't dare to say anything, so he had to go shopping casually with his senior sister.

Unable to discuss art with the fairies, Lu Ya felt that the lively sounds around him suddenly became harsh.

As Lu Xun said, the joys and sorrows of human beings are not connected, and Lu Ya only thinks that they are noisy.

In this way, isn't Qingluan City built in vain?
Glancing at Feng Ying's pretty figure beside him, Lu Ya shook his head.

this woman...

Can't stay!

After walking for a long time, Ning Zhongzi suddenly felt a little emotional.

"A month ago, the Zhuquan Sect was lifeless, and it was about to be withdrawn. I didn't expect it to develop into this appearance in a blink of an eye. The one-year mission of Xianting deliberately made things difficult for us, and it was completed in one month."

Lu Ya nodded blankly, not knowing where his thoughts went.

"make persistent efforts."

Ning Zhongzi stopped suddenly, staring at Lu Ya with bright eyes.

"Stimulate the beast tide, hunt Xu Kun, use Fan Pan... Is all this in the brother's plan?"

Although Lu Ya has no plan for this, but if you praise me, can I still deny it?
"Ahem, just a small contribution."

At this moment--

The crowd on the street was disturbed and gave way one after another.

A loli with a big fart was riding a giant tiger with hanging eyes that was ten feet tall, rampaging on the street.

A sudden stop came to a stop in front of Ning Zhongzi.

"Nurse is not good, Mr. Jiuhu lost all his pants in the casino."

(End of this chapter)

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