Chapter 39 Hurry up

Lu Ya thought for a while, now he is the sword-wielding elder of Zhuquanzong, a hard-core player who dares to risk the disgrace of the world with Liu Xuanye, the lord of Qingluan City, a city designer, and a Xukun cooker...

It would be ugly if someone found out that he was visiting a brothel.

Face still has to be taken care of!
His carefully crafted appearance in the game is so handsome and dazzling.

So I wanted to change my appearance first and make myself a little ugly.

According to whose appearance?
To be unremarkable...

Let's have fun!
Lu Ya casually wiped his face, and in a blink of an eye, Gu Tianle turned into an ordinary look.

Immediately, he felt that there were fewer eyes watching him around him.

People become darker and older, like an old fritters.

Feeling much more at ease, Lu Ya swaggered into the lobby of Wanhualou.

Wanhualou is a combination of two stores, with a large area.

This kind of brothel is either very large and lively, or small and exciting. As long as it is a legal brothel, the storefront is generally large and ostentatious.

Wearing a Gutianle vest, Lu Ya waded into the Wanhua Building in a chic way, feeling as comfortable and comfortable as coming home, without any restraint.

He thought to himself, the hard work of building the city has finally yielded sweet fruits!

After swaggering around a few times, a bustard soon came to greet him in the front hall.

The bustard is not ugly, she is lightly dressed and quite elegant, but she is a little old.

"Does the guest officer want to listen to the music in the lobby on the first floor, or go upstairs and sit in the box?"

Lu Ya took a look.

The first floor is the lobby with a big stage.

On the stage, there is a fairy playing with the pipa and guzheng, making a pleasant fairy sound, and there are several enchanting fairies dancing beside them, swaying and dancing.

There are dozens of tables under the stage, with small wine and peanuts, and they are full of guests.

The audience can occasionally interact with the fairies on stage.

The atmosphere is very lively, but the music is a bit tacky.

Lu Ya didn't like it.

The second floor is a box.

According to the old bustard, you can enjoy one-on-one poetry in the private room.

The art of one-on-one, well...

One-to-one is secondary. Lu Ya mainly wants to get in touch with elegant art, cultivate his sentiments, and cultivate his character.

"Go to the box."

The bustard smiled and led Lu Ya to the second floor.

On the second floor, there is an elegant seat for accompanying wine.

There are also boxes for art.

The old bustard rubbed his hands and asked playfully.

"Which girl do you want?"

Needless to say?

Lu Ya resolutely said:
"Give me the, the one with the highest artistic level."

The old bustard looked up and smiled slightly.

"You mean Miss Xiaodie?"

Who cares about her name?

Time is limited, Lu Ya urged.

"I only have a quarter of an hour, hurry up."

The old bustard suddenly looked up and down Lu Ya with complicated eyes. After a while, he said meaningfully:

"It's not a quarter of an hour."

God, what a quarter of an hour is not short!

What about not driving?

Aren't you a vegetarian shop?
A moment of art is worth a thousand dollars, Lu Ya didn't want to delay any longer, and urged:

"Hurry up, I'm in a hurry."

The bustard likes Lu Ya's quarter-hour customers the most.

"I'm going to call Miss Xiaodie."

At this moment.

A drunken voice of a promiscuous girl came up the stairs step by step. It was approaching and far away, making people dizzy.

"Isn't Xiaodie booked by me? Bustard, you dare to steal my clock?"

This coquettish fox!

Lu Ya heard the voice and recognized the person, and was so frightened that he almost teleported.

Fortunately, he is not Lu Ya now, but Gu Tianle.

Hold on.

Don't be shy!
The Wine Fox Immortal held a small red flagon and wobbled up.

It is still the cloth strips tightly wrapped around the arrogant body, which is full of loopholes.

Still drinking only the last sip, he had to sip slowly, and finally he could only lick the pot of fairy wine slowly with his small tongue.

Still a flushed and bold little round face...

This coquettish fox really goes shopping in brothels!

Lu Ya was speechless.

It seems that we have to pay attention in the future, we can't let women green themselves.

Seeing that the Jiuhu Fairy was not kind to the visitor, the bustard hurriedly laughed and said:

"Master Jiuhu, you haven't paid the deposit yet, so you can only come on a first-come, first-served basis. This young master will drink with Xiaodie first, but don't worry, he will finish it in a quarter of an hour."

Lu Ya:


The wine fox fairy quit.

Feeling full of green.

She seemed to be intoxicated, but her words were analyzed and explained in detail.

"What is first come first served? What do you think of Miss Xiaodie? A commodity? She is a work of art!"

The bustard is respectful.

"Art also needs money."

Jiuhu Immortal's round face turned horizontal, and his aura suddenly rose sharply.

"I'm the envoy of Qingluan City, the leader of the guarding army, the senior deacon of Dongfu Immortal Court, and a classmate of Sect Master Liu for a thousand years. Do you want me to ask for a deposit?"

The bustard is neither humble nor overbearing.

"If you book in advance, you need a deposit."

"I have several jobs, and my salary is hundreds of immortal crystals every minute. How can I lose your money? Stop nagging, call Xiaodie out, and hurry up!"

"Small business, Lord Jiuhu, please forgive me."

Wine Fox Fairy:

Lu Ya was convinced.

I felt that if I hadn't been watching from the side, this coquettish fox would have cast a magic spell on the old bustard.

The Jiuhu Immortal really saw that Lu Ya was an eyesore and couldn't move, but after a second thought, he had an idea.

"Brother, my sister's money is tight recently, can I listen to a song with Miss Xiaodie?"

You want three...

Lu Ya is really convinced!

Forget it, there are only ten minutes left, time waits for no one, let's make do with art appreciation.

In fact, he was a little nervous to engage in art one-on-one with a strange woman.

Together, the two can ease the atmosphere.

This wave is not too bad.

He generously said:

"It's okay."

The Wine Fox Immortal smiled, licked the wine juice from the mouth of the pot with his small mouth, and said meaningfully:

"Brother, you are very discerning, this Xiaodie is exciting."


Soon, the old bustard led Lu Ya and the two into Xiaodie's box.

Xiaodie's private room is not very big, but at the corners near the windows on both sides, the room is very clean, the spirit is unobstructed, and there is a faint fragrance of flowers.

Lu Ya looked at the room because he was a little nervous.

He didn't expect that he would still be nervous after reaching the full level.

Sitting on the well-crafted bamboo chair, he suddenly had the feeling that he was about to be caught at any moment.

Fortunately, I am the lord of the city, and the captain of the criminal department is beside me, full of drunken fragrance.

Thinking of this, I was relieved.

Fluttershy is coming soon.

The delicate Xiaojiabiyu type.

The appearance is delicate and pleasant, with a sweet smile, Fen Dai turns pale.

She was wearing a lavender gauze, which was semi-opaque and very seductive.

The figure is a little taller than the Jiuhu Immortal, the curves are not too prominent, but very well-proportioned, especially the small waist like a willow, which is very soft and waxy when you hold it, and has a fairy-like feeling that you can fall down when you push it.

Look carefully, he is actually a one-star immortal master!
The fairy master also went into the sea?
It seems that the fairy world is not easy to mix...

Lu Ya thought to himself.

Seeing the Wine Fox Immortal, Xiaodie posted it with lotus steps, pretending to be surprised and saying:

"Master Jiuhu, so the friend you talk about every day is not yourself? You really have friends."

Jiuhu Immortal was a little embarrassed, and went down the steps.

"Ahem, what is this called? When have I lied to you? Let me introduce you. This is my friend. It's called... called..."

The jug pointed at Lu Ya for a long time, but didn't point out why.

Lu Ya nodded slightly.

"Gu Tianle."

Xiaodie bowed slightly to Lu Ya, her attitude was very polite, she didn't look at Lu Ya differently just because he was a mortal, giving people a very professional feeling.

"Xiaodie has met Young Master Gu."

(End of this chapter)

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