Chapter 4 Abyss Sword Intent
A woman wearing a green robe and a yellow collar was standing in front of the mountain gate with her hands behind her back, condescending, her bright eyes were cold and serious, she stared straight at Mu Yu Feifei without saying a word.

Mu Yu suddenly withered into a human form.

Started riding on her neck, made a little arhat.

Lu Ya looked up.

The woman is a five-star fairy master, dressed as a middle-aged woman, with willow eyebrows and bright eyes, beautiful but not charming, with a dignified appearance, and gentleness in her solemn expression.

Under the green robe, the figure is very plump, but thanks to the tailored fit, the appearance is dignified, the temperament is graceful, it looks very elegant, without any feeling of excessive plumpness.

This is the rich fairy who is three thousand older than me?
The so-called beautiful suzerain of the two girls?
Well, pretty is pretty...

Three thousand years old is not too old.

The problem is that your graceful and dignified temperament is an old mentality!
I have to call auntie.

Hello auntie.

Young man, you are very good. Auntie will take you to pick up the BMW at dawn.

The sense of sight is too serious!

Lu Ya suddenly became a little timid.

Mu Yufeifei was still stacking the little arhat, and all four round ears on Shuangwanzi's head stood up.

Although a little imposing in terms of momentum, but with Lu Ya at the side to help out, the two proudly stacked on top of Little Arhat.

Lifting his two big heads up and down, he stood majestically on the stone steps three feet away from the woman, without taking a step closer.

Seeing that the two daughters did not repent, the woman felt proud, and asked sharply, with slightly frowned eyebrows.

"You guys sneak out and dare to come back? Where's Qingluan?"

Speaking of Qingluan, the two girls hiccupped, pulled Lu Ya, and hurriedly changed the subject:
"Master, I brought back a man for the suzerain."

"Look, isn't he handsome?"


It turns out that Auntie is not your suzerain?

Lu Ya breathed a sigh of relief, and silently released the F key in his heart.

The woman is slightly annoyed.

Using Xianli, waved his sleeves in the air, and gave each of the two girls a big chestnut.

"Qingluan is already in your stomach! You also cheated him from a foreign country. You will be fined and locked up for three days, and you are not allowed to eat, drink or go out."

Mu Yufeifei clutched her tiger's head, very dissatisfied, she raised her face and bared her teeth.

"Nurse, you are too fierce, we don't want to be locked up!"

"We brought a man back to the suzerain...we have made great achievements!"


The woman's forehead was full of black lines, as if she had been touched by the scales in her heart.

There were two big bangs again, and they directly smashed the little arhat on top of the two girls.

In the fairy world, it is better for fairies to be thin and thin, and it is better not to eat fireworks in the world.

Fairies hate the figure that is too plump and looks too smoky.

The woman quietly adjusted the skirt of the chest to make it look loose and elegant.

He glanced at Lu Ya lightly, and found that he was just a mortal, and a trace of imperceptible regret flashed in his steady eyes.

"What's your name, son?"

Lu Ya was slightly taken aback.

Immortals seldom call immortals sons.

Her tone is also very comfortable, without any condescending feeling, not as domineering as her figure at all.

Before Lu Ya could speak, the two girls volunteered to answer:
"Let me introduce to you—this is the nanny...cough cough, this is the precept elder and elixir elder of the Zhuquan sect, senior Ning Zhongzi."

Deliberately dragging out the long accent on the word "senior", the two girls pointed at Lu Ya again and said:
"This is……"

"By the way, little brother, what's your name?"

"Lu Ya."

"That's right, this is Lu Ya, the Qingluan he caught. Look, he's handsome, right?"

Ning Zhongzi twitched his brows, he obviously didn't believe what the two girls said, and even felt a little ashamed.

"Master Lu laughed."

"It's okay, Lu Mou came here, just looking for a salty... place of enlightenment, just happened to meet two children on the way, and said that the noble sect is recruiting, so I came to have a look."

Ordinary people enlightened?

The woman frowned slightly, feeling unreliable, but her tone remained polite.

"How did the two children talk to the young master?"

"If you become a Taoist couple with the patriarch of your noble sect, you can become a sword-wielding elder and rank in the immortal class. If you don't do anything every month, you can get 30 yuan of immortal crystals."

"It's true that you don't need to do anything, and you can't do certain things in particular. For young masters who have no cultivation base, once they do it, their lives will be in danger."

What do you mean you don't have to do certain things?

Is it life-threatening?

Lu Ya thought there might be trouble, and wanted to find an excuse to retreat, but now he heard what the woman said, and suddenly became curious.

"What exactly can't you do?"

"You can't take the initiative toward the sect, that's all."

Ning Zhongzi didn't hide anything, his bright eyes were as calm as water.

"Can the son do it?"

"Superficial companion?"

"That's it."


Lu Ya looked dignified on the surface and was delighted in his heart.

Love is not as good as a game, and he has a deep understanding of how troublesome it is to fall in love. The reason why he doesn't mind being taken care of by a rich fairy is because he would rather sell his body than fall in love.

Now the rich fairy said.

I don't even want your body, I just need to be a superficial couple, and I can let you enjoy a life of salted fish without worrying about food and clothing...


"It's very simple to not move the mind, but I think the number of nobles is very small, how to maintain it?"

It's easy to not move your heart?
Ning Zhongzi was startled for a moment, then glanced at Lu Ya carefully.

Although he is only a fairy, he looks handsome and extraordinary, and his behavior reveals awe-inspiring fairy spirit.

The way he looks at himself is very regular, unlike ordinary men who would glance around at fairies...

Is there really such a pure man in this world?

Why is such a man just a fairy?
As for how to maintain the Zhuquan sect, Ning Zhongzi was very determined.

"As long as the young master is truly unmoved by ordinary minds, the sect can enjoy long-term peace and stability."

Can it last without turning yellow?
Lu Ya became more and more curious.

"Let's look at people first."

Ning Zhongzi was slightly taken aback, but still politely guided Lu Ya up the mountain.

"Please come with me."


Holding up a slender spirit sword, Ning Zhongzi carried Lu Ya to Jianping on the top of the mountain.

Jianping is on the north side of the mountain.

On the top of the mountain is an undulating bamboo forest, and the bamboo is greener and thinner, like a sharp sword inserted upside down.

The cherry blossoms that can be seen everywhere are completely different from the pine and maple on the mountainside.

Jianping is a suspended boulder.

The south is backed by a bamboo forest, and several ancient pines grow obliquely in the cracks of the rocks on the edge of the cliff, and a clear stream falls into a waterfall beside the ancient pines.

Standing next to the waterfall, you can see the entire northern half of Fukong Mountain, the sky and sea of ​​clouds, the river and the countryside, all of which are too beautiful to behold.

On the west side of Jianping, the golden afterglow pierced through the sea of ​​clouds and filled the earth, as if covering Fukong Mountain with a layer of magnificent divinity.

Lu Ya stared blankly, and regained the feeling he had when he first played the game.

Next-gen screen details.

Spectacular fairyland design.

Flowing cloud light colors...

All bring shocking visual effects and an unparalleled sense of immersion.

But the magnificence of the real fairyland is even more spectacular than games!
At this time, Mu Yufeifei also followed.

Ning Zhongzi said to the two:
"I'm here to accompany the young master, you two go and call the suzerain over."

The two tigers jumped and jumped into the bamboo forest with excited faces.

Ning Zhongzi stood on the edge of the cliff with his hands behind his back.

"Isn't the sunset beautiful?"

Lu Ya nodded.

"Look carefully, if you are a little bit moved by the suzerain, this will be the last time you will see the sunset in your life."

Lu Ya:


Ning Zhongzi turned around and straightened Lu Ya's robe close to him. Seeing that his eyes were not squinted and his breathing was steady, he was slightly relieved.

Lu Ya's curiosity had long been suspended, so he didn't care about Ning Zhongzi in front of him.

With a display of consciousness, it instantly spread to the entire mountaintop.

Although the top of the mountain has some ups and downs, it is still flat on the whole. The land of tens of acres square is covered with a large area of ​​bamboo forest and interspersed with cherry trees.

There is a clear lake in the middle of the forest, and there are several pavilions beside the lake.

To the north is Xuanshi Jianping where Lu Ya is standing.

To the south is a magnificent deliberative palace.

To the east is a medicine garden.

There is a hot spring in the west.

The water mist on the hot spring is connected with the sea of ​​clouds outside the cliff, and the mist is vast, just like heaven and earth.

Lu Ya's consciousness passed through the mist, and he saw a pool of clear spring water with scattered bamboo leaves and cherry blossoms floating.

A woman leaned against the hot spring stone with her white jade arms closed, her lazy sword eyes slowly opened.

The moment Lu Ya's consciousness touched the woman's sword eyes——

A sword intent that seemed to come from the ancient abyss pierced Lu Ya's dantian instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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