Chapter 44 A Sword Comes to the West

The four immortal sect spirits stirred in the air, causing a strong wind and rolling clouds.

The golden bodies of the two Nine Star Immortal Sects instantly glowed with golden light, like the light of Buddha.

on it.

Three thousand sword lights hang upside down, making clanking sounds, and the complicated sword formations form strange and exquisite mathematical totems, like a vast Xingtian ceremony.

under it.

The ghostly fox shadow changes like a sunset, and the three swaying giant tails sway like fire, stirring the surrounding air into a sea of ​​wine, emitting an intoxicating fragrance.

After all, Jiuhu Immortal made a move on his own people.

She wanted to come to the play, but was forced to act.

She originally came to investigate Lu Ya, but in the end she was repeatedly investigated and molested by Lu Ya.

He was much worse than Liu Xuanye, he even dared to crush Xu Yinglong's head!
Fortunately, Lu Ya only asked her to dance and fight. If he called her a woman, wouldn't she lose her virginity?
It is better to fight!

One day she will drive four tails, five tails, six tails...

At that time, Lu Ya must be asked to kneel on the ground and sing "Two Tigers" with his ass pouted!

Thinking in this way, the red shadow fox flew straight into the sky and flew towards the two Nine Star Immortal Sects.

The air soon turned into a four-man melee!

The two Nine Star Immortal Sect shook their heads sadly.

Obviously, they disdain to lower their status and fight Liu Xuanye and Jiuhu Immortal.

But for the majesty of the Immortal Court and to punish the rebels, they had to fight again.

Mo Xianzong waved his hand to disrupt the sword formation, and sneered:

"The deity doesn't show up first, and secondly, he doesn't have a fairy solution, so he only relies on this kind of carving and insect swordsmanship?"

The Wine Fox Fairy wagged his tail and shouted:

"If Sister Xuan Ye comes, you still have to give me a fart, to save face, and everyone is fine. You see, Lu Ya didn't kill anyone. Xu Yinglong went too far this time, and it's okay to leave a boat."

Another horizontal spiritual fist blasted towards the top of Jiuhu Immortal's head.

"Wine Fox Immortal, do you know what you are doing?"

"Don't talk, let's pretend, you just pretend to lose to me."




The fairy court guards around Kun's body.

The review deacon who is doing a symbolic review in Qingluan City

And the guards and inspection deacons on the other six fairy ships.

All were dumbfounded.

Are you really fighting?

This was the first time they encountered resistance during the parade in the fairy court.

Although Deacon Xu didn't come to review at all.

There are also no documents for inspection and review.

But does it matter?

He is Xu Yinglong!

He is the number three figure in Dongfu Fairy Court!
His father is the lord of Dongfu City, a half-step immortal, Xu Nian!
His great-uncle is Caiyun Judgment Envoy, Immortal Saint, Zhu Shen Daoist!

Not to mention Dongfu Immortal District, even looking at the entire Caiyun Immortal Territory, no one dared to touch him.

They also don't know why things have come to this point.

They have been eating and drinking spicy food with Xu Yinglong for thousands of years.

Before coming to Zhuquan Sect, everything was as usual, even more fully prepared than usual.

Why did things turn out like this?

What is the background of this city master Lu?
What should they do now?
Want to notify East Floating City?

But Master Yinyue didn't know about this surprise operation, so how could he notify?

Need to fight?

With the two nine-star immortal sects Mo Xianzong and Zhao Xianzong present, they seem to be unable to intervene.

But the review work was resisted by thieves, and it was not appropriate for them to just look at it.

what can we do about it?

Gradually, everyone's eyes locked on... Lu Ya who was watching the play.

Shoot people first, shoot horses, capture thieves first, capture the king, it is better to arrest the Lord Lu!
People often only believe the facts they want to believe, the worse the strength, the less forceful they are, especially Xu Yinglong and his subordinates, who have been idle all year round, bullying others, and neglecting to fight.

From their point of view, Deacon Xu's real cultivation is only that of a six-star immortal, and this man can arrest people from a distance, which is something that ordinary low-level immortal masters can do.

Randomly send a high-ranking immortal teacher here, maybe he can catch him in one fell swoop, even if he can't catch him, there are two Nine-Star Immortal Sects who will cover him.

The great time to make contributions has come!
On the deck of a fairy ship next door to the flagship.

More than a dozen immortal masters are eager to try.

"I'll catch it!"

"I'm going to catch him!"

"Let's go together!"

At this time, Shi Shiran, a short one-star Immortal Sect, walked out of the crowd.

"Nonsense, his method of arresting people from a distance is unusual. He must be a high-level immortal teacher. How can you be an opponent? What's more, there are so many people going up together, which insults the reputation of the Immortal Court. Let this sect arrest him alone!"

Why do you, the Immortal Sect, still grab fame?

Everyone was very annoyed, but there was nothing they could do.

The short Xianzong smiled slightly, and followed Lu Ya's example, and reached out to grab the flagship next door.

"Five Elements Immortal Capture Technique!"


Lu Ya turned his head and saw that he was only a one-star Immortal Sect. He was a little too lazy to do anything, so he fooled him with a casual look, and ignored him.

These guys are so boring.

He is waiting for a guest.

The short Xianzong's eyes froze, as if seeing the abyss, his right hand hanging in the air couldn't stop shaking.

Everyone behind was at a loss.

"Senior Han, why didn't you arrest him?"

The short Xianzong's expression turned black, and he forced a smile and said:
"I suddenly remembered something."

"what's up?"

"I still cook fairy bean soup in my alchemy stove in the cave. The old man goes back to look at the fire, so let's take a step first."


After finishing speaking, Han Xianzong waved his sleeves and floated in the opposite direction of the flagship.

You are going in the wrong direction!

Everyone is full of black lines.

Was Han Xianzong scared away?
Han Xianzong was very reckless before?
what happened?

When everyone looked at Lu Ya again, they didn't know what was going on, so they decided to wait and see.


Qingluan City.

Mu Yufeifei came out of a candy shop, and the two of them held a candied haws in four hands, which was given to them by the shopkeeper for free based on their identities.

The two tiger heads licked and licked sideways, licking and licking, feeling something was wrong.

When he looked up, he was terrified.

"Oh my god, why are there so many boats in Xianting?"

"Still fighting with the suzerain and Lord Jiuhu?"

"what should we do?"

"What should I do? You still need to watch if the little uncle is there? It's another big victory when you wake up."

"While they are fighting, let's go to the nanny's medicine garden to pick some herbs and exchange them for candied haws. Isn't it delicious?"

"Xiaoyu, you are very smart."

"Beifei, you're not bad either."


The battle unfolded as the two girls had predicted—another big victory.

But this time, Lu Ya didn't make a move.

He is waiting for a guest.


Swords and shadows shot out.

Foxlight shines.

In the past ten days, Liu Xuanye and Lu Ya have had countless sleepovers, and their understanding of the way of swords has deepened.

Just relying on her normal state, she had a stalemate with Xianjie's Nine Star Immortal Sect for a long time. When she was getting weaker, suddenly Xianjie, with a flash of sword light, quickly overwhelmed Mo Xianzong.

Jiuhu Immortal is also unequivocal. She has been promoted from a three-star immortal sect to a four-star immortal sect. In addition, she is in an uninjured state, and her combat power is extremely fierce.

Are these the peerless twins of the East Fuxian Academy back then?

Lu Ya sipped the fairy wine, chewed wolfberries, and felt the fairy wind, and suddenly had the feeling of "I have a wife who is just growing up".

at the same time.

Citizens, tourists, fairy court guards, inspection deacons...

Shocked and silent!

They have never seen the Xianting inspection team so embarrassed.

The seven huge fairy ships give people a feeling of being strong on the outside but doing nothing but being bullied by dogs.

This is a fairy garden!Not only was he resisted by a small sect, but he was even beaten up?
The battle is coming to an end.

Just when Liu Xuanye surrounded Mo Xianzong's golden body with three thousand sword nets, and was about to shrink suddenly and settle the battle with one blow——

Just when the wine fox fairy's boundless three tails wrapped around the neck of Zhaoxianzong's golden body and was about to knock him out with one blow—

Suddenly a white light appeared.

A sword rides the wind to the west.

(End of this chapter)

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