Chapter 46
Li Wuxie's black sword looks rough, but the pressure of the sword is extremely delicate.

The tip of the sword is very sensitive, and can automatically sense the target's spiritual pressure and spiritual rate, and then adjust its own sword pressure to be the same as the opponent's spiritual pressure rate, and carry out a resonance attack.

This is an extremely high-level swordsmanship that far exceeds the level of an immortal!
If it was an ordinary swordsmanship of the Immortal Venerable, how could Lu Ya have taken a fancy to it?
Except for Lu Ya, the rest of the people present could not understand this kind of attack.

The black sword moved forward quietly, causing waves of spatial ripples, and slowly pierced towards Lu Ya's chest.

The reason why he didn't stab Lu Ya Xiantai was because Li Wuxie felt that his crime was not worthy of death.

Who is Xu Yinglong, Li Wuxie couldn't be more clear.

Seeing Lu Ya step on Xu Yinglong's head, he even wanted to applaud him, but because of his status, he had to strongly condemn him.

As long as Lu Ya doesn't open his mouth like a lion, he can completely suppress today's matter by himself.

But the problem now is that Elder Lu, who came out of nowhere, is really too arrogant!
Even dare to ask for the inspection ship of Xianting?
If a high-ranking deaconess comes here, don't you even want to have sex with the deaconess?

What Li Wuxie didn't know was that the high-ranking female deaconess, Jiuhu Immortal, had already been raped by Lu Ya and trained into the shape of a tool man.

With this Elder Lu here, today's matter cannot end.

He had to be beaten into Xu Yinglong's state before things would end.

He must use this sword!


cliff edge.

The other six fairy ships were on board.

Everyone held their breath.

In their eyes, Li Wuxie's sword represented the irresistible power of Xing Tian in Xianting.

For a moment, the entire Fukong Mountain was quiet.

On the Jianping of Xiaozhuquan Mountain.

Liu Xuanye stood on the edge of the cliff with his hands behind his back, his eyebrows slightly frowned, and he watched quietly, trying to comprehend this sword.

high altitude.

The Wine Fox Immortal sat cross-legged on the giant gourd, regardless of the injury to his shoulder, crossed his hands over his chest, with the wine gourd resting on his chest, bowed his head and took a sip from time to time, with an attitude of watching the show from the sidelines.

On the edge of the cliff of Qingluan City Square.

Ning Zhongzi looked up, his broad chest undulating slightly, the palms of his sleeves were sweating, and his breath that had been calm all the time became unusually disordered...

not far away.

Zhang Pingzhi's excited heart raised his throat.

At the same time, he felt that it was a pity that it would be too honorable to die under Li Wuxie's sword, not shameful enough.

The rest held their breaths.

I don't know when, all the spiritual pressure subsided.

Black Sword moved forward slowly.

The seven-foot long sword is longer than Lu Ya's height.

The blade was wide and thick, thicker than Lu Ya's arm.

The sword pressure was calm, even calmer than Lu Ya.

The wind died down.


Also stopped.

It stopped at a foot in front of Lu Ya's chest!

It was like bumping into a calm pool of water, no matter how the black sword pierced the surface of the water, no matter how it aroused resonance, it could not cut even a single ripple on the pool.


Li Wuxie was slightly taken aback.

He knew that Lu Ya had hidden some strength, but his sword could not be blocked by strength.

Could it be that this son is actually a master of swordsmanship?

Li Wuxie's anger surged slightly, and he suddenly increased his strength.

The space suddenly vibrated.

Black Sword charged again!

Again not getting an inch...

Li Wuxie's face darkened, and the pressure of the sword continued to soar, but it couldn't pierce the one-foot space in front of Lu Ya's chest. In the end, the tip of the sword couldn't bear the pressure and dissipated with the wind.

The black sword advanced at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then shortened at a speed visible to the naked eye, and quickly dissipated, as if it had been dusted.

Li Zhishou's sword self-destructed?

Everyone couldn't understand it, and they froze in place for a while, trying to understand this weird scene.

Li Wuxie's heart trembled slightly, but his face remained calm, and he asked indifferently after a few feet away:
"Who the hell are you?"

At the same time, he didn't expect Lu Ya to report himself.

The corners of his eyes gathered slightly, and an extremely sharp and extremely concealed consciousness penetrated into Lu Ya's body!
This divine sense is like spring wind and rain, but it is as sharp as a sword. It can detect the details of the fairyland in this child's body and the blurred picture in memory without the other party noticing.

Li Wuxie secretly closed her eyes.

Looking inward through layers of fog...

He saw one after another fairy mountains!
In the early morning, on the wide sword dancing ground.

A young man with strong facial features and a handsome face is waving a long sword. With the boring movements of waving the sword over and over again, the picture of his life gradually emerges.

Seven years old is the fairy king.

Immortal teacher.

60-year-old Xianzong.

Three hundred years old immortal.

A thousand-year-old immortal saint.

Three thousand years old Immortal Emperor.

His path of practice was very fast, very upright, meticulous, without any mistakes.

He practiced secretly until the Immortal Emperor was born, and he became famous in the West Court Continent in a blink of an eye!

He was directly recruited by the Jiange in the West Court, and entered a high-level position in the Jiange, with a bright future.

Slaying demons time and time again, he was promoted to Nine-Star Immortal Emperor in just a thousand years. Just before he was transferred to the headquarters of Xianting, during a mission to exterminate Xianwei——

He meets the woman of his destiny.

A snake fairy.


There's no after that.

After this incident, his cultivation dropped to the Immortal Venerable Realm at the speed of light, and he was demoted to the Caiyun Immortal Realm by the Immortal Court headquarters, and became the head of a fairy district in the remote Dongfu Immortal District.

From then on, the unexamined life of never leaving the porcelain sand pot and wolfberry tea began.

Seeing this, Li Wuxie was sweating profusely, and suddenly woke up. not Lu Ya!
This is my life!
Li Wuxie's eyes froze, as if seeing a huge wave in the sky.

As if standing in front of a mirror, everything about myself is invisible.

Why did I see my whole life in this guy's body?
Li Wuxie was sweating profusely, feeling his hair stand on end.

He has seen countless strong men, strong men have an aura, no matter how they cover up their spiritual power, their temperament cannot cover it up, but looking at the person in front of them, not only has no spiritual power fluctuations, but their temperament is really mortal.

Something is wrong!
Even the divine consciousness of the Immortal Emperor is far from Lu Ya's full-level divine consciousness, and he can't even imagine what kind of picture it is.

Is it...

Li Wuxie suddenly thought of a strange physique in the legend. Although the immortal platform cannot cultivate, it is as smooth as a mirror, immune to and rebound from all spiritual penetration, and it is called the mirror immortal platform!

He has really seen a "celebrity" with a mirrored Sendai, is he also a mirrored Sendai?
Because it is the mirrored Sendai, so it is immune to Liu Xuanye's Kefu restriction?

Because it is the mirrored Sendai, it is immune to his resonance swordsmanship, causing the black sword to collapse and dissipate under his soaring spiritual pressure.

It all makes sense!

Li Wuxie breathed a sigh of relief, and said meaningfully:
"Young man, your physique is excellent."

Lu Ya only smiled, and also said meaningfully:
"It's not as good as the leader who plays snakes."


Li Wuxie's back was sore, and a mouthful of black blood almost spewed out!

His eyes were dizzy and black, and he felt that the whole sky was shaking.

His face became much paler, the bags under his eyes became heavier, his temperament suddenly became sluggish, and he even had the urge to take a sip of tea from the purple sand pot...

Is this guy the devil?
Lu Ya felt that such a Li Wuxie looked much more natural.

"The black swordsman just now has a shape, and there is no soul. Take out your emperor sword while the medicinal power of the wolfberry is still there."

Saying this, he casually took out the most common iron sword.

"It seems like I haven't drawn my sword for a long time."

(End of this chapter)

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