Chapter 57 The Goddess Is Dirty Again
Ning Zhongzi left as soon as he said.

Accompanied by the two animal gods, the cow and the horse, they will fly directly to the White Lotus Sect at the fastest speed on a black lotus fast boat painted with the pattern of the green luan, and they will arrive in about half a day.

Niu Ma Erxian and Fan Pan spent ten days together in Dongfu City, and established a friendship with Fan Pan after death. Ning Zhongzi brought the two of them there, and they might be able to use this relationship to integrate into the sect.

In addition, she also brought a thousand catties of kun meat as a meeting gift, hoping to gain the opportunity to consult the classics of medicinal herbs.

In order to prevent her from being regarded as a bad Sanxian on the road, she set up the flag of Qingluan City on the boat high, mighty and magnificent - after all, Qingluan City has delicious Xu Kun, and Li Wuxie's daughter is there, Now it is very famous in Dongfu District.

Ning Zhongzi stood on the bow of the boat with his hands behind his back, holding Lu Ya's protective bamboo piece tightly in front of his chest, his chest undulating in the rustling wind, like the green charm of bamboo waves.

With Lu Ya's protective bamboo piece, she felt invulnerable to all evil. Even if Lu Ya reminded her to pay special attention to safety, she didn't care.

The reason why she eagerly wanted Liu Xuanye to have a baby was that, apart from the benefits of pregnancy on Liu Xuanye's body and mind, there was another important reason: men would spoil their daughters.

This can be seen from what happened to Li Wuxie—even if he fell from an immortal emperor to an immortal venerable about giving birth to a daughter, even if his daughter was half-human, half-snake despised by the immortal court, he still secretly came to see her every night. daughter.

If Liu Xuanye can give birth to a daughter for Lu Ya, then Lu Ya will definitely change the current state of health preservation for her daughter, work hard to create a better future for her daughter.

This is a good thing for Zhuquanzong and Qingluan City.

And her goal, in addition to preparing for pregnancy, is to let Liu Xuanye give birth to a daughter as much as possible through drug conditioning and control!
Of course, she needs to practice higher pharmacology to do this.

This was the reason why she insisted on going to the White Lotus Sect.

Xiaozhuquan Mountain.

After Lu Ya drank a pot of Shenqi wine, his complexion obviously improved, and he immediately went down the mountain, ready to go to the city for a while, leaving Liu Xuanye alone to study his sword skills.

In the past three days, he has seen clearly that Liu Xuanye's body has already reached its limit!
Perhaps having a child is not to regain her humanity, but to fulfill her responsibilities as a human being and a wife before she goes berserk, leaving Lu Ya with a child, she will no longer feel guilty... Completely a demon!
Lu Ya has long been prepared for this...and even has a little expectation.

As for Ning Zhongzi, with his bamboo body protection, there will be no safety issues.

As soon as Lu Ya left, the Wine Fox Immortal sneaked up the mountain.

Looking at Liu Xuanye, who already had a hint of femininity between her brows, Jiuhu Immortal was in a complicated mood. Back then, she was attracted by the pure and flawless divinity of Liu Xuanye, but in the end, the goddess was contaminated with the sword intent of the abyss, which hurt her. She has had dysmenorrhea to this day.

Now the goddess is filthy again, stained with man's filth...

Lu Ya is too hateful!

Suddenly, with a sweep of consciousness, she was surprised and asked directly.

"You're not pregnant yet?"


Liu Xuanye continued to throw stones, without paying much attention.

These three days.

While Jiuhu Fairy found the Nine-Tails Jade Pendant, she also received a message from the mysterious person who asked her to investigate Liu Xuanye.

She has not heard from this person in over 1000 years.

This time, in addition to asking her to investigate Lu Ya at the same time, the mysterious man also asked her to pay attention to a situation-according to the abnormal rainstorm in Dongfuxian District, there will be major events in Dongfu District in the near future.

After thinking about it, she realized that there could only be two major events in Dongfu District in the near future.

Or the tide of beasts is coming.

Either Liu Xuanye is pregnant.

The beast tide never came.

Looking up the mountain, Liu Xuanye was not pregnant either.

So what could be the big deal?

She was curious.

She just didn't expect that Lu Ya was actually an embroidered pillow, which was fancy but not useful.

Then he leaned close to Liu Xuanye's ear, getting as close as possible while ensuring safety, shaking the wine gourd in his hand, with a drunken and provocative tone, he said meaningfully:
"Since you can't get pregnant, why do you need a man?"

Liu Xuanye couldn't keep up with Jiuhu Immortal's thinking, and was still throwing stones by the lake in a daze.

Today, she can already make a stone imitation fish, but it is not as natural and round as Lu Ya, which requires a long time of practice.

The Wine Fox Immortal frowned, sensing the unusual spiritual power fluctuations in the lake.

"Is this the same power as Li Wuxie?"

Liu Xuanye nodded.


Jiuhu Immortal is not calm now.

She actually heard about the Resonance swordsmanship very early on, her human mother would.

But the Beast Immortal cannot practice the Resonance Sword Technique.

There is only a slight theoretical possibility for half-beast immortals, and the difficulty is as difficult as reaching the sky, so that few half-beast immortals in the vast and vast Immortal Court Continent have learned the power of resonance.

Even human beings have to be at the level of a fairy saint to learn it, and not every fairy saint can practice.

This is an extremely high-level power!

As a result, Liu Xuan Ye Xianzong can also learn it?
Even if Liu Xuanye's talent is as high as Potian, and Lu Ya is there to guide him, it is impossible to learn it in just a few days with a mere one-star Immortal Sect realm.

Could it be that……

Double rest can really make people advance rapidly?
Can half-beast immortals also learn the power of resonance?
Thinking of this, Immortal Jiuhu felt feverish in his lower abdomen, and his whole body shivered violently.

What are you thinking!

When I open the Nine-Tails Tongtianchedi, do I still care about the power of resonance?

Sensing the mood swings of the Jiuhu Immortal, Liu Xuanye asked lightly:

"Are you asking me to compare swords?"

"No, I'm going to take a shower!"

Saying so, she hurriedly wrapped up her skirt to cover the snow mountain on her chest, and walked quickly towards the hot spring valley.


Lu Ya wandered around Qingluan City for a long time.

He found that the city was getting more and more prosperous, but he was getting poorer and poorer!

It's okay to be trapped by money in the previous life, but in this life you are invincible, and you are still trapped by money.

He was so angry that he once wanted to make a copy...

That is impossible!

After wandering around the city, no one gave him credit, Ning Zhongzi also left, and the dignified full-level boss finally fell into the Pao River to fish with Mu Yufeifei.

"Fish come—"

Most of the fish in the East Front River were killed by Liu Xuanyeshi three days ago, and in the past few days, Mu Yu Feifei concentrated and exchanged them for candied haws, resulting in fewer and fewer fish.

Mu Yufeifei was burying her head in touching the fish, but she couldn't catch a few fish after touching for a long time. The fire was raging, and suddenly she saw nine fairy crucian carp flying out of the water.

"Wow Xiaoyu, look!"

"The fish has crossed the catastrophe!"

The voice didn't fall--

Nine plump fairy crucian carp lined up in the air, automatically strung on a green sword.

"Yu'er failed to cross the tribulation, I'll go and save it!"

Holding the green sword in his hand, Lu Ya strode away from the embankment and walked towards Qingluan City without looking back.

Mu Yufeifei grinned her teeth, wanting to bite someone angrily, and hurriedly chased after her.

"Uncle, do you still want to show your face?"

"Isn't the suzerain not fragrant? You have to come out and grab the children's things!"

Lu Ya didn't look back.

"The suzerain is not a question of whether she is fragrant or not, she is the kind..."

Mu Yufeifei understood in an instant.

"No money, right?"

"So do we!"

"Give us back the fish, and I'll tell you a way to get money."

"any solution?"

"After Master left, it was Master's assistant, Sister Rabbit Fairy, who was in charge of the accounting room. Sister Rabbit Fairy was very obedient. You are the lord of the city. If you ask her for it, can she not give me money?"

"Sister Rabbit Fairy?"

The three of them talked all the way, and when they entered the city, they bumped into a slim young girl head-on.

"Look - this is Sister Rabbit Fairy!"


"My lord, I finally found you!"

Lu Ya saw that this little rabbit fairy was the brave girl who was the first to watch the battle under his encouragement when the Kunpeng brothers attacked the Zhuquan sect.

He was only a little over a thousand years old, and at that time he was only a Seven Star Immortal Lord, but in a blink of an eye he was already a Nine Star Immortal Lord.

At that time, the Beast Immortals wore very sloppy clothes, but now they changed into the Qingluan City uniforms that were modified from Zhuquanzong's Tsing Yi, with a hydrangea pattern embroidered on the chest, and they looked slim and graceful.

The facial features are soft and cute, and she looks like a girl of sixteen or seventeen years old. Her figure has not yet fully grown, but it is still a bit slim.

The temperament seems to be weak, but in a pair of soft and cute rabbit eyes, there is meticulous seriousness and strength.

Looks very capable.

(End of this chapter)

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