Chapter 61 From the Unknown
On the grass behind Qingluan City.

Lu Ya dug a huge lake to boil the kun's head, chopped thousands of peppers to make soup, and the spicy bone smell wafted over the entire Fukong Mountain.

Looking at the huge kun's head with its mouth open to the sky, its mouth full of red pepper, and its threads twisting backwards, the three bearded men always have the feeling of mocking the sky and devouring the darkness.

It was the first time they had seen such an exaggerated cooking method.

"It's called looking up at the starry sky, try some soup."

When you're done, Lu Ya stood by the soup pot and extended his hand to invite.

The three of Quan Beard refused at first, who would eat the bait?

However, the soup tasted too fragrant, so I finally couldn't hold back to take a sip, and fell in love instantly.

The white-faced girl Ji Ruobai took a small sip, a blush appeared on her pale face, and a trace of undetectable softness floated in her terrifying and ghostly aura.

If you give a low-level immortal a sip of Kuntou soup, you may not be able to tell the subtle difference between Lu Ya's craftsmanship and Yuanzhou's craftsmanship (Lu Ya's ingredients).

But the three of Quan Beard are immortals, and after taking a sip of Kuntou soup, they noticed the strong bone-flavored spiritual power in the soup, which was actually more mellow than high-level pills!

Cooking skills are like alchemy, it is not difficult to reach [-] points, but it is very difficult from [-] to [-] points, and after [-] points, every point of improvement is as difficult as reaching the sky.

As for the level of Lu Ya's culinary skills, they couldn't make wild guesses. Perhaps only higher-ranking immortal saints and immortal emperors were qualified to rate him.

Before they knew it, the three of them were slurping their mouths from drinking, their whole bodies were hot, and they fell in love with Lu Ya's admiration.

For the three of them, even if the bone dragon doesn't take the bait, they won't suffer a loss if they take this rare delicacy back home to taste. Even if it is used as bait, each of them should keep some for themselves.

In addition to keeping it for myself to taste, I also want to bring it back to Caiyun City to let some close relatives and friends taste it, and they want to let the craftsmanship of the Lord Lu resound throughout the Caiyun Immortal Territory.

However, when it came to the price of the fairy crystal, the three of them immediately put down their adoration and began to haggle fiercely.

In the end, the 98 immortal crystals that Lu Ya had asked for failed to negotiate, and he sold the kun head cooked to look up at the starry sky for "only" [-].

Lian Tang took the lead to enter the space ring. Before leaving, the three of them bowed to Lu Ya with regret and reluctance on their brows.

"I hope to see the figure of City Lord Lu at the Caiyun Fairy Squad meeting in a month's time."

Cai Yunxian class meeting?

Traveling so far for a meeting?
Lu Ya was most annoyed by the meeting, so he only said:

"Easy to say, easy to say."

But I thought in my heart, let's talk after you survive in the forest of beast nests.

Say goodbye to the three of you.

The remaining kun skin and kun bones are all sliced ​​and cut into pieces, and sent to Yuelai Inn for further processing and cooking, so as to leave some aftertaste for the guests who come here admiringly.

Xukun of Qingluan City, which was in full bloom for a while, finally came to an end.

The residents of Qingluan City were a little bit reluctant.

Everyone was a little disappointed to see that huge beast carved like a god's carving every day, and now it suddenly disappeared. This made the remaining kun skins and kun bones still sell well and sold at a good price.


After getting the [-] celestial crystals specially stored in the space ring, Lu Ya suddenly had the feeling of getting rich overnight. How many strings of candied haws would he have to buy, and how many golden songs Xiaodie would play...


Lu Ya also left a thousand catties of kuntou soup for himself, to taste for himself and for his wife.

Immortal Yingtu was standing next to him at this moment, looking at the empty soup pot, suppressing his appetite.

When Lu Ya saw it, he was embarrassed to hide it, and he took a bowl of soup from his own stock and handed it to her.

"Come on, try it too."

"How about it?"

"smell good."

Yingtuxian felt hot in her lower abdomen, her face was flushed, and she almost pricked up her two rabbit ears. However, she still restrained her body from being happy, and stretched out her little hand:

"But the [-] immortal crystals sold by the city lord must be handed over to the accountant!"

Lu Ya was taken aback.

"My majestic city lord, don't I have the right to save money?"

Sakura Rabbit Immortal's face was flushed, but her eyes were extremely determined.

"Yes, but you need to discuss with Elder Ning. I'm just helping the elder manage the accounts. Don't be careless when it comes to money. When the elder comes back, you can apply to her for the right to use the crystal library."

Seeing Yingtuxian's serious and responsible face, Lu Ya didn't know whether to praise her or scold her.

The reason why Lu Ya sold the Kuntou to Quan Ranzi and the others at one time was that he wanted to take the [-] celestial crystals privately while his senior sister was away, but he forgot that there was still this little rabbit.

You are not a bunny.

You are a little brat!

This little sister looks soft and cute, but she is really tough in her bones.

Forget it, Lu Ya didn't argue with the woman, and threw the ring to Xiaotu.

He thought to himself, the senior sister went out this time with the flag set high, she must be in danger, maybe she won't be able to come back?At that time, the money in the cashier will not all belong to me, Lu Ya?

Who else can stop me from living a salted fish life?

Lu Ya's spiritual sense unfolded.

Sensing Ning Zhongzi's location, state, and whether there is any danger nearby through the body protection bamboo piece.

It was discovered that the senior sister had only arrived at the Bailianzong not long ago, and she was still reading in the Danyao Pavilion.


It's still early.

Lu Ya dodged back to the lounge on the second floor of Wanhua Building.

At this time, Xiaodie had just finished picking up the guests, and Kui Kui came to Lu Ya's side.

She was wearing a lavender gauze, which was semi-opaque.

With a sweet smile, Fendai turned pale.

How could Lu Ya not know that what she called picking up guests just now might be more appropriately called a joint.

The conversation he had with the three immortals just now about the bone dragon had actually been overheard by this woman in a special way.

But Lu Ya doesn't care about these trivial matters. There are many people with impure motives in Qingluan City. Even the leader of the moat, Jiuhu Immortal, has ulterior motives. Anyway, with himself, these people can't do anything, they can only become glorious tool people .

Art is above all else, not as good as singing and dancing.

Considering that he didn't pay for the free prostitution last time, Lu Ya didn't plan to pay any more, so he gave up the Gutianle vest and went directly to the battle with his real self, to see if he could get a discount.

But Xiaodie suddenly said:
"What song do you want to listen to this time, sir?"

Lu Ya was taken aback.

"this time?"

Xiaodie bowed slightly and explained with a smile.

"Master Jiuhu already told me about his identity last time."

This bastard!
Lu Ya wished he could drag this fox over to dance a hundred times to the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss.

In the end, when she showed her consciousness, she found that she was taking a bath in the hot spring valley. Her small round face was flushed and fair, and she even hung her bamboo body protection in that position...

Cough cough, let me forgive you this time.

"grown ups?"

"Come on a little duck."


White Lotus Sect, in Pharmacopoeia Pavilion.

There are so many classics on famous medicines.

But even in the ancient books room on the top floor, there are not many pharmacopoeia beyond Ning Zhongzi's level and knowledge.

After searching for a long time, I found two studies on male and female births between Taoist couples. There are indeed methods and cases of controlling male and female births through drugs.

As for the matter of eugenics and pregnancy preparation, there is no special classics to introduce this matter.

I only saw such a line in a paper divine beast handbook...

Dragon Bone Immortal Marrow can greatly improve fetal talent!

Ning Zhongzi thought to himself, even the entire Caiyun Immortal Territory could not buy keels.

Look at the writer of the Codex.

Those are three cursive scripts that are difficult to distinguish in wild cursive but show a steady character in the bones——

Crane in the cloud.

In just a split second, a soul-searching thought entered Ning Zhongzi's mind.

An old and hidden voice came from an unknown place.

"I want to see who this Lu Ya is!"

(End of this chapter)

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