Three thousand women's colleges ranked in the fairy class

Chapter 67 [Big Chapter] The children have grown up

Chapter 67 [Big Chapter] The children have grown up
The White Lotus Sect is also hard-pressed.

Just experienced a loss of control in the mountain guard formation, and was blown away by the Pharmacopoeia Pavilion.

Immediately afterwards, they endured Zhang Lianxin's violent storm, and the scorching hot spiritual pressure almost ignited the entire mountain gate.

Seeing that Zhang Lianxin finally fell asleep, the disciples who had taken refuge in the cave heaved a sigh of relief and ran out to have a look.


The sky is split.

The disciples had already given up the treatment, looked up at the huge abyss crack, and suddenly realized the danger——

"Beast tide!"

"Something is bad!"

"The tide of beasts has penetrated through the cracks in the abyss!"

In an instant, densely packed flying beasts poured down from the crack in the abyss.

As if held in the abyss for too long, as soon as he breathed in fresh air, he let out a howl of joy in an instant.

In a blink of an eye, it covered the sky and the sun, covering the entire White Lotus School.

"It's the hyena migratory locust!"

All the disciples panicked immediately.

The hyena migratory locust is the most terrifying flying beast in the beast tide forest!

The body is only the size of a palm, with a long and thin body and short wings, like a big bug.

The flying speed was extremely fast, the four wings vibrated and afterimages appeared, and a row of fine and sharp locust teeth in the mouth made a hissing sound.

The hyena migratory locust is small in size and low in cultivation, but its advantage is that it is large in number and especially edible. As long as it is alive, it can eat whatever it sees.

And the digestion speed is extremely fast, and it can be transformed into combat power immediately after eating!

If you look carefully, the number of migratory locusts this time is likely to exceed [-] million, and [-]% of them are immortal kings, a small number of immortal masters, and a handful of immortal ancestors.

Chen Daozai didn't have time to think about the ins and outs, so he quickly waved his sleeves and rang the bell in the air.




Three long bells means that everyone is fighting!

Facing the hyena locust, hiding, there is only one dead end.

They will eat up all the creatures in the gate, and then their combat power will soar, and ordinary caves will be completely unstoppable. At that time, thousands of disciples of the immortal king will only have a dead end, and even the immortal master will find it difficult to protect themselves.

All the members fight together with the spiritual pressure shields, and they are not allowed to eat any high-level spiritual objects, and their physical stamina cannot last long in the battle.

For the sects in the East Fuxian District, these are common senses that are often practiced.

Although the disciples wanted to scold their mothers, but as soon as the bell rang, they didn't panic anymore, opened the spiritual pressure shield without hesitation, and drew their swords to fend off the enemy.

There may be a chance of survival.

Escape, there is only one dead end.

Among the elders, Fan Yan was the first to rush into the core area of ​​the beast horde. As the elder of the beast master, he may be the most comfortable.

The rest of the elders were also scattered to various areas, commanding the disciples of all parties, and taking the lead in opening up the battle.

Lotus Heart Palace.

Zhang Lianxin, who had just slept for less than half an hour, got up in a jerk.

Looking at the locusts all over the sky outside the window, he subconsciously thought it was Lu Ya's fault again.

"This bastard will die!"

After speaking, wearing pink lotus pajamas, he rushed out through the ceiling.

until now.

It was only then that Chen Daozai realized where the uneasiness was in his heart, and he couldn't help but glance at Lu Ya quietly.

The beast tide didn't go to Zhuquanzong, a big farmer, and didn't go to Dongfu City, a wealthy family, to run away from Bailianzong?

What does the White Lotus Sect have?
As for opening a crack in the abyss to attack the White Lotus Sect?

You just said that you are instructing the White Lotus School to control beasts?
Can you say that this beast tide has nothing to do with you, Lu Ya?
After glancing at Lu Ya, Chen Daozai turned into a six-edged sword light and rushed into the herd of beasts.

Looking at the hyena migratory locusts covering the sky, Lu Ya said——

I really just said it casually!

Lu Ya was also very curious, who tore open the crack in the abyss?
In the game "Ancient Immortal Courtyard", Sky Riding is a high-level movement skill, which can tear open space cracks and pass through the abyss to reach any place in the fairy world, greatly shortening the arrival time.

It is equivalent to warp flight in science fiction works.

The basis of traveling through the space is to master the power of resonance, change the Sendai Reiatsu to resonate with the space, and tear the crack instantly.

That is to say, at least one must have the cultivation base of the Immortal Sacred Realm to be able to learn to travel through the air.

Not only that, it is extremely dangerous to tear open the space rift and cross the abyss.

Back then, Li Wuxie crossed the abyss with the cultivation of an immortal emperor, but was besieged by a high-level ghost, and almost knelt down. In the end, he was able to escape with the help of a certain snake fairy, and then...

There's no after that.

Lu Ya saw Li Wuxie's memory by accident, and sympathized with him very much.

Even the Immortal Emperor Li Wuxie can encounter unexpected events, and the person behind the scenes who allows the locusts to cross the abyss safely is either a super boss, or...

A high-level ghost!
This is interesting.

If it was a big boss, he would have discovered it a long time ago.

In Lu Ya's view, behind the out-of-control beast tide in the Beast Nest Forest this time, there must be a Netherworld at the level of the Underworld Sacred, secretly watching and manipulating it.

This ghost has been unable to hide, is it because he is afraid of himself?
Is it related to Yun Zhonghe?

Lu Ya was very curious.

But don't care.

What he cares about is the hundreds of millions of locust meat in front of him!
The hyena migratory locust is a domineering group beast in the game, which can be regarded as a flying piranha.

Although the individual cultivation level is not high, the meat of locust wings is smooth and chewy, which is a rare delicacy, and it is the holy product of roasted wings.

The animal tide that I had been thinking about for a long time did not go to the Zhuquan Sect, but came to the White Lotus Sect, and I happened to meet him again...

Meeting is fate, so how could Lu Ya return empty-handed?
Just think about it, and you have a perfect plan.

The battle in the air has become intense from the very beginning!

The disciples opened their spiritual hoods, held fairy swords, and fought with formulas.

The elders opened up, attacking and defending in groups, opening and closing.

For a time, the migratory locusts suffered numerous casualties.

There is a rain of locusts in the sky...

More hyena migratory locusts came out of the cracks in the space, as if there was no end.

Beside Lu Ya.

Ning Zhongzi was cast by Lu Ya's high-level stealth technique, thus preventing the attack of migratory locusts.

She has long been familiar with the beast tide, but what happened today was so strange that she couldn't help being a little suspicious.

"Brother, do you think this beast tide is a trick to divert the tiger away from the mountain, and the enemy's real target is the Zhuquan sect?"

Lu Ya was slightly taken aback.

He turned his head and glanced at the broad chest of the senior sister.

I feel that the senior sister is full of... her brain is full of wisdom!
Of course Lu Ya knew that a man in black had walked into Qingluan City at this moment.

But from the perspective of the senior sister, a lot of information is missing, and there are too many coincidences, it is not an easy guess.

Lu Ya nodded.

"The enemy is at war."

Ning Zhongzi suddenly became nervous.

"Then let's go back quickly!"

Of course, Lu Ya would not say that he stayed for a group of migratory locusts.

Only righteously said.

"Senior sister, think about it, we bombarded the Pharmacopoeia Pavilion, took other people's Pharmacopoeia, drank other people's lotus heart tea, and finally attracted a wave of beasts. Now that we are gone, how many people will die in the White Lotus Sect? It’s possible! We’re all fraternal sects, we can’t be unreasonable.”

"But the lord, she..."

"The enemy who went to Qingluan City is a weak chicken. I taught the suzerain swordsmanship, and Lord Jiuhu has also made great progress recently. It's not a big problem."


Lu Ya then patted Ning Zhongzi on the shoulder and said meaningfully.

"When the children grow up, give them room to grow."

Ning Zhongzi:

Ning Zhongzi's forehead was full of black lines, and the roots of his ears were red, and he didn't know how to answer the words for a while.

For Lu Ya, there is no danger in this world, nor is there any danger to the people he cares about.

Not to mention that Liu Xuanye is in the Zhuquan sect, the man in black is an immortal, even if Liu Xuanye is at the other end of the fairy world, the man in black is a god, as long as he does not want Liu Xuanye to be hurt, Liu Xuanye will not suffer any injuries .

He can directly operate the highest law of heaven and input coordinates to move instantly, without any time, he can also shrink the ground to an inch, or teleport at the speed of light, no matter which one is faster than tearing space!
Ning Zhongzi was very puzzled, she didn't know how Lu Ya came to rescue her, and she was even able to put the book in the storage bag with extremely slow movements in an instant.

But since Lu Ya said so, she believes that if the suzerain is in danger, he will definitely have a way to save people. After all, he even saved a senior sister...

What Lu Ya said made her inexplicably ashamed, but it also made her extremely at ease.

After thinking about it, Ning Zhongzi asked again:

"Brother, aren't you going to fight?"

Lu Ya suddenly regretted saving her, and said weakly:
"I've wasted a lot in the past three days, and I need to rest. Good steel must be used wisely. They can't beat me."

In fact, facing the attack of the beast horde, as long as the disciples of the White Lotus Sect raised their spiritual pressure shields, they would usually not be killed quickly, but their spiritual power would be consumed little by little, and then they would watch themselves being devoured.

This is a slow process, enough for Lu Ya to sprinkle water to save people.

Moreover, after Zhang Lianxin was promoted to Nine-Star Immortal Venerable, although her skills did not improve, her light and spiritual power could kill rats in a large area. Under her leadership, the White Lotus Sect should be able to last for a while, and even have a chance of winning!

Her spiritual power also contained a volcanic scorching factor, and the migratory locusts slaughtered by her might have a different taste.

Thinking this way, Lu Ya turned his head to look.

Ning Zhongzi actually held the teacup in both hands, drinking tea as if no one else was around... just like an old cadre drinking tea!
You really switch from tense to relaxed in a second!

Lu Ya couldn't help asking:

"Why do you still want to drink tea? Are you not nervous at all?"

Ning Zhongzi said calmly.

"I see senior brother, senior brother is not nervous, and I am not nervous either."


Lu Ya's tone was suffocated, and he couldn't refute for a moment.

This lotus heart tea is too bitter, I don't know how she can drink it.

Lu Ya doesn't know how to drink, and he doesn't have melons, let alone melon seeds, so he can't be a melon-eating crowd.

Look up to see the battle in the sky.

It has entered a stalemate.

Although there were no casualties in the White Lotus Sect, their spiritual power was seriously consumed.

More than half of the hyena locusts were killed or injured, and the speed of the follow-up file was obviously slower than before, which showed that the beast tide was coming to an end.

Migratory locusts all over the ground spread a black carpet in front of the mountain gate of the White Lotus Sect.

The final outcome is likely to be that the White Lotus Sect ended in a tragic victory.

Lu Ya stepped forward.

"It's my turn to show up."

Ning Zhongzi saw that the senior brother made a move, so she naturally had no reason to drink tea.

I saw that she immediately activated the healing power of the medicine spirit, and began to add blood and milk to the troubled disciples around her.

Although her medicine is slightly poisonous and has serious side effects, the amount of milk is also sufficient.

Best for fighting!

The disciple who was milked was swearing at the beginning, but it became really sweet in a blink of an eye.

at the same time.

Lu Ya strode into the battlefield and opened a storage bag that looked like a sack.

The mouth of the storage bag seems to be a black hole in the abyss, which automatically absorbs migratory locusts on the ground.

One by one, dead and injured migratory locusts swarmed in!

In fact, Lu Ya could directly suck the live locusts in.

But the spiritual power consumed in this way will increase exponentially. Maybe the wasted spiritual power is higher than the spiritual power of the migratory locust itself. Isn't it worth the loss?
Now all the tools of the White Lotus Sect are helping you cut the migratory locusts, you just need to open the mouth of the bag and absorb them easily, wouldn't it be a pleasure?


The elders and disciples in the battle all saw Lu Ya, and they were all in a daze.

"City Master Lu, what are you doing?"

"The migratory locusts that the disciples have worked so hard to kill, don't you think..."

Lu Ya buried himself in picking rats, no matter what others said.

Zhang Lianxin was already exhausted, but was burned by Lu Ya's manipulation, and her pink lotus-colored pajamas rustled.

"You bastard, you're stronger than me, and you're picking up migratory locusts here? Hurry up and help fight the beast horde you provoked!"

"I won, how can you spare any energy?"

Lu Ya spread his hands together, expressing helplessness.

"You are already a mature immortal, you have to learn to fight monsters by yourself."

Zhang Lianxin's eyes were dazed, and she suppressed her anger in a daze.

She suddenly remembered what Lu Ya said after defeating her——

"Your enemy is not me, rest for a while."

Could it be that this man had anticipated that the beast tide would attack the White Lotus Sect, and helped him accumulate anger in advance, so that he could be promoted to the Nine-Star Immortal Venerable so that he could calmly deal with the beast tide?
If she hadn't been the Nine-Star Immortal Venerable now, I'm afraid it would be really difficult to parry such a large-scale beast horde, and she might have to rely on the dead of the sect to accumulate anger...

She doesn't want to die!
Thinking about it carefully, if Lu Ya hadn't helped him advance to the Nine-Star Immortal Venerable, the White Lotus Sect would have suffered heavy casualties today.

Unknowingly, Zhang Lianxin looked at Lu Ya differently.

It used to be warm and full of anger.

Now there is warmth in the anger.

The emotions are completely different.

"Don't be in a daze, keep going."

Lu Ya reminded her.

Zhang Lianxin suddenly woke up, so she had to be obedient, waved her pink sleeves, opened the door again, and went into the rat eradication battle, only raised her hand——

"God's Wrath Fire Lotus!"

Lu Ya:


The entire battlefield is already very anxious.

Although most of the migratory locusts were killed and injured, and the number of subsequent migratory locusts has also decreased significantly, they have not been cut off after all, and it is not known when they will be cut off.

White Lotus Sect here.

The depletion of spiritual power is about to bottom out, and the mountain protection formation is completely ineffective against such a large number of migratory locusts with small spiritual power.

Especially Zhang Lianxin, in order to ensure that no one in the clan would be dusted off, he was already exhausted from continuous large-scale measures to exterminate rats.

Just then-

The hyena spirit migratory locusts that filed out were finally cut off!
However, before everyone in the White Lotus Sect had time to cheer, they suddenly saw a huge tortoise shell slowly flying out from the crack in space.

A team of people stood on the shell of the turtle.

The leader was a blue-faced old man with ink-colored cheek shadows painted on both faces.

Cultivation is—five-star immortal!
behind the old man.

Followed by two half-step immortals and more than ten high-ranking immortals.


"It's Yu Feizi!"

Someone in the crowd of the White Lotus Sect shouted.

Tanzhai, the number one Sanxian organization in the East Fuxian District, is now fully deployed, and with the support of the beast tide, its strength is only higher than that of the White Lotus Sect.

Everyone in the White Lotus Sect was already exhausted, so they didn't have the strength to deal with Tanzhai.

"It turns out that Tanzhai has been playing tricks all along!"

"It's over!"

Yu Feizi glanced at the battlefield below, quite satisfied.

"Before the beast tide is over, the White Lotus Sect has only [-]% of its strength left."

The Banbu Xianzun on the side quickly reminded:

"Boss, look—Zhang Lianxin has already been promoted to Nine Star Immortal Venerable!"

Yu Feizi sneered without even looking at Zhang Lianxin.

"Isn't this her routine operation? This woman has never been brainless. She only knows how to be violent and waste her spiritual power. What about being promoted to the Nine Star Immortal Venerable? How weak is this? She is no match for me now!"

Yu Feizi didn't take Zhang Lianxin seriously. He knew that as long as he didn't fight Zhang Lianxin head-on, she would have nowhere to vent her anger.

Whether it's Zhang Lianxin, Chen Daozai, Daoist Yinyue from the Immortal Academy, or even the three talented little ghosts who just entered the Forest of Beast Tide...

These young people are very talented and have a promising future.

But right now, it's not enough.

He is a ten-thousand-year-old fried dough stick. Although he lacks talent and it is difficult to improve his cultivation, it is easy to deal with the younger generation of immortals.

The only thing he was afraid of was Li Wuxie, and Lu Ya who defeated Li Wuxie!
Thinking of being able to stay away from these two opponents in this mission, he felt lucky.

"Situ is quite loyal. He singled out Zhuquanzong and dared to face Lu Ya. I respect him as a man... My task is to take Ning Zhongzi as a hostage in exchange for Liu Xuanye, but since I'm here, How can I only catch one Ning Zhongzi? Zhang Lianxin is also good... No, I want all the girls and treasures of the entire White Lotus Sect!"

Yu Feizi's momentum was like a rainbow, and his blue cheeks revealed a sinister greed.

At this time, I suddenly heard someone shouting from the side:
"Look, boss, there are actually people picking up migratory locusts here!"


Yu Feizi looked down and saw that there were indeed people picking up migratory locusts, so he sneered.

"Is it bad to live?"


Happy New Years everyone!

PS: Considering the spread of the epidemic, the original text has changed the hyena flying squirrel to the hyena migratory locust.

(End of this chapter)

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