Chapter 73
The continuous black shadow is like ink, quickly infecting the sky, drowning out all light, and covering the entire floating mountain.

There were screams on the streets of Qingluan City, and the whole city was in an uproar.

Someone shouted:

"The tide of beasts is coming!"

Someone also shouted:

"The fairy thief is coming!"

Someone even said in horror:

"It's the ghost—"

Floating Mountain is usually only affected by these three types of attacks, and someone is always right.

The crowd on the street quickly became chaotic and hid in the nearest shops.

There are some low-level defensive formations in general shops, although they are of no great use, they are somewhat of a psychological comfort.

Qingluan City's guard team quickly took to the streets and began to maintain order.

The leaders are Xiaoxian and Dogxian from Immortal Sect Realm.

The owl dog and two immortals are Jiuhu Immortal's old subordinates in Dongfu Immortal Court. Because of his status as a beast immortal, he was excluded in the Immortal Court and defected to Qingluan City in the mid-term.

Both of them are three or four thousand years old, with excellent talent and fairy garden background, they are the key training objects of Jiuhu Immortal.

Xiaoxian, named Ye Xiaoxian, has a slightly thin body, seldom talks, cold face, sharp eyes, mainly investigative work, especially good at night operations.

The dog fairy, known as the loyal dog fairy, is tall and has strong fighting power. His facial features seem to be honest and honest, but he is an old licking dog who has been licking for many years. He claims to be a dog fairy. , not discouraged after repeated defeats, and occasionally encounter old tanks who are lonely in their hearts, and they hit it off.

Walking onto the street, Zhong Quanxian directly displayed his dog barking loudspeaker and shouted to the whole city.

"Everyone, don't be afraid. It's just an ordinary fairy thief attack, and the target is not Qingluan City. With Lord Jiuhu around, everyone will not be in danger."

As soon as Master Jiuhu was mentioned, the crowd became even more riotous.

Faithful Dog Immortal hastily changed his words:

"City Lord Lu is here, and Li Zhishou is also on his way. Don't worry, everyone, take refuge in the store for now, and remember to maintain order. Once you find someone who is fishing in disorder, the man will be eunuched, and I will deal with the woman myself!"

Saying this, the mood of the city residents suddenly shifted from nervousness to disgust towards the dog fairy, and those who wanted to fish in troubled waters were so frightened that they dared not move.

Dozens of city guard beast fairies all took to the streets, finally maintaining order and stabilizing the mood of the citizens.

Another part of the beast immortals went to protect the farmers by the river.

Under the command of the two immortals, the riot was quickly brought under control.


Looking up at the dark shadow in the sky, Zhong Quanxian's brows were frosted, frozen for a while, and he was very nervous.

"Have all the Pigeon Fairy teams been dispatched?"

Ye Xiaoxian was very calm, with indifference in his sharp eyes.


"Sent to the White Lotus Sect and Dongfu City from all paths?"


"This black shadow is used to shield the spiritual power. I'm afraid City Lord Lu and Li Wuxie won't be able to come back for a short time. I don't know if the beast horde will make a surprise attack. Although there is only one enemy, they look very strong. I'm afraid Lord Jiuhu will support them." Can't stop..."

Zhong Quanxian paced back and forth, rubbing his hands anxiously, and finally couldn't help it anymore.

"You stay here, I'll go over and help!"

Ye Xiaoxian said coldly:

"That's not our battle. Our duty is to protect the safety of the city's citizens. If you go over, Lord Jiuhu will be distracted to protect you. If the beast horde comes again, Qingluan City will soon be full of corpses."

"I understand what you said, but..."

"Do your best work and accept the judgment of heaven."

Faithful Dog Immortal was full of black lines, and couldn't help but look up at the tumbling black shadow.

"Could this black shadow be..."


"Do you think Qingluan City can survive this calamity?"

"do not know."

"Can't you say something reassuring? No wonder you are a thousand-year-old chick. How can a woman like you?"


Above the wheat fields behind Qingluan City.

Before the Jiuhu Fairy could react, the huge fox shadow golden body was covered by black shadows, and turned into a black fox in an instant.

Meanwhile, it was getting dark.


How could the Jiuhu Immortal not know that the power of this black shadow comes from the power of the nether world!
Even in the apostolic organization, there are very few people who can borrow the power of the netherworld.

Only absolute believers who regard Nether as a true god and are ready to devote themselves at any time can borrow the power of Nether.

These people are called ghost apostles, no matter how low their cultivation is, they are not in the same realm as the apostles who fish in troubled waters.

The power of the underworld comes from the abyss.

It is a power that surpasses the power of the immortals, and the expressions of the immortals change when they hear it.

Nether power has three characteristics——

Do not look directly!


Absorb faeries!

Looking directly at the ghost, the weak will faint directly, and the strong will also fall into madness. Only the strong who have specially trained their minds can barely maintain their sanity, but it will also greatly slow down the speed of nerve reaction.

Touching the ghost, the body will be directly dragged into the abyss, the weak will be wiped out directly, and the strong will also be besieged by more ghosts in the abyss.

At the same time, in the battle, Nether will also passively absorb your fairy power, which is equivalent to being half immune to fairy magic.

That is to say, once you encounter the Netherworld, you will be shocked by it, your body will be dragged by it, and your spiritual power will be absorbed when you perform fairy arts remotely...

How is this played?
Because of this, the immortal has no power to fight back against the Nether of the same great realm.

That's why Nether is the natural enemy of immortals!
Although the Nether Power borrowed by the Apostle of Nether Power is not as pure, evil, and indescribable as the Nether itself, it also has three characteristics.

That's why the [Apostle] is the leader of the four great immortal thieves organizations despite having a small number of people and acting secretly!
Why did Yu Feizi, the five-star immortal, only bow his head in front of Situ, the one-star immortal!
over the wheat fields.

For a moment, Jiuhu Fairy's golden fox eyes were occupied by a black shadow, and she was briefly absent-minded, making her forget to react.

The spiritual power of her golden body is being absorbed step by step. Once the golden body is broken, her physical body will be dragged into the abyss.

Just when she was about to be swallowed, suddenly.As soon as her chest became hot, a blue light spread out, quickly dispelling the shadows around her.

Immortal Jiuhu suddenly woke up, his figure flashed, he would rather lose part of his spiritual power, and resolutely jumped out of the shackles of the shadow!

The man in black was slightly taken aback.

"This is……"

The wine fox jumped ten feet away.

The snow valley was ups and downs, and the shock was still undecided.

Holding the green bamboo piece hanging between the snow ravines tightly in the palm of his hand, absorbing the thin cloudy white light in it.

The whole person was immediately refreshed, and his body was refreshed. Even though he had lost a lot of spiritual power just now, he felt that his whole body was full of infinite power.

Only then did Jiuhu Immortal suddenly realize that if it wasn't for the bamboo body protection, she might have fallen to the ground.

Her eyes couldn't help showing a man that she hated so much, who made her feel frustrated repeatedly, but also made her feel inexplicably at ease...

This is even more hateful!

My wife is the most disgusting man!
Only then did the man in black suddenly realize that his ghost power was suppressed by a small piece of bamboo.

Although it was the first time he saw it, he immediately recognized this piece of bamboo as the legendary green bamboo piece that every citizen of Qingluan City had.

According to the information he got, Lu Ya's body-protecting bamboo piece was mainly used to restrain Liu Xuanye's restraint and dispel some illusions, but it was unexpected that it could also restrain the power of the netherworld.

The spiritual power attached to the bamboo piece is extremely thin, why is it so powerful?

Who is City Lord Lu?
It didn't stop there that shocked him.

A ripple suddenly vibrated in the space behind him, dispelling the black shadow in an extremely subtle way of resonance.

A cold female voice as solemn as a hanging moon came from behind.

"If you want to take me away, you should send stronger people."

(End of this chapter)

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