Three thousand women's colleges ranked in the fairy class

Chapter 83 God-level engraving [Thanks to Hall Master 1 for returning the soap! 】

Chapter 83 God-level engraving [Thanks to Hall Master 1 for returning the soap! 】

Seeing Lu Ya's rare embarrassment, Yingtu Xian giggled, bowed and left immediately, and went back to the city master's room to continue working.

at the same time.

The girl looked at Lu Ya carefully.

To be precise, it is not to look at, but to measure.

She sometimes paced, sometimes frowned, sometimes stopped, sometimes raised her chin, sometimes scratched her ears and scratched her cheeks, her eyes shone like stars.

It is very simple to measure the size and proportion of a person's body, but it is very difficult to grasp the inner soul and temperament of a character.

She has been doing research in this area recently.

Because she found that selling dolls is more profitable than selling spirit armor, the cost is low, and the money comes quickly, which is very popular among young people.

But her family is not the only one who sells dolls. If they want to sell well, it is not enough to have a realistic shape, but they must also have a temperament and soul.

Although the Lu Ya dolls she made are quite popular, she still thinks that she has no soul and is not a living doll.

Dealing with the "dead" Lu Ya every day, now that he suddenly sees him alive, he will inevitably be excited and want to learn from him.

Learning from real living people is a shortcut to the palace of art.

It took Lu Ya a long time to react, and asked with a straight face:
"Let me ask you, have you paid copyright fees for these figures?"

The girl was taken aback for a moment, not quite understanding.

"Figure? Copyright fee?"

"Ahem, have you obtained my permission?"

"Yes, yes. Although our store is small, we are also regular sellers. All the dolls we sell have their own permission. The city lord's is licensed by Elder Ning, and the license fee is [-]%."

This woman!
Didn't give me a penny!
Lu Ya was so angry that he wanted to throw the doll, but seeing that it was him, he endured it.

Suddenly, he thought to himself, the figurines of Liu Xuanye and Ning Zhongzi must be fun.

But looking around, they didn't find the puppets of the two.

So asked:

"Why is there no doll for the suzerain or Elder Ning?"

The girl was also puzzled by this.

"Elder Ning said that he was afraid that it would be bad for other men to buy it. I really don't understand what's so bad about it."

Of course not!

How can my wife let others touch her?
It's still the senior sister who considers Zhou Xiang.

Lu Ya asked again:

"Then why are there dolls for Master Jiuhu and Mu Yufeifei?"

"The two girls each ride a tiger. They can be sold as toys for children. Elder Ning didn't say anything."

"As for Lord Jiuhu, she specially asked me to do it. She said that money is tight recently and she wants to earn some extra money. Unfortunately, her dolls are not very popular, and they are not even as good as Elder Fan Yan's. It's really strange."


Lu Ya didn't know what to say.

In addition to dolls, there are actually some animal puppets, such as hydrangeas, pigeons, and even Xukun...

"Of course, the best seller is you, City Lord. You are very popular among girls, and most of them are sold to little girls and women under the age of ten."


It's understandable to sell it to a little girl, after all, who doesn't like a strong and handsome guy?

What the hell can you sell to a woman?

Could this be the legendary boyish temperament?

Lu Ya couldn't complain.

I am still a bit greedy for the figurines of my wife and senior sister, and I feel that these things are more exciting than real people.

"A friend of mine asked me to get a figure of the Suzerain and Elder Ning, can you make it?"

"This requires Elder Ning's consent."

"Why didn't you ask me to agree to being my puppet? Is it me or Ning Chang?"

The girl chuckled, patted her chest and said:
"Okay, no problem, Lord City Lord!"

The straight-handed sawdust flew around, creating waves.

If it wasn't for such a shot, Lu Ya would have thought she was a tomboy.

However, since the Zhu family can take a fancy to it, it must not only be due to good craftsmanship, but at least the appearance of the figure is also worthwhile.

It's just that people don't care about this, and they are afraid of being missed by bad people, so they dress up in men's clothes, making them look ashamed.

The girl was silent for a moment, then asked weakly:
"Well, my lord, I want to ask... did you really step on Xu Yinglong's head?"


"Then you are really my idol. You must know that my grandpa is afraid of that real Zhushen to death."

"Your grandpa was right."

"Then you hurt Xu Yinglong, if one day Master Zhu Shen seeks trouble with you, what should you do?"

How dare you mention the real Zhu Shen?
Lu Ya didn't know what kind of answer the girl wanted, so he just said casually:

"Would you like to throw ashes?"


Lu Ya immediately explained the purpose of his visit, and met the legendary Ban Mozi in the grinding room in the back hall of the shop.

It is a bit polite to say that the old man is a bit old. This old man is rickety and shriveled like wood, giving people a feeling that he is dying and is about to sink into the ground.

But those black eyes sunken deep in the eye sockets were bright and energetic, and there was always a flame burning in the dying Xiantai.

With this fire, Lu Ya felt that he could live for more than 1000 years.

"Thanks to the help of City Lord Lu and Li Zhishou, my father and I have a place to stay. Ban is very grateful, but your ship class can't do it."

Lu Ya looked slightly cold.


The girl on the side felt that Lu Ya's idea was very novel, but it was as difficult as heaven.

"It may be feasible in terms of technology and craftsmanship, but the effect you want has high requirements on materials. Not to mention Dongfu District, it is difficult to find suitable materials even in Caiyun Xianyu. Even if you ask someone to do it from Baiye, the price is sky-high. "

The old man Ban Mozi was even more direct.

"With all due respect, this kind of fancy transformation is unnecessary. If you want to maximize the combat power, you can design it into a spherical shape, and line up the so-called spirit pressure cannons of the city owner in six directions."

"Also, it's unheard of for female crew members to inject souls into the spirit core and control it. It's even more difficult to realize, and it's unnecessary."

Lu Ya finally understood why the old man had to rely on his granddaughter to make a living by selling handicrafts.

It's rare to be confused, isn't it?
Are you going to question the design of the door-to-door business?
Did I design the ship girl for combat effectiveness?

I am the body of a glutton!
"Combat strength is not important. I just need to look good and last long. The material is bamboo from Xiaozhuquan Mountain. It's cheap and durable."


Ban Mozi thought he heard something wrong.

"Forgive me for being old and incompetent. Bamboo can't even make stable products. Even if you search all the craftsmen in the Caiyun Immortal Domain, the result is the same. I hope City Lord Lu can respect the basic laws of the spirit armor industry."

Lu Ya smiled.

"That may be because you haven't seen the real technology yet."

The old man was taken aback.


Lu Ya didn't explain any more, just picked up a discarded board on the ground.

A sharp Xianjun spiritual pressure slightly gathered at the fingertips.

Carve out a high-level variant gossip diagram on the wooden board that looks simple and elegant at first glance, but extremely complicated at a closer look.

When the old man saw it, his sunken eyes suddenly became brighter several times!
Lu Ya snapped his fingers and struck down.

The rune on the wooden board flashed a blue light, stood up instantly, and turned into a human form.

Snap your fingers again and turn into a tiger shape.

There are also drill bit snake shapes, flying eagle shapes, octopus swimming fish shapes...

The old man and the young girl were stunned, unable to speak for a long time.

Although Ban Mozi is not proficient in all engraving techniques, in terms of vision, he has not seen an unfamiliar engraving technique for so many years.

After pondering for a long time, Ban Mozi frowned and said:

"Forgive me for my poor eyesight, may I ask City Lord Lu what kind of carving technique is this?"

Lu Ya said:
"This is called cracking, and it can engrave high-level deformation runes, but the material of this block of wood is not suitable, and it has not been polished. It may be destroyed after changing several times."

The mere spiritual power of the fairy monarch actually performed such miracles?

The old man could no longer look directly at Lu Ya's talent.

"So, City Master Lu wants to ask the old man to help polish it?"

"Yes, the main materials are bamboo and tortoise shell."

Lu Ya said again:

"In addition to polishing this deformed shell, you have to help me build a spiritual core, which is built with the turtle's beast pill as the core, and the runes are engraved, so that the spiritual pressure and soul of the immortal can be injected into it, so as to realize the integration of man and ship, and the operation of mind .”

"Using the heart as a shield, attacking and defending together... Forget it, I'm telling you about this skill, I guess you can't understand it for the time being, here is the rune blueprint, you can engrave and polish it according to this blueprint."

Lu Ya took the pen and paper and drew an extremely complicated engraving pattern with tens of thousands of rune lines.

Ban Mozi was stunned when he saw it, and was amazed, as if seeing a miracle.

Even he couldn't fully understand the mysteries in it, he only felt the vastness and infinity, as if he had glimpsed the true face of the way of heaven.

"What kind of engraving technique is this?"

"This is called the Heart Shield Technique."

Unheard of!

The young girl Ban Yue looked at Lu Ya in a daze, dragging her jaw, staring at Lu Ya curiously, thinking about his unfathomable soul.

Ban Mozi sighed deeply, only to realize that the fairy world is so vast that there are so many things he has never known or grasped.

He suddenly realized that it might be meaningless for Li Wuxie to use his personal influence to suppress Xu Yinglong's matter.

Because he had a vague feeling that the young man in front of him had the ability to subvert the fairy world!
Lu Ya could sense the shock in the old man's heart, which meant that he had already understood a considerable part of it, and he was considered a strong engraving master with more than [-] points.

Just like Li Wuxie's swordsmanship, this is not a big deal.

It seems that many manufacturing tasks can be entrusted to Ban Mozi in the future...

As for the splitting technique and the heart shield technique, although they are the core of making a ship girl, they are actually just two engraving techniques created by Lu Ya casually.

It's like inventing the Heaven Sealing Formation at will, as long as he masters the topmost law of heaven, Lu Ya can create 1 full-level spells a day.

In order to commemorate the two full-level engraving techniques just invented, Lu Ya decided to name the ship to be built——

Cracked Heartshield.

(End of this chapter)

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