Chapter 97 Your boat is gone
Skeletal Dragon...uh...

The boat hasn't been repaired yet, and the Wilderness Emperor has to take care of Lu Ya's emotions.

As the captain, he had to maintain face in front of his subordinates.

At this moment, he had to remain polite without losing his domineering smile.

"A mere bone dragon can't enter the eyes of this emperor. I came here for another thing."

"is it?"

Lu Ya thought to himself, the "forbidden fate" in your body is the greatest treasure in the world, having this is equivalent to having the protagonist's body, but it's a pity that you don't know it and can't take the initiative to use it.

If Lu Ya hadn't possessed a higher Heaven-level power than that, he would have been a little envious of this.

Thinking about it the other way around, it's definitely not for nothing that these people of destiny came to the Forest of Beast's Nest.

Maybe there is an adventure here that he himself didn't know about.

A Liu Xuanye.

A wild emperor.

Two people with abyss restrictions were involved at the same time.

Lu Ya realized that what he created might not be a small dungeon, but a world-class dungeon, and he might be igniting a big event that would shake the entire fairy world.

Thinking of this, Lu Ya casually asked:
"What are you looking for?"

"Brother Lu, don't ask."

"Is it so mysterious?"

The Wilderness Emperor sat cross-legged, his eyes slightly closed, his loose black hair was windless and unmoving, exuding the domineering aura of an emperor who is not angry and majestic.

"It's not that the emperor is pretending to be mysterious, but just met by chance. I don't want to miss your life for nothing."

"is it?"

Lu Ya wanted to laugh a little. I really don't know if this guy is pretending to be aggressive, or hiding a secret, or if he is really a good person.

Immortal Venerable Cockscomb Head, Qian Jizi, looked up at the blue luan pattern on the fairy boat, looked at it for a long time, and suddenly said:

"I remember."

The Wilderness Emperor frowned slightly.

"What do you remember?"

"Master Kuanghu was drunk once, and everyone made fun of him, saying that his daughter is a bastard in the fairy court and has no serious career, so it's better to come back and become a fairy thief. He argued that Jiuhu Immortal was serving as an envoy in a big city. Everyone didn't believe it, and asked him which fairy city he worked in, he said Qingluan City..."

Having said that, Qian Jizi suddenly asked Lu Ya:

"This Qingluan City and the Qingluan City mentioned by Brother Lu, shouldn't it be the same place?"

Lu Ya was taken aback.

Lord Kuanghu?

The father of the wine fox fairy?
Is it a fox fairy?

Lu Ya was speechless. He thought her mother was a beautiful fox fairy, but her father was actually a fox fairy?
Lu Ya really couldn't imagine the picture of a male fox fairy on a female fairy...

A high-level fox fairy is not a member of Fairy Tail, but joined the Immortal Thief King, probably because of his closeness to humans.

It was only then that Lu Ya realized that Jiuhu Immortal had traveled the entire fairy world with the Immortal Thief King since he was a child. No wonder he was a loli, but he had a bold and unrestrained temperament that had seen the world.

Her well-informed news probably also came from this.

Thinking this way, Lu Ya said:

"Yes, Mr. Jiuhu is a very qualified worker...cough cough, the envoy in the city has made great contributions to the development of Qingluan City."

"Fate, it's amazing."

Qian Jizi sighed in disbelief, he didn't expect the captain to predict this point, no wonder he said that he would be rescued after a thousand years.

The Wilderness Emperor also lamented that his dog shit luck was too strong, and wondered if it was because he shoveled too much dog shit when he was young that he had such good luck.

His face was domineering and restrained, calm and composed.

Speaking of the Wine Fox Immortal, Lu Ya curiously asked:

"Master Jiuhu came here before me, did you see it?"

"The little fox has come already?"

The Wilderness Emperor frowned, and couldn't help but start talking.

"He didn't save her when she came... Keke, she didn't come to us? It's a pity I bought her so much wine when she was a child."

Of course, he also made such a bad move to curry favor with Kuang Huxian.

Buying wine for a little girl?

Lu Ya couldn't complain.

The Wilderness Emperor thought of something, and suddenly his expression turned cold.

"Or...she also came to look for the bone dragon?"

Lu Ya nodded.

"That's natural."

The Wilderness Emperor narrowed his eyes slightly, and said meaningfully:
"Why do I remember that little fox, like her father, only likes to play with pretty girls? Don't you..."

Lu Ya was taken aback.

Do you want to gossip with empty gloves?
The Wilderness Emperor's narrow eyes moved slightly, and said faintly:
"You and I are destined, let me remind you, Mr. Kuanghu treasures his daughter, and even the commander-in-chief respects her for her strength. If you dare to think extravagantly, no one will save you."

Stimulate the law?

Isn't this forcing him to do something to that coquettish fox?

Lu Ya was convinced, and didn't know what to say for a while, so let it be his kind reminder.

Afterwards, the few people chatted indifferently, and they hit it off unexpectedly.


Bursts of roar came from the huge sail behind, and the wild sand roared.

When everyone turned their heads, they saw the huge black boat slowly take off from the sand, and soon it was suspended in the air.

The boatman Xianzun came to the deck and shouted excitedly to the people below:
"Thanks to this Banyue girl, the ship's core has been repaired, and the cracked air engraving has also been repaired."

Qianjizi exclaimed:

"You can't be judged by appearances. I didn't expect Ban Yue's young girl to have such strength. The future is limitless."

The praise made Ban Yue feel a little embarrassed, and shyly said:

"It is the captain who teaches well."

Lu Ya didn't expect Ban Yue to finish it so quickly, which shows that she has mastered at least [-]% of the skills of the crack seal.

Terribly talented!
On the deck, the boatmen of the Six Sails shouted again:
"My lord, the crack furnace has been ignited, you can leave here at any time."

"You can't leave yet. After being trapped for a thousand years, how can you return empty-handed?"

The Wilderness Emperor finally breathed a sigh of relief, holding the long sword in his hand, his momentum skyrocketed, he paced around, raised his head and shouted loudly.

"Keep going!"

At this moment, Lu Ya patted him on the shoulder.

"It's okay to move forward, can you pay first?"

"It's natural."

With a mere [-] million immortal crystals, the Wilderness Emperor has no need to play tricks, and is going to take out a few treasures of equivalent value to offset the debt.

At this moment, I suddenly heard a voice on the deck——

"No money!"

It was the real Renly who spoke!
The Wilderness Emperor had no choice but to turn around and ask:
"What is the opinion of a real person?"

Real Ren Li has long discovered that Lu Ya and the Liufan team have drawn closer through the Jiuhu Fairy, and Lu Ya's trip is bone dragon, his competitor.

What's more, his master Zhu Shenzheng already knew what Lu Ya had done, and he just treated Li Wuxie a little bit less, and didn't touch him for the time being.

At this moment, he plans to stir up conflicts between Lu Ya and the Emperor Wilderness, so that he can take Lu Ya down. He can force Lu Ya to take him to find the bone dragon. The elderly will also be very happy.

"Master Ye Di may not know that we are not trapped in the folding space, but have been hit by an illusion, and the time has just passed six hours."

Ren Li had long heard that there was an illusion in the small garden, and after seeing Lu Ya, he was even more sure that it was an illusion.

Before following the boat, he just wanted to make sure that the boat was repaired and he was able to leave this place without relying on Lu Ya, so he started to make trouble.



Everyone was in an uproar. Looking back on the millennium, there was indeed a possibility that the five senses were disturbed by the illusion.

True Renly continued:
"This kid came in from the outside. He knew it was an illusion, but he deliberately concealed it. There must be a lot of conspiracy. I'm not even sure whether the ship is really broken, or this kid is trying to extort money on purpose."

"Is the boat not broken?"

"Dare to blackmail the Immortal Thief King's money?"

Everyone was faintly angry.

Seeing that the Wilderness Emperor remained calm, Master Ren Li walked around to spare Ban Yue, and continued to provoke:
"Although the boat may not be broken, I have seen with my own eyes that this Banyue girl is really exquisite in craftsmanship. She is young and her future is limitless. Lord Yedi, why don't you keep her on the boat to avoid similar incidents in the future? embarrassing situation?"

Ban Yue was so frightened that she hurriedly disembarked, but was suppressed by a spiritual pressure and was trapped on the deck, unable to move.

In the eyes of the Wilderness Emperor, although Ren Li is a beast in clothes, he is a real half-step fairy, and he is the strongest person present.

Moreover, he is still a disciple of Zhu Shenren, who has the power of Xianting Continent behind Zhu Shenren, and it may help him to hide the matter of the former Liufan ship owner Wang Ye in the future, so he should not easily offend him.

Even if he wasn't someone who crossed rivers and demolished bridges, he didn't want to be an enemy of Lu Ya, but at this point, he couldn't get rid of the tiger, so he could only force himself to be domineering, and said to Lu Ya:

"If the boatman is mine, then there is no need to pay for it?"

Lu Ya did not refute, pointing at Jufan and said:
"Your boat is gone, why do you need a boat?"

The voice did not fall.

Space warping.

The giant sail sank again.

(End of this chapter)

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