The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 507 Shadow Brake

Chapter 507 Thousand Shadows Thousand Brakes
Before Ye Qianying could speak, Chu Tianshu asked again: "Ye Qianying, are you sure you want to fight against the God of Wealth?"

Ye Qianying sneered: "Confrontation? Hehe... Do you know how many evil gods my generation of humans have fought against for countless years? Any evil god who wants to control human beings is the enemy of our Tianji Tower and the entire human race. I Ye Qianying will never keep you!"

"What a big tone, your Tianji Building may represent the entire Eastern Continent human being?"

"If Tianjilou can't represent it, then there will be no one in Donglu who can represent it, because the ancestors of the entire Donglu people arrived on the sword boat of Tianjilou. I, Tianjilou, are the ruler of Donglu!"

"Hey... the ruler?" Chu Tianshu suddenly realized that he understood why Tianjilou treated him like this.

They can help Chu Tianyang become the co-lord of mankind, but they cannot allow God of Wealth shops to spread all over the world!
Daxuanzong seemed to follow the example of Tianjilou.

Although the Wumen dared to provoke Tianjilou, they did not dare to form an enmity with it.

The situation on Dragon King Island is still unclear.

But even so, it is enough to prove that Tianjilou is the strongest sect among the four major sects.

Because Tianjilou is proficient in refining equipment.

Just like this silver-armored man, he is only a junior Xuanzun level, but after wearing this silver armor, his combat power has doubled several times, and it is estimated that he can fight against an intermediate Xuanzun.

In addition, the formation of Tianjilou is far superior to the other three first-class sects.

In addition, Tianjilou also has an eye that cannot be underestimated. From Ye Qianying's vertical eyes, some clues can be seen.

The colorful light released from these eyes always gave Chu Tianshu a sense of crisis.

It seems that it is not just an eye, but also a transmission channel.

Some stronger forces from other places can be brought over.

When Chu Tianshu was thinking about Ye Qianying!
Ye Qianying was also secretly analyzing how to break Chu Tianshu's spatial boundary and kill Chu Tianshu's real body hiding inside.

Although the Qiansha Formation can block the surrounding space and form a space barrier to prevent Chu Tianshu from escaping!

However, it doesn't have the ability to break through the air, and it is even more impossible to freeze the entire ten-mile radius inside!

No matter how strong the energy can be gathered, what's the use of breaking into Chu Tianshu's realm?

In case!

Ye Qianying used a special method to communicate with Ye Qianji: "Lord, have you seen what happened here?"

There is also an eye between Ye Qianji's eyebrows, which is also in the open state at this time.

It was as if he could see everything Ye Qianying saw through the barrier of time and space.

He opened his mouth and said: "I have seen it. I didn't expect that Chu Tianshu is also proficient in the space realm. Then he can teleport in the space within the Qiansha Formation to avoid your attack? This should be the power of the God of Wealth, right? It's really incredible!"

"It should be the ability to summon the divine power, what should I do now?"

"What do you think?"

"I feel that any uncertain crisis must be eliminated. The matter has come to this point, and there is no room for relaxation between the two sides. If he is not killed today, in the future, the Donglu branch of our Tianji Chamber of Commerce may be wiped out by him!" Ye Qianying said.

"You can think of it, and I can see it naturally. Xiaoying's side should be about to attack. Once [-] believers are beheaded, then our Tianji Building will completely break with the God of Wealth Store. At that time, we will also persecute the entire world. , Let them make a choice, whether to choose to believe in the God of Wealth, or choose to obey our Tianji Building and the leadership of the Middle-earth Continent!"

"Then I'll give it a try first. If I can't kill him, I'll find a way to trap him here first!" Ye Qianying said.


The two sides ended the conversation.

Thousands of demon souls on the Qiansha Formation also spit out beams of light, aiming at Chu Tianshu and hitting them down.

Chu Tianshu's avatar turned into powder and disappeared.

Ye Qianying stabbed out again, stirring up ripples in the space, and once again passed through the space node, opening the door to the God of Wealth Realm.

All the undead in the God of Wealth Realm could sense the blue moon suddenly rippling.

It was like a blue ocean that was suddenly stirred up by someone.

Everyone looked up curiously.

But suddenly!

A black shadow loomed over from afar.

Slowly covered the blue moon, like a dog eclipsing the moon.

This also made the white star dark.

The people above were shocked, not knowing what happened.

at the same time!

Ye Qianying, who had already broken through the space node, found a beam of black light that drilled from the depths of the space, not only entangled the spear in his hand, but also bound his entire body together.

This black light is like the tentacles of gods and demons, with infinite power and extremely corrosive power.

In an instant, the silver armor on Ye Qianying's body burst into cracks.


Ye Qianying let out a scream.

But immediately, his body shattered and turned into thousands of clones.

At the same time, thousands of demon souls also arrived in a flash and merged into these clones.

next moment!
Thousands of Ye Qianying seemed to be integrated into this large formation.

As a result, the black energy tentacles didn't know how to attack.

Chu Tianshu, who was sitting in the big formation, also frowned.

This Qiansha Formation was tailor-made for Ye Qianying.

Ye Qianying, who merged with the big formation, has a combat power comparable to that of the junior Xuanhuang!


Ye Qianying roared again, and thousands of attacks were fired at the same time again, all hitting the black shadow.

Sombra was forced back!

Huge energy, following the shadow, passed through the space channel and entered the God of Wealth Realm.

The blue moon, which was swallowed by the black heart demon, lit up again and swelled a lot, as if it had been blown up.

But with the black shadow's counterattack, it wrapped the blue moon again, resisting the infusion of external energy.

The two sides also stalemate.

Chu Tianshu was worried at first.

However, after waiting for a while, he relaxed instead.

Today's God of Wealth Realm is no longer what it was when he first broke through.

Baixing alone has gathered the mind power beliefs of 3000 million believers, and it is a giant with a diameter of more than 300 miles!

The so-called Dao is one foot tall and the devil is ten feet tall. The black and white demons will always complement each other and grow simultaneously.

Bai Xing was already so strong that even Chu Tianshu couldn't estimate it, and the black demon would naturally not be so weak.

If it is outside, Chu Tianshu needs to use his soul and body as the carrier to summon more black demon power.

Once the power of summoning is too strong, regardless of whether there is the participation of the white demon, it will bring certain damage to his soul and body.

But this is the Heart Demon Realm!

The territory of black and white demons.

There is no need for Chu Tianshu to mobilize, even if the white demon cannot be used temporarily, the black demon can still exert its full strength to automatically deal with external forces.

The two sides entered a brief stalemate.

In Ye Qianying's eyes, he seemed to have stepped into another space world.

Here, there is a blue ocean, and above the ocean, there are black snake shadows.

The snake shadow was like tentacles, constantly blocking his attacks.

"This is not the space realm controlled by Xuanzun, but a space barrier similar to Xuanhuang's!" Ye Qianying became more serious.

Xuanhuang-level masters control different enchantments.

The most difficult thing to deal with is the space enchantment of the space lineage.

He couldn't understand that Chu Tianshu was just a junior Daxuan Grandmaster, how could he possess such ability?

Even if the power of the gods is summoned, it should not reach this level.

(End of this chapter)

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