Need for bragging system

Chapter 11 - The Fatty Comes to Ask for Something

Chapter 11 - The Fatty Comes to Ask for Something

"The young master hasn't left the room for nearly a month, is there anything wrong?"

"Probably not, the master has already ordered that no one should disturb the young master."

"But the young master hasn't eaten for nearly a month..."

"What do you know? The young master is now a powerful warrior. I heard Fu Bo said before that a warrior can absorb the vitality of the world. Let alone not eating for a month, even a year is fine."

"But tomorrow is the opening ceremony of the Shenwu Academy's acceptance ceremony. Didn't the young master have an appointment with the eldest son of King Zhentian a month ago? If you don't go... the future young lady will... ..."

"Stop talking nonsense there! Who would dare to snatch the young lady of our marshal's mansion?"

That being said, the dozen or so maidservants surrounding the courtyard all had worried expressions on their faces, and a dozen pairs of eyes were staring eagerly at the tightly closed door.

"It seems that my talent is still not high enough. It took so long to perfect the cloud-turning palm martial skill given by Uncle Fu. In the future, it is better not to practice skills outside the system. It is too troublesome." Wang Kai He grinned, and sighed helplessly.

As everyone knows, master-level martial arts, even if they are at the elementary level, will take at least half a year to practice to perfection. Wang Kai was able to cultivate Cloud Turning Palm to perfection in nearly a month. It is already considered a very high talent.

But even if Wang Kai knew this, he would not think about cultivating martial arts outside the system anymore. In his words, it would be a waste of time. With so much time, he doesn't know how much he can boast and how many realms he has broken through. up.

What's more, in Wang Kai's opinion, the martial arts in the system are no worse than Fu Bo's.

"Master Kai! Young Master Kai! Come out quickly, someone dares to provoke you in Wangcheng!"

Bang bang bang!
Following the sound of pig-killing cries, and the sound of shaking mountains, it caused more than a dozen maids outside the courtyard to change their pretty faces and look at each other with anger in their eyes.

"This damn Fatty Liu! He's been here dozens of times in the past month!"

"There's no way, who made his grandfather and our master old friends."

"Hey, the guards in the mansion can't stop him."

After a while, Liu Le, the youngest of the Liu family, appeared outside the courtyard, looked at the still closed door, couldn't help but pouted, and looked eagerly at the dozen or so servant girls who surrounded him.

"Is your young master out yet?" Liu Le asked anxiously.

"Go back to Mr. Liu, the young master has never come out, so please go back, Mr. Maid." The servant girl said.

Liu Le's face trembled when he heard this, his eyes suddenly turned red, and he didn't know what kind of ideological struggle he had engaged in, so he opened his mouth and shouted: "Master Kai, it's not good, a bald donkey set up a ring in Wangcheng to provoke you!" You, say that your bragging ability is not as good as his!"

The closed door suddenly opened, Wang Kai walked out quickly, stared at him with a face full of surprise, and asked: "Who? Who dares to say that this young master's bragging ability is not as good as him?"

"My God! What the hell is the young master doing? Is bragging really that important?" The dozen or so maids covered their mouths in disbelief.

"There is a bald donkey, cough cough, no, I don't know where Xu Kun invited a monk, who claimed to be a bragging monk, and said that he wanted to defeat Kai Shao and let him kowtow to Xu Kun to admit his mistake." Liu Le said out of breath.

Bragging monk?Invited by Xu Kun?

Wang Kai was taken aback when he heard the words, and immediately lost interest, curled his lips and said in disdain: "What kind of guy can Xu Kun invite, I am the number one blower in the king's city, can anyone accept any challenge?"

"No, this bald donkey is really powerful. Now he has defeated many of his comrades in Wangcheng, and won tens of millions of silver tickets!" Liu Le hurriedly added. His face trembled violently, and his face was full of pain.

It can be seen that this product has not lost much.

"You lost too?" Wang Kai squinted his eyes and looked at him playfully. You must know that Fatty Liu killed the original Wang Kai in the Marshal's Mansion. , it must have gone.

However, that must be the last time Fatty Liu's life was unrestrained. If he hadn't crossed over in time, I'm afraid the Marshal's Mansion would have chopped this guy to death. Even if his grandfather and old man were old friends, they would definitely die.

"I lost, I lost more than 100 million taels!" Liu Le said with great pain.

so much?
But even if he loses so much, it's impossible for this guy to beg himself as if he was going to die. You must know that even if the old man and his grandfather have a good relationship, the relationship between me and him is not very good, otherwise I wouldn't have met each other in the first place. Blow each other, resulting in Wang Kai blowing to death.

"You lost more than 100 million taels, why did you come to me? Don't say that the bald donkey wants to challenge this young master. I think you confessed me, right? Do you want me to help you avenge?" Wang Kai squinted eyes, looked at him with contempt.

Liu Le's face froze when he heard the words, his eyes were red and he gasped heavily, and finally he knelt down on the ground with a plop, crying and begging: "Master Kai, don't forget the faults of villains, help me this time, that bald donkey actually He wants me to become a monk with him! I don’t want to be a monk!”

Wang Kai couldn't help laughing on the spot when he heard this, no wonder he would save face and beg himself, after arguing for a long time, he lost the bet and wanted to become a monk.

Seeing him weeping and wiping away his tears, the snot almost rubbing against his clothes, Wang Kai kicked him with a look of disgust, and said speechlessly: "What's wrong with being a monk? Isn’t it good to be a monk? Going to pick up girls under the name of Purdue, and pretty girls will lower their guard against you because you are a monk, and the success rate of picking up girls will definitely be greatly improved, how wonderful.”

"Really?" Liu Le was taken aback, looking at Wang Kai seriously.

"Of course it's true. Being a monk is very good. You and that bald donkey...cough, go with that bragging monk. In the future, you will definitely spread branches and leaves for your Liu family, and the house will be full of children and grandchildren." Wang Kailie With a smile on his lips, he secretly added a sentence in his heart: all the children and grandchildren have no hair.

"No, I heard that one has to be ordained to be a monk, and once one is ordained, one must abide by the Buddhist precepts, not to touch alcohol, meat, meat, sex, sex, wealth, or fortune." A maid muttered.

Liu Le's ears twitched, his fat face trembled violently, and he threw himself forward and hugged Wang Kai, crying even more violently: "Young Master Kai, you can't just ignore me, no matter how you say we both hit the blow Same way!"

"This little girl." Wang Kai pushed Liu Le away abruptly, glared at the maid, and then said indifferently: "It's not impossible to let me help you, but you have to give me the ticket, so I don't want more , 1000 million taels will get Ben Shao out of the mountain!"

(End of this chapter)

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