Need for bragging system

Chapter 117 - Ancient City of Mercy

Chapter 117 - Ancient City of Mercy
Youth Supreme Ranking!
Zhang Yuan, Zhang Ruoxuan!

Wang Kai's face was full of cold smiles, he floated down to the sky, raised his hand and patted his clothes, and said lightly: "Uncle Liu, it seems that I am outside of Fanzhou, and I have something to play with!"

"Youth Supreme List, under the age of 25, the younger generation can enter the list, a total of [-], the top [-] are geniuses who have not yet activated the power of the bloodline, but are expected to activate the power of the bloodline, the top [-], then For the Tianjiao who have already activated the power of the bloodline, and the power of the bloodline is at the sixth level, the top [-] are the younger generation whose bloodline power has reached the seventh level, they are outstanding people, and the top ten are the bloodlines of the eighth level, which can be sealed. Young Supreme! Zhang Ruoxuan is ranked seventh!" Liu Chengshen smiled lightly.

The top [-] people have never activated the power of their blood—geniuses!
The top [-] ranks in the sixth rank of blood power—Tianjiao!
The top [-] ranks in the ranks of the seventh level of blood power—heroine!
The top ten ranks in the ranks of the eighth rank of the power of the blood—the juvenile supreme!
Wang Kai narrowed his eyes slightly when he heard the words, and couldn't help but think of Zhang Yuan, who was only a thousand years ago, and the power of bloodlines also belonged to the category that had never been activated. However, just by being around [-] years old, he could reach the ninth rank of the imperial realm and be called a Genius, not an exaggeration!
"Then judging by the juvenile supreme list, this young master is only the top five hundred arrogance? Hehe, it's really interesting!" Wang Kai said with a playful smile.

Liu Chengshen shook his head lightly, flipped his hands and took out a black and white pendant with two black and white beads about the size of a thumb. After throwing it at Wang Kai, he said flatly: "Young Supreme List Ranking and combat strength are also one of them, even though your bloodline strength is at the sixth level, but the realm is only the first rank of Martial Emperor, and in the juvenile supreme list, the top [-], the weakest are all at the seventh rank of Martial Emperor!"


Wang Kai stretched out his hand to take the pendant, turned it over and played with it twice, and said with a casual smile: "That's not necessarily true, maybe the power of this young master's bloodline will become level seven one day? Or maybe this young master's realm, Will he reach the peak of the Martial Emperor Ninth Rank in the next moment? There is no absolute in the world, so I don’t know what this pearl is?"

Liu Chengshen's expression was indifferent when he heard the words, and he didn't pay much attention to Wang Kai's words. Once the power of the bloodline is activated, it will become a certainty. Even if there is a way to increase the power of the bloodline in the world, it is too difficult to find.

"This bead is a yin and yang escape bead. Yao'er entrusted me to give it to you. Although I really hope that you can surpass those young supreme beings, the reality is hard to go against. I hope you can know how to advance and retreat." Liu Chengshen sighed. With a sound, the figure stepped into the air, blinked, and disappeared into the sky.

Seeing this, Wang Kai shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly, if he doesn't even believe in himself, how can he become supreme?
As for the indifferent eyes of others, just ignore them!

As long as one day, you can surpass it with a dazzling posture!
"Big stupid cat, where is the Treasure Gathering Building?" Wang Kai narrowed his eyes slightly, flipped his hands and put the Yin-Yang Escape Orb into the space ring.

The Tongtian Pagoda hangs above Wang Kai's left ear, and after shaking it a few times, Master Cat's voice came out.

"Hey, it seems that you want to find Zhang Yuan? Although a bit reckless and ignorant, Master Cat likes it! Three thousand miles forward, you can see a city called the Ancient City of Mercy. Inside, there is a treasure gathering building. I just don’t know if that Zhang Yuan went there, if he is really there, then even if you are no match for him, you can use the Emperor’s Token to get away safely.” Master Mao stroked his long beard and laughed in a low voice.

Wang Kai was stunned when he heard the words, and suddenly remembered Fandi's seven-color token, the handwriting engraved on it, isn't it the word Jubao?

"Could it be that... Emperor Fan opened the treasure building?" Wang Kai's expression suddenly became playful. If this is the case, it seems that he has indeed received a treasure gift.

"Whether it was opened by Emperor Fan, Master Mao is not sure, but Jubao Building has countless sub-buildings in every state. In the territory of Florida alone, there are no less than a hundred buildings, which are placed in various towns. With the realm of Emperor Fan's martial arts, Even if you are not the owner of Jubao Building, you can still be counted as one of the best people in it." Master Cat said while stroking his long beard.

"Whether it was opened by Emperor Fan or not, this young master did not intend to use Emperor Fan's token to deal with Zhang Yuan this time. If you have revenge, you have to personally avenge it. If you can't get rid of that bastard, I, Wang Kai, will never die." Read it backwards!"

Wang Kai grinned with a gloomy expression, and with his feet moving, he suddenly walked away, heading straight for the ancient city of mercy three thousand miles away!

The ancient city of Mercy is located on the edge of Florida. In this city, there are all disciples of Buddhism and secularism. There are sounds of chanting scriptures everywhere. Even people who come and go from other states must put their hands together to greet each other. This is one of the rules of Florida. one.

"Amitabha, I don't know where the almsgiver came from? What is the purpose of coming to the ancient city of compassion?"

As soon as Wang Kai entered the city gate, he was blocked by a compassionate and kind-hearted Buddhist monk. He was seen wearing a cassock, with no hair on his head, but with six incense scars. It can be seen that although his status in Buddhism is not as good as that of the Zhichen monk, he is also He is a powerful Buddhist cultivator.

"Amitabha, why did the master ask this question? There are countless people coming and going in this city, but the master just stops here?" Wang Kai clasped his hands together, bowed slightly and smiled back.

Hearing the words, the monk shook his head lightly, put his hands together and bowed again, and said with a gentle smile: "The poor monk saw that there was evil spirit between the benefactor's brows, and he wanted to come to this ancient city of mercy. He must have come here to seek revenge. , but I don’t want to see the tragedy happen, and I hope the benefactor can leave this city!”

Can you even see this?
Wang Kai suddenly had a strange feeling. It has to be said that once the Taoism is advanced, he can judge people very accurately.

"Master, I am indeed here to seek revenge, but I don't want to leave. As the master said, even if I leave the ancient city of compassion, I can still seek revenge outside the city. If the hatred is not resolved, I will feel uneasy. Grandmaster insists on blocking, don't blame me for being merciless!" Wang Kai said with a faint smile.

As soon as this remark came out, the monk immediately frowned and looked deeply at Wang Kai, but suddenly found that he could not find out his martial arts realm. There are only two possibilities for such a thing.

One, there is a treasure in the body, and two, the realm is higher than oneself!

But no matter which one it is, if it continues to block it, it will definitely cause an unpleasant battle. In this way, it will violate the original intention.

"Amitabha, since this is the case, the poor monk can only follow the benefactor." The monk folded his hands together and bowed, and immediately stood aside with a smile on his face under Wang Kai's astonished gaze.

When the king takes a step, the monk also takes a step. If he stands still, the monk is the same.

"Old bald donkey, did this young master give you some embarrassment?" Wang Kai's face darkened suddenly, and he scolded impatiently.

(End of this chapter)

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