Need for bragging system

Chapter 1352 - Less waste chapters to follow

Chapter 1352 - Stop talking nonsense and follow or not

Doesn't this mean that I want to continue to improve my strength and brag?
He actually asked himself how much fighting power he had, that's true.

The corner of Wang Kai's mouth twitched slightly, looked at them with admiration, nodded and said: "Well, you are very good, you have a future, my fighting power is not much, only 120 three!"

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 100 experience, and bragging is worth 100 point."

"Congratulations to the host for successfully increasing the combat power by 10 points."

Host: Wang Kai
Title: Zhanbaizha
Realm: Supreme

Combat Strength: 435
Bragging Value: 4400
Experience: 0/100
"How much? One thousand one hundred and twenty three combat power? You..."

Hearing these words, both of them looked horrified.

"That's right, to be more precise, I haven't reached 120 three, it should be 120, three points of combat power, I need to kill you before I can give it to me." Wang Kai shrugged and said.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 100 experience, and bragging is worth 100 point."

"Congratulations to the host for successfully increasing the combat power by 10 points."


"My God, what kind of system is yours?"

Sun Zizi and Sun Mimi looked at each other, feeling extremely astonished.

Kill two system owners to give three points of combat power?
So how many people did he kill with more than 1000 fighting power?
"Didn't I tell you, the killing system is just different from yours. As for my killing system, the owner of the killing system, everyone, can only get [-] combat power. If killing is not the system owner, you have to It depends on the combat power of the opponent, but no matter how high it is, you can only gain a little combat power and kill one person."

"Well, if it's not about killing bullshit, people with a fighting power of less than one hundred will only have a fighting power of [-]."

Wang Kai put his hands behind his back and said with a distressed expression.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 100 experience, and bragging is worth 100 point."

"Congratulations to the host for successfully increasing the combat power by 10 points."

"Uh... that's why you haven't gone to a stronger city yet? Kill people here and improve your combat effectiveness?" Sun Tzu's face turned pale.

Even the killing system mentioned by Wang Kai, the increase in combat power obtained is indeed a little bit, it is purely a pit system.

But killing people with less than [-] fighting power can also increase their fighting power?

One person, [-], is indeed very low.

However, Gaowang City and Wolong City are basically cultivators with less than [-] combat powers. If they are all killed, wouldn't he be invincible?
"That's right, you got the answer right, but it's a pity that even if I kill the people in Wolong City, they won't be able to meet my requirements. The system is already tired of that city and won't increase its combat effectiveness, so I come to Gaowang City Kill, kill."

Wang Kai looked at them with a smile and said.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 100 experience, and bragging is worth 100 point."

"Congratulations to the host for successfully increasing the combat power by 10 points."

Host: Wang Kai
Title: Zhanbaizha
Realm: Supreme

Combat Strength: 465
Bragging Value: 4700
Experience: 0/100
It's not five hundred yet...

Wang Kai glanced at it casually, then urged his mind to close it.

"How about it? You two, do you want to hang out with me? Take you to pretend, take you to fly, take you..."

"I don't want to go to the dump."

Before Wang Kai finished speaking, the little girl Sun Mimi pursed her red lips and protested softly.

"Uh... let's make a quick decision? If I don't agree, then I will have to kill you so that I can use the killing system to increase my combat power by three points. Don't you guys know that it is not easy to improve my combat power? , Killing the two of you is comparable to killing six ordinary people."

Wang Kai put his hands behind his back and said rather playfully.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 100 experience, and bragging is worth 100 point."

"Congratulations to the host for successfully increasing the combat power by 10 points."

"You show a combat power of more than 1000. If it is true, we will follow you immediately. Well, with a combat power of more than 14, we should be able to go to No. 17 cities. Our current Gaowang City is No. [-]. .”

The grandson thought about it seriously and said.

"I'm sorry, but you also know that the main source of my combat power is the killing system. The killing system also has a tricky rule, that is, only when killing people can the combat power be released... Do you want to try it?"

Wang Kai frowned, spread his hands, and said quite speechlessly.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 100 experience, and bragging is worth 100 point."

"Congratulations to the host for successfully increasing the combat power by 10 points."

"It's simple, you just kill someone casually, isn't it good?"

Sun Mimi said with a smile.


Wang Kai touched his nose when he heard the words, and said helplessly: "I never kill people who have no grievances or enmity, besides, if I kill some garbage in Gaowang City, I can kill them casually. Combat strength is at most four hundred."

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 100 experience, and bragging is worth 100 point."

"Congratulations to the host for successfully increasing the combat power by 10 points."

"How can he be bragging? I have never killed anyone who has no vengeance!" Wang Kai heard the prompt, and a black line appeared on his forehead, secretly communicating with the system, quite dissatisfied.

"Host, the people you have killed by mistake, not eight hundred, but a thousand."

"Uh... is there such a thing?"

Wang Kai touched his nose, quite speechless.

"Then it's fine if you show a fighting power of [-], just go and kill Liu Laohei. This kid just came over and is also a system owner. If you kill him, you should be able to show a lot of fighting power?" Sun Tzu frowned. Frowning, he said quite seriously.

Liu Laohei?

Hearing this, Wang Kai was stunned.

It can be said that I am speechless in my heart.

Unexpectedly, he ran into that Liu Laohei so soon.

Maybe even Scar Dragon is with him, right?
"I know him. He is my younger brother. It is not difficult to kill him. However, since he is the owner of the system, I should be able to unleash five hundred combat power. Moreover, there is no need to kill him. It is very simple. He too weak."

Wang Kai shrugged and said quite casually.

"Then we are also very weak compared to your full fighting power. Why do you not have to kill Liu Laohei, but you have to kill when you release your fighting power in front of us?"

Sun Zizi and Sun Mimi looked at Wang Kai suspiciously.

Those who were being circled around by Wang Kai finally found something wrong.

"It's so troublesome, are you going to hang out with me? If you don't, I'll send you to see Lord Yan!"

Wang Kai frowned, really unwilling to continue talking nonsense.

"Follow, mess with you!"

Sun Zizi and Sun Mimi looked at each other, but gritted their teeth and agreed.

No matter how much Wang Kai's combat power is.

There is no way to resist him now.

If I had known that he was going to use force, I wouldn't have exposed him just now.

"Then let's go, take me to see Liu Laohei."

(End of this chapter)

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