Need for bragging system

Chapter 143 - Hao Ren

Chapter 143 - Hao Ren

Jubao building.

Wang Kai and Duan Daode came out of nowhere, followed by hundreds of martial arts practitioners from various states. In the end, even Buddhist practitioners followed. Such a scene attracted more and more people to follow curiously.

Before arriving at the gate of the Jubao Building, tens of thousands of people had already gathered, and they were asking each other through sound transmission, and some were discussing in low voices. In short, the scene was so great that the guards at the gate of the Jubao Building all had expressions on their faces. alert up.

"Why did you come here after me? Could it be that you have seen this young man's amazing talent and aptitude, so you want to ask me for some advice? If so, why don't you guys just sit around where you are cool? Time to take care of you!" Wang Kai frowned and waved his hands impatiently, really annoyed by their following.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 10000 experience, and bragging is worth 10 point."

"Congratulations to the host for successfully breaking through the realm and reaching the third-rank Martial Emperor realm."

Suddenly, the Supreme Stele flew out again, and the information on it suddenly changed again.

"Wang Kai, 16 years old, seventh-level bloodline, third-rank Emperor First Realm, ranking No. [-]."

However, at this moment, Wang Kai didn't have the heart to play tricks here at all, and immediately turned his hands back to take back the Supreme Stele, with his hands behind his back, he walked into the treasure building with a slightly urgent expression, followed by Duan Daode.

"Stop! The Treasure Building is not open today, please come someday!"

Several gate guards saw Wang Kai approaching, and those martial arts experts behind him also filed in. They immediately frowned and shouted coldly. won't let it in.

Who knows what they mean by coming together?It was really the first time that such a crowd came here.

"Presumptuous! Don't you recognize me after leaving the Treasure Tower for several months?" Duan Daode raised his thick eyebrows and stared at him, even though he didn't release the coercion, the faces of the guards who stared at him froze .

Several guards looked at each other, although they were a bit reluctant, they still cupped their hands and said, "Duan Guan...Brother Duan, I hope you will forgive me for my duties, and don't make things difficult for me."

Seeing this, Wang Kai frowned, took out the colorful token with a helpless expression, waved it slightly to the guards, and said through voice transmission: "Just let the emperor and Duan Daode enter, as for the other People, block them all out."

"Yes! Emperor!" Several guards immediately responded with respectful expressions, and quickly responded by voice transmission, and then they all turned sideways.

When Wang Kai and Duan Daode entered the Treasure Judgment Building one after another, the countless martial arts and Buddhist cultivators wanted to enter casually, but they were stopped by several guards.

"Everyone, the Jubao Building is not open today, and I hope you all leave quickly!" a guard of the quasi-emperor said coldly.

The rest of the guards also looked icy and cold. Although many of the visitors were stronger than them, they believed that they would not be allowed to act recklessly in Jubaolou.

"Why was Wang Kai and the others able to enter just now, but I was not allowed to wait? Could it be that the Jubao Building was opened for him?"

"What this brother said is very true. As the saying goes, open the door for business, isn't it a little rude to stop me now?"

"Amitabha, I still hope that some benefactors can let them go. If the battle in the ancient city of bliss is caused by the opening of the king, the poor monk and others can't stop it, and they will feel ashamed."

The crowd yelled repeatedly, but the guards didn't show any emotion at all. Seeing the guards like this, the crowd had no choice but to stay outside. Even though the martial arts realm was stronger than the guards, they didn't dare to make too many mistakes.

"Since Wang Kai is inside the Treasure Judging Building, the members of the Zhang family and merchants will definitely find it later, so we just wait outside!"

"That's right, even if the Jubao Building is powerful, it won't block the prestige of the Zhang family's alliance with the merchants because of Wang Kai who came from Fanzhou, right? What's more, there will be an eminent monk from the Blissful Buddha Temple accompanying him. .”

Everyone talked to each other, and finally found the steps for themselves, and they all stood outside the Treasure Building, waiting indifferently.

The few guards were extremely disdainful when they heard the words, and secretly thought that Wang Kaike was not an ordinary person, but the emperor's son of Jubaolou, not to mention Zhang family and merchants coming here, even if the head of the family came here, it would be difficult for Jubaolou to see him. Ignore it.

Inside the Jubao building, as the guards said, there were no monks selling things related to the Buddha here, and the few floors seemed a little deserted.

However, there are a few guys who are placing a high platform in the center of the first floor. On the left and right sides of the high platform, there are rows of seats. The circular vacuum floor can make a five-storey pavilion, Everyone can see the high platform placed in the center of the first floor.

"Is this about to be auctioned?" Wang Kai raised his brows when he saw this, and looked curiously at the high platforms in the center, and on the platforms, there were pieces covered by red cloth. The object, as for what it is, is impossible to see through.

Duan Daode nodded slightly when he heard the words, and seeing that there were no outsiders here, he said respectfully: "My son expected it well, the Treasure Buildings in various places will hold a large-scale auction on a specific day, and the auctioned treasures Treasures of heaven, material and earth, such as utensils, are of extremely high grade and extremely rare."

"Duan Daode! It's your luck that you were not killed by the Bloody Bodhi. Why didn't you hide in the City of Lingci and why did you run back to the Ancient City of Bliss?"

Suddenly, a disdainful voice sounded, and a middle-aged man in a golden dress came down from the second floor. Shining, wearing a lot of jewelry all over her body.

Looking at him like this, he doesn't look like a good person at first glance, and I don't know where he got his name from!
Wang Kai glanced at him casually, but with his hands behind his back, he said calmly, "Hao Ren, framed Duan Daode and was fired from Treasure Tower, and let him be hunted down by Bloody Bodhi, are you guilty?"

As soon as this remark came out, Hao Ren was stunned. He narrowed his eyes and asked tentatively with a smile on his face, "I don't know who you are?"

"Presumptuous! Seeing the emperor approaching, why don't you hurry up to kneel down and salute?" Duan Daode yelled at him immediately, rolled up his sleeves, exposed his thick and strong arms, walked towards Hao Ren, and threw a hand Grabbing his shoulder, it was like catching a chicken, and he was captured.


Hao Ren was immediately thrown to the ground by Duan Daode, and his whole body convulsed immediately. Grinning his teeth, he gasped and scolded with an extremely angry face: "I think you are presumptuous! Jubaolou misses you more or less." Contribution is to treat you lightly, and it also helps you to resolve the blood-clothed Bodhi's pursuit, I can't imagine that after several months, your reckless temper has not changed in the slightest!"

(End of this chapter)

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