Need for bragging system

Chapter 158 - The Supreme Dao Gate

Chapter 158 - The Supreme Dao Gate

The No. [-] person on the dignified youth supreme list, Bodhi in Blood Cloth is actually a woman. This fact alone is enough to shock people, but now they hear that Wang Kai said that she is his wife, and everyone is shocked. Extremely astonished, he opened his mouth wide and was speechless for a long time.

"Hehe, it's just a trivial matter, why make a fuss about it? Xueyi Bodhi has outstanding talent and aptitude, and is the supreme figure of the young generation, and this young man is suave and unrestrained. He is a model youth in seven states and one island. Together, it can be said to be a match made in heaven!" Wang Kai smiled very casually, calming himself, as if he was talking about a very ordinary thing.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 10000 experience, and bragging is worth 10 point."

What everyone heard was that the corners of their mouths twitched fiercely, and it was nothing more than bragging secretly, but they were still bragging like this, if they were not showing off, would anyone believe it?
"Master Kai, you are really domineering! Uncle Liu... Ahem, Amitabha, the king's benefactor is very heroic, and looks like a poor monk in the world of mortals." Fatty Liu clasped his hands together and read with a gentle smile on his face. .

Zhichen and Zhikong frowned slightly, looked at each other, and then Zhikong asked: "Benefactor Wang, the blood-clothed Bodhi has left the Temple of Blissful Buddha? Do you know where she went?"

"Hehe, this matter couldn't be more obvious. The two of us have just made love for three lives. Naturally, we have to prepare for the big event of marriage. Now, she naturally chooses a residence with a beautiful scenery, and waits for this young master to go and have a spring evening with her!" Wang Kai shrugged his shoulders, and gave Zhikong a disdainful look, as if saying, you are stupid.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 10000 experience, and bragging is worth 10 point."

Zhikong frowned when he heard the words, and set off the glaring look even more frighteningly, and immediately he shook his head and vetoed: "This is absolutely impossible. Not long ago, Xueyi Bodhi came to the Buddhist temple to steal the net The water of the soul has already been severely injured by the poor monk, although she used the imperial weapon to escape, but the injury is bound to be powerless!"

"So you're bragging again!"

Everyone rolled their eyes and looked at Wang Kai with contempt. They really thought that he could marry the blood-clothed Bodhi, but now they know that it is all nonsense.

But when Wang Kai heard these words, he immediately changed his taste. If he had heard about this before, he might not have felt much, but now that he and Jingxuan are husband and wife, an inexplicable anger suddenly appeared The bottom of my heart rose.

"Old bald donkey, you dared to seriously injure my lovely Jingxuan. If you let me seize the opportunity, you will definitely regret it for the rest of your life!"

Wang Kaixin thought to himself viciously, but his face was extremely calm. He glanced at him lightly, then opened his mouth and smiled and said, "Isn't this eminent monk just joking? If my wife has really suffered such a serious injury, why are you still here?" Is it possible to achieve the appearance of a semi-sage? If you don’t believe me, you can take out the supreme stone tablet and have a look!”

Semi-holy posture!

Zhikong and Zhichen's expressions suddenly changed when they heard the words, and they couldn't help but look at the young strong men aside.


In an instant, many strong young men took out the supreme stele one after another, and with a thought, the message of the first young supreme appeared on the stone tablet.

"Jingxuan, 19 years old, eighth-level bloodline, semi-sacred realm, ranked first."

"As the saint of the supreme Taoist sect today, she used to practice Taoism under the pseudonym Bloody Clothes Bodhi, beheaded countless villains, and destroyed countless towns where villains gathered."

With such news, everyone who saw it immediately was shocked.

"Unexpectedly, the real name of the blood-clothed Bodhi is Jingxuan, and now she has achieved the appearance of a semi-saint, and she has even been selected as a saint by the Supreme Taoist sect!"

"Now all the strong women on the juvenile supreme list should have missed the position of the supreme Taoist saint, at most they will become a disciple of the supreme Taoist!"

"The Supreme Daoist Saintess has now been confirmed as Jingxuan, so the Holy Son..."

"I don't know which one of the top ten juvenile supremes will reach the semi-holy state first?"

"Hey, and I heard that the saint son and saint daughter of the supreme Taoist sect are bound to get married, I don't know Wang Kai..."

Many strong men of the younger generation all had strange expressions, and looked at Wang Kai inexplicably full of teasing meaning.

"What were you talking about just now? The holy son and holy daughter of the supreme Taoist sect? What do you mean?" Wang Kai narrowed his eyes slightly, staring at them with a somewhat unfriendly expression.

However, everyone looked at each other, and in the end, a hero who ranked No.13 stood up. Regarding being able to hit Wang Kai, no one would choose to hide it. They all thought it would be best to tell him. Refreshing thing.

"The next is the top list of young people, No.12...cough cough, No.13 hero, Sun Moon Island Danxiu, named Qiu Bei!" Qiu Bei said a little unnaturally, if he hadn't been knocked down by Wang Kai One, the current No.12 should be him.

Wang Kai's expression was extremely impatient when he heard the words, he immediately frowned, waved his hands and said: "Speak the business!"


Qiu Bei's face froze immediately, a cold light flashed in his eyes, he gritted his teeth and sneered, "Hehe, Brother Wang doesn't know, the reason why the Supreme Daoist Sect uses the Supreme Stone Tablet to evaluate the younger generation of the six states and one island is to select Once the Holy Son and Saintess of the Supreme Taoist School are successfully selected, it means that these two people will be the masters of the Supreme Taoist School in the future! It has always been above the major forces in the six states and one island!"

"Naturally, the saint girl has now been selected by the blood-clothed Bodhi Jingxuan, and now only a holy son is missing. Once the holy son appears, the two of them will become husband and wife and jointly control the supreme Taoist sect!"

As soon as the words fell, Qiu Bei looked at Wang Kai with a face full of teasing, and the expressions of many young strong men around him were also full of sarcasm.

"Hey, brother Wang, my younger brother advises you to give up on Jingxuan. She is now the saintess of the supreme Taoist sect, and with the power of the supreme Taoist sect, the saintess is not allowed to have anything to do with anyone other than the holy son..."

"That's right, the supreme Taoist sect is powerful and unpredictable. Even the major forces in the six states and one island all take the initiative to let their outstanding disciples participate in the judgment of the supreme stele, in order to be able to unite with the supreme Taoist sect."

"Brother Wang has some talents and aptitudes, but if he wants to step into the top ten, he must be the first to break into the semi-sacred posture before other young supreme beings...but it's a bit difficult."

"As the saying goes, long-term pain is worse than short-term pain, Brother Wang, let's bear the pain and give up!"

In an instant, many young strong men spoke out ridicule one after another, and they felt extremely happy in their hearts. Being able to ridicule Wang Kai like this, the air of being surpassed by him before has almost disappeared.

"Have you finished pretending there?"

I saw Wang Kaihei with a sullen face, squinting his eyes and staring at them with an unfriendly expression, the fierce look of gnashing his teeth really made everyone's heart skip a beat.

Thanks to the fellow daoists who gave rewards below, and thanks to the fellow daoists who voted, it’s a bit slow. It’s really too busy for all the guests to come.

(End of this chapter)

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