Need for bragging system

Chapter 166 – Half Emperor

Chapter 166 – Half Emperor

For more than a whole month, Wang Kai never left the ancient city of bliss. After finding an inn to stay, he stayed behind closed doors. However, because of this, countless monks gathered outside the inn, all of them looked on in horror. Over the inn.

I saw a huge cyan light cluster floating above the high sky. As the sky gradually darkened, the light cluster disappeared. When the next day came, another cyan light cluster appeared, growing from small to large , and so on.

Until today, it has lasted for more than one month.

"To be able to control and gather the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth, is it a vision of the heavens and the earth?"

"No, no, the poor monk thinks that there should be a Buddhist treasure that will be born soon!"

"This statement is wrong. This Emperor believes that it should be because the place where the inn is located is extremely extraordinary!"

"Could it be that there is another saint breaking the catastrophe? If so, I'm afraid that the ancient city of bliss will be reduced to ruins like the city of Lingci!"

Many strong monks frowned and thought about it. In the end, they were so frightened that their faces turned pale. Many monks left the ancient city of bliss in a hurry, fearing that they would suffer disaster from the saints.

"Amitabha, Empress Fanzhou, I don't know what kind of martial arts and martial arts that Wang Kai is practicing in the inn? If this continues, I'm afraid it will make people in the ancient city of bliss panic!"

Above the Jubao building, in the void, Huixuan, the abbot of the Bliss Buddha Temple, and the empress of Fanzhou are sitting among the clouds.

"I'm ashamed to say that although Wang Kai is the son of the Jubaolou emperor, I don't know the martial arts skills he practiced. However, I hope that Abbot Huixuan can wait here and restrain the Buddhist monks so as not to disturb Wang Kai. It's open to retreat and meditate." Empress Fanzhou said lightly.

Abbot Huixuan smiled gently when he heard the words, put his hands together and said: "The empress of Fanzhou has said this, the poor monk will naturally not disobey, and the Buddhist monks will naturally not go to disturb Wang Kai's benefactor, but the monks from other states are not from my Buddhist sect... ..."

"Hehe, don't worry about it, they don't have that ability yet!" Empress Fanzhou smiled casually, her eyes full of indifference.

In today's inn, everyone has already retreated, even the boss and Xiaoer left early.

Only Wang Kai's room was still tightly closed, and no one appeared.

"It took a full 36 days to condense a total of 36 vitality bullets, each of which possesses the peak power of the ninth rank of the emperor. I have a bit of confidence." Wang Kai shook his head and gave a low laugh, grasping his fist in an instant, turning the last vitality into the size of a marble.

At first, Wang Kaiben planned to condense a few of them to pretend to be coercive. After all, in the case of inferior strength, there are other ways to get rid of bad luck.

But once the condensing was successful, it was discovered that the power possessed by the vitality bomb was impressively at the peak level of the Great Emperor!

I thought that the vitality condensed from the Emperor Zhun's realm was only at the peak of the ninth rank of Emperor Zhun, but unexpectedly, the power reached the realm of the third emperor!
Yuan Qi Bomb has always been a very special martial skill, it can be improved with the improvement of Wang Kai's martial arts realm, and every time Wang Kai reaches the first rank of a realm, the condensed Yuan Qi Bomb can directly possess the power of the peak of the ninth rank .

Thinking about it this way, the emperor realm is divided into three emperor realms, but the vitality bomb is not like this, it still directly reaches the peak level in the realm it is in!
"Boy, why do you always attract crowds to watch wherever you go? It's too ostentatious! If the Empress of Feizhou and the abbot Huixuan of the Temple of Blissful Buddha were guarding you outside, I'm afraid you would have been scouted out by all kinds of powerful people ! It’s good to have the Emperor of the Holy Way to help you now, but what if there is no strong person to help you in the future? Aren’t you going to make Master Cat suffer too?”

Master Cat stroked his long beard, and said with a rather worried expression, after a month of refining, the lotus of the Six Paths has been completely swallowed by it, and now it has returned to its heyday, but even so, there is still nothing to do with Wang Kai.

The bloodline contract still can't be broken, even if he returns to the state of the heyday, if he follows Wang Kai, with his character, he may be seriously injured again, and it will not be far away.

Wang Kai raised his brows when he heard this, and smiled appreciatively. He secretly thought that he hadn't boasted for more than a month. Now that the big stupid cat has given him a chance, he naturally couldn't let it go. He immediately cleared his throat and said with a calm smile: "So The question is too stupid, why is Ben Shao surrounded by the crowd? The answer is actually very simple, Ben Shao is amazing!"

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 10000 experience, and bragging is worth 10 point."

Such words immediately caused the cat master in Tongtian Tower to roll his eyes, and said with a contemptuous sneer: "It's not that cat master deliberately concealed, who is Niu Zhetian in the northern region of Yaozhou, master cat really doesn't know, but in In the Northern Territory, there are five powerful clans who are in charge of the Ten Thousand Monsters Hall. Although they are not in harmony with each other, no matter how strong a clan is, they are enough to crush the other three regions of the Demon State!"

There are four domains in Yaozhou, which are divided into southeast, northwest, and the northern domain is the most respected!

Wang Kai had already learned about this matter from Master Cat, and now he heard it again, and he was a little annoyed. He waved his hands and smiled indifferently: "So what? But it's just a demon clan, this young master is going to the demon state this time. Last time, I happened to find a few dragons to pull the cart, and a few Phoenixes to serve as attendants."

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 10000 experience, and bragging is worth 10 point."

"Congratulations to the host for successfully breaking through the realm and reaching the first-rank half-emperor realm."

Host: Wang Kai
Occupation: Warrior

Boundary: First Grade Half Emperor

Kung Fu: Taijue God Emperor Kung Fu
Martial arts: so close to the world, grass and trees are soldiers, cut everything, five fists birth and death, big upside-down sword, vitality bullet
Equipment: Babel Tower

Bloodline: Level [-]
Bragging Value: 329
Experience: 0/70000
"The experience has not increased, the bloodline has not improved, it seems that not only the vitality bomb is not limited by the three emperors' realm, but also the system!"

There was hidden joy in Wang Kai's eyes, and he quickly glanced at it, urging his mind to close it, and then he stood up with high spirits, and stretched his muscles and bones very refreshingly, only to hear the crackling sound endlessly.

"Master Kai goes out to fight, not a single blade of grass grows, in the land of the demon state, all monsters retreat!" Wang Kai smiled proudly.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 10000 experience, and bragging is worth 10 point."

"The host, the holy blood containing the poison of the bathing fire, has reached the limit of suppression, and needs to be suppressed again quickly!"

Wang Kaiwen's face turned black when he heard the reminder, and the good mood he had just arrived disappeared in an instant, and he gritted his teeth fiercely and said, "Suppression!"

"Congratulations to the host for successfully suppressing the saint's blood essence and consuming 100 bragging points."

It's only one hundred?Could it be because of breaking through to the Half Emperor Realm?
Wang Kai raised his eyebrows immediately, and asked with a look of anticipation: "How much bragging will be needed if it is removed and expelled from the body?"

"Host, based on your current level of martial arts, you need [-] bragging points to clear it, and [-] bragging points to expel it."

It really is due to the realm!
(End of this chapter)

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