Need for bragging system

Chapter 176 - I'm so tired

Chapter 176 - I'm so tired
Wang Kai raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, and looked out along the bead curtain with a rather surprised expression. When he saw the Nine Fox Mountain, he smiled in surprise and asked: "It looks like a mountain but not a mountain. Broken one?"

What came into view was a building with a nine-tailed demon fox lying on its back, with a total of eight and a half tails spreading out, like a peacock spreading its tail. The snow-white building is made of white jade.

And in the tails and various parts of the fox's body, there are doors and windows, and the number is roughly estimated to be nearly ten thousand.

However, the broken tail seems to make the whole building look a bit flawed.

"That was done by the Black Winged Spirit Tiger Clan, who is also the overlord of the Southern Territory!" Bai Yanyan said with a cold face, although there was still a charming look in her eyes, but at the moment there was more murderous intent.

Black Wing Spirit Tiger Clan?Why does it sound so familiar?
Wang Kai frowned and thought secretly, when he arrived at the Nine Fox Mountain, he just remembered, and he couldn't help but asked with a weird smile: "Then Hu Qianqiu is a member of the Black Wing Spirit Tiger Clan?"

He vaguely remembered that when he was in Florida, Hu Qianqiu declared himself to be from the Black Wing Spirit Tiger Clan in Yaozhou, right?
Bai Yanyan's eyes suddenly softened when she heard the words, and she smiled in surprise, "That's right, Hu Qianqiu is the former young patriarch of the Black Wing Spirit Tiger Clan, does Mr. Kai recognize Qianqiu?"

The former young patriarch?
And it sounds like Bai Yanyan has a good relationship with that Hu Qianqiu.

"Hehe, of course I recognize that Hu Qianqiu is my sworn brother. When I was in Florida, after seeing how mighty I am, I cried and called me my eldest brother. I miss him all day long. Crying loudly, this Young Master really couldn't stand it anymore, so he accepted him as a younger brother." Wang Kai said with a light smile.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 10000 experience, and bragging is worth 10 point."

Bai Yanyan's beautiful eyes widened when she heard the words, she covered her mouth and exclaimed in disbelief: "Is Qianqiu crying too? It has been three years since he married Yanyan's niece, and he has lived on Jiuhu Mountain for three years. For a long time, Yanyan has never seen him cry."

In Bai Yanyan's impression, Hu Qianqiu is definitely not that kind of crying man!Otherwise, she would not have married her niece to him.

"Hehe, who said that men don't shed tears? It's just that it's not time to be sad. This young master is so heroic and extraordinary, and the jade tree facing the wind has attracted thousands of beauties. Hu Qianqiu has a feeling of inferiority. It is right to cry. It's okay to cry." Wang Kai smiled indifferently.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 10000 experience, and bragging is worth 10 point."

If Hu Qianqiu heard this, he would probably shout angrily, wouldn't he be beaten?Isn't it still cheated?
"The Holy Patriarch is back! Great!"

"The damn Blackwing Spirit Tiger Clan, you must ask Lord Shengzu to punish them!"

"Hurry up and welcome the return of the Holy Ancestor!"

The incense chariot and jade chariot slowly fell from the sky, and from the nine-tailed fox-shaped building, countless figures flew out immediately, but they were all fox monsters, and none of them took human form.

Looking at the white demon foxes all over the ground, each body is not big, only the size of a washbasin, but the tails are very long, three to four meters long, and some are nearly five meters long, and the number of tails is endless. , varying from one tail to seven tails.

Originally, he wanted to meet the beauties of the demon fox on Nine Fox Mountain, but upon seeing this scene, Wang Kai immediately felt like vomiting blood.

"Master Kai, what our monster race likes most is to cultivate and live with our own body. If we don't need it, we won't transform into a human body." Bai Yanyan's eyes flickered, and there was a hint of playfulness in it.

Hearing this, Wang Kai hummed with a dark face, then stood up and walked out of the carriage with Bai Yanyan, with his hands behind his back, his forehead was covered with black lines, and he looked at the white foxes squatting on the ground. Nested.

"Master Kai, sister Miaoyin..." Bai Yanyan frowned and asked through voice transmission.

Wang Kai let out a muffled snort, turned his body sideways with his hands behind his back and ignored it, how could he really let that little girl of Miaoyin out?There's no telling what trouble it might cause.

"Welcome to the return of the Holy Ancestor!"

Just listening to the tens of thousands of white foxes, they all lowered their heads and greeted in a very solemn and respectful manner.

The looks of those white foxes are very similar, except for the number and length of tails, there is really no difference, even men and women cannot be distinguished.

"Get up, everyone, this is a hero on the Young Supreme List. His name is Wang Kai. He is a friend of our ancestor. Come to Jiuhu Mountain for sightseeing. Don't be rude to him!" Bai Yanyan smiled meekly. road.

Nearly ten thousand nine-tailed white foxes looked at Wang Kai curiously. In their opinion, it must be extremely extraordinary for human beings to be friends with the Holy Ancestor.


Suddenly, under Wang Kai's astonished gaze, those nine-tailed white foxes suddenly turned into human bodies, and it was unbelievable that they... were all women!
Seeing this scene, Wang Kai's mouth twitched fiercely, and he couldn't help asking secretly: "Do all of you Nine-Tailed Fox Clan have bad habits? Can a male fox also become a female fox?"

I can't believe it no matter what, the mighty Nine-Tailed Fox Clan of Nine-Fox Mountain, with nearly ten thousand demon foxes, are all females!

Bai Yanyan's eyes were filled with displeasure, and she replied through voice transmission with resentment: "Don't use male and female to distinguish us. The Nine-Tailed Fox Clan doesn't have any bad habits. We Nine-Tailed Fox Clan are all women."

"It's really all mother's!" Wang Kai's expression suddenly became extremely exciting, and he looked at those fox beauties brightly, all kinds of beauties are simply too beautiful to behold!
"Golden hairpin on the head, emerald jade on the waist, pearls intertwined with jade, corals and trees are difficult, Luo Yi flutters, light trains follow the wind away, looking forward to the glory, screaming like orchids!" Wang Kai shook his head and chanted softly. And come out, pretending to be a handsome gentleman.

However, before receiving the praise and admiration of thousands of fox beauties, there was an ear-piercing scolding sound coming from a distance.

"Your holy ancestor Bai Yanyan, that little rascal, is back? This is a good time to discuss the Ten Thousand Monsters Conference!"

I saw three figures floating down from the void, a young man and two old men, all of them were extremely burly and sturdy, with dark skin all over their bodies, and their thick eyebrows and big eyes were quite powerful.

"Lord Holy Ancestor! They have come here several times these days, and every time they will take away several of our sisters, and even injured Sister Lianlian and Brother-in-law Qianqiu!"

"I also hope that Master Shengzu will seek justice for us!"

I only heard those demon foxes sobbing with aggrieved faces, and the sound of nearly ten thousand crying resounded endlessly on Jiuhu Mountain, just like the mourning.

Seeing this, Bai Yanyan frowned, her eyes turned coldly towards the person who came, and when she was about to speak, she was suddenly interrupted by Wang Kai.

I saw Wang Kai with a dark face, staring at the young man with serious eyes, and sneered viciously: "I'm an idiot to you! Dare to disturb this young master's poem, aren't you tired of living?"

(End of this chapter)

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