Need for bragging system

Chapter 184 - The Fate

Chapter 184 - The Fate

For three consecutive days, countless monks from six states and one island gathered in Jubao City in the southern region of Yaozhou, and there was an endless stream of people.

Among them, there are quite a few young powerhouses on the Juvenile Supreme list, outstanding people who have reached the top [-], and even the top ten Juvenile Supremes.

As well as the six prefectures and one island, there are some famous and well-known older generation powerhouses, and many of them have come, which can be described as a meeting of the wind and clouds.

I really want to see how capable the emperor of Jubaolou is, he dares to auction the eighth person on the juvenile supreme list!
Today is the time when the Miaoyin Auction will start. The entire five floors of the huge Jubao Building are full of people. From the bottom to the top, the ranks are clearly distinguished, but the seats are limited after all, so that there are many strong people who come here. There is no qualification to enter the Jubao building.

Those who can sit in the Jubao building must have a very strong family background. Even if they do not have a strong family background, they must have a very strong reputation and even have a mysterious and unpredictable master to enter here!
"My lord, the fifth floor of the Jubao building is full!"

Outside the stone room, Hao Ren bowed slightly. Behind him, there were two old men with white temples and hair, their breath was not that of ordinary people.

The stone gate opened slowly, and Wang Kai was dressed in spotless white clothes. Although his face looked young, it was also called exquisitely delicate.

With such an appearance and age, the two old men were amazed immediately, but at the age of 16, they can reach the realm of the Great Emperor, such an outstanding figure, even the young Supreme Being is far behind.

"Imperial Clone!"

call out!
A clone drifted out of Wang Kai's body, and under the suspicious gazes of Hao Ren and the two Saint Realm powerhouses, the appearance of the clone actually changed, and it became a person in his 20s with an ordinary face. passable young man.

"Boy, master cat's illusion can maintain the appearance of the clone for two hours. Although master cat doesn't know what you are going to do, remember to grasp the timing well, and don't make any mistakes. The breath of strong people gathered outside, including saints and strong men, cats Master Cat doesn't really care, but those holy should know how important that is!" Master Cat stroking his long beard and exhorting solemnly.

Wang Kai narrowed his eyes slightly when he heard the words, he didn't expect that even the Holy King powerhouse would come, this wonderful voice played with his reputation quite well, he smiled calmly and said: "Is the position of this avatar of my young master ready?"

"Reporting to the emperor, according to your request, a place has been reserved on the first floor." Hao Ren quickly responded with cupped fists.

"Emperor, I don't know why you want to change into another body? Could it be that the emperor wants to auction off that wonderful sound in his own name?" One of the two old men couldn't help asking.

Wang Kai raised his eyebrows when he heard this, looked at him with disdain, and asked lightly: "What level of realm are you guys at?"

"Reporting to the emperor, the old man is in the realm of a saint."

"The old man is also a saint."

The two old men answered one after another.

Wang Kai nodded lightly when he heard the words, put his hands behind his back, and said with a calm smile: "Then you will know why you are a saint and strong, but you still have to be inferior to others? You should learn more from Hao Ren in this matter." .”

Immediately, Wang Kai mobilized his mind to let the avatar leave by itself, while he himself fell down from the fifth floor with his hands on his back in a leisurely manner.

"Remember to talk less and do more next time! Do you still need to report to you what the emperor wants to do? Hmph! Don't think about it carefully. If the emperor really wants to take that wonderful voice back, it will be too much fanfare. Do you want to inform the monks in the six states and one island?" Hao Ren snorted coldly.

The expressions of the two elder saint kings froze when they heard the words, but they could only clasped their fists in response. As the strong guards of the Jubao Tower, they only showed up when necessary, and they still had to listen to the other things.

They knew that Hao Ren's realm was low, but they managed to get to such a low level, so they had to secretly ponder Wang Kai's words in their hearts.

"That boy...could it be Wang Kai?"

When Wang Kai floated down from the fifth floor, he immediately attracted the gazes of countless monks around him. When they saw Wang Kai's age, they all looked very surprised.

Unexpectedly, Wang Kai, who made a big fuss in Florida, is so young!
However, those characters on the juvenile supreme list, their eyes are slightly squinted at this moment, each of them has a supreme stone tablet, and they are naturally very clear about Wang Kaizhi's message and age!

On the first floor of the empty platform, a red cloth was spread on the floor, and in the center stood a round table, and on top of that table was covered with a layer of red cloth, protruding from the graceful figure, with an extremely attractive outline.

"Hehe, it's really comforting for me to be able to come from afar to participate in the auction meeting hosted by my son!" Wang Kai landed safely in front of the round table, and smiled softly with an incomparably playful expression.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 10000 experience, and bragging is worth 10 point."

Feeling relieved?

As soon as these words came out, everyone immediately glared at them, and they were extremely annoyed. Doesn't the meaning of these words prove that the people present are all the younger generation of Wang Kai?
"Wang Kai, you are only the No. 11 outstanding figure in the Youth Supreme Ranking. Isn't it a bit too crazy to say such words?"

A cold reprimand suddenly sounded, causing everyone to raise their heads and look up. When they saw the speaker, their eyes flickered with anticipation.

Wang Kai raised his brows when he heard the words, glanced at the youth above the fifth floor lightly, and said with a soft smile: "I don't know who you are?"

On the fifth floor, a young man in a purple robe stood with his hands behind his back, his face was quite extraordinary, and he said proudly: "Wuzhou, Zhang Ruoxuan!"

Zhang Ruoxuan?Is he the sixth person on the juvenile supreme list now?

Wang Kai's expression suddenly became playful, and he put his hands behind his back and said with a smile: "I'm sorry, I have never heard your name, and you don't need to put on an awesome look there. On the Young Supreme List, this I only know one man named Zhang Yuan. Unfortunately, he is also like you now, very capable of pretending. Unfortunately... In the end, I can only end up in a miserable situation where I am skinned and stripped. end!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was suffocated immediately. They raised their heads and looked at Zhang Ruoxuan. They really didn't expect that Wang Kai would be so courageous. The juvenile supreme challenged.

Even though they are the emperor's son of Jubaolou, but their strengths are there, they are both of the younger generation, and they all have their names on the juvenile supreme list. If they don't agree, they can fight decisively, and Jubaolou will not intervene!
"Wang Kai, the death of brother Yuan, the emperor, will naturally be settled with you later, I only hope that you will not rely on the ability of Jubao Building to escape!" Zhang Ruoxuan said coldly.

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(End of this chapter)

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