Need for bragging system

Chapter 34 - Cruelty

Chapter 34 - Cruelty
"I can't believe it, I really can't believe it, what kind of state is Wang Kai? He actually suppressed Senior Brother Wan who was taking Popin Pill with one move!"

"Senior Brother Wan is now a second-rank military general! No matter how strong Wang Kai is, he has only just broken through. Why did he suddenly surpass the second-rank?"

"Didn't he say that he broke through through adversity before? Can he break through multiple levels again and again?"

"Absolutely impossible, it must be Wang Kai hiding his real realm, I have never heard of a warrior who can break through multiple ranks in succession!"

Many disciples watching the battle were all horrified. They thought that Wang Kai, who had lost the Black Dragon Blade, would definitely be defeated by Wan Zhe. After all, the ability of the Nether Sword is too strange, but who would have expected that the result would be like this Incredible!

With just one move, Wan Zhe, who was in the realm of a second-rank general, was knocked out, and even the Nether Sword was thrown flying!

This is definitely not caused by the strength of martial arts, it must be the suppression of fighting spirit in the realm of martial arts, the fighting spirit of the two sides is not at the same level at all.

Even if it's a little bit worse, it's like the distance between heaven and earth!
"You bastard! He actually reached the realm of a third-rank general. How did this guy break through? He should only be a first-rank general. Even if he just broke through due to my coercion, he can only be a second-rank general. Why is he a third-rank general? Why exactly!" Beitang Elder's eyes were cold, and he asked himself frantically in his heart, but he still couldn't find a reasonable answer.

As the elder of the Shenwu Academy, a strong man in the realm of Wuzong, well-informed and knowledgeable in martial arts, what kind of warrior has never seen it?But now, even a junior in general status cannot see through, which makes the elder Beitang very angry.

However, Wan Zhe was most panicked at the moment. He was held tightly in Wang Kai's hand, and he had no strength to struggle at all. All can't work.

"I...I admit..."


Wang Kai's expression was indifferent and full of smiles, and the palm that clasped Wan Zhe's mouth suddenly squeezed his face bones to pieces, and his five fingers were embedded in his mouth, looking playfully at the slurred words Wan Zhe laughed softly: "Shh, if you take the initiative to admit defeat, wouldn't I have nothing to play?"

Immediately, under Wan Zhe's terrified eyes, Wang Kai directly lifted his body up, clenched his hands into fists and pounded violently on his chest. Every time he punched, there was a muffled sound. , The hearts of all the people who were shocked were beating accordingly.

"Didn't you keep threatening to tear up the marriage contract between the Marshal's Mansion and the National Teacher's Mansion? Why aren't you awesome now?"

"Didn't you say that I am not qualified to fight with you? Why is it like a dead dog now?"

"Didn't you rely on the old man to back you up? Hidden tricks to injure me and oppress me with all kinds of power. Have you ever thought about the consequences?"

Under the torment of Wang Kai's two punches and one questioning, Wan Zhe's chest was sunken from the beating, his ribs were all pierced out of his back, his body twitched, his eyes turned white, and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth like running water come out.

Everyone was trembling all over, so tortured and humiliated, if it were them, how would they deal with it?Where is the face?Will it survive?
All kinds of unknown answers caused everyone to fall into extreme panic. Instead of cheers and applause, there was only fear and deep awe.

"Wang Kai, this person must not be provoked! If you want to provoke him, you must kill him with one blow!"

"Elder Beitang, if you don't stop him, Wan Zhe will surely die, and the matter with King Zhentian will be..." Several elders reminded with a frown.

Elder Beitang woke up suddenly when he heard the words. He was shocked by the matter of Wang Kai's realm just now. Now he came back to his senses and looked at the ugly Wan Zhe who was still tortured and humiliated in Taichung. Said: "Stop! Otherwise, this elder will definitely execute you on the spot!"

Swish swish swish!
Elder Beitang took the lead, and the other four elders set off to follow behind. They appeared in the fighting platform in the blink of an eye. They wanted to get close to Wang Kai, but they were so intimidated by a powerful coercion that they couldn't move. a cent.

"No one has admitted defeat, and no one has been kicked out of the martial arts platform. Why stop?" Elder Lingshu said indifferently, his body suspended above the sky, looking down at the five elders, like a king who ruled over everything.

The faces of the five elders were all oppressed. They knew very well the martial arts strength of the elder Lingshu. When they were in charge of the Elder Hall, they were equal to the palace master. Now that more than 50 years have passed, his martial arts realm must be even more unfathomable. .

"Elder Lingshu, Zhe'er is the heir of King Zhentian, and must not die in the academy!" Elder Beitang gritted his teeth and said, even though he was extremely angry in his heart, under the suppression of absolute strength, he had no choice but to humble himself.

"I also ask the elders of Lingshu to stop Wang Kai quickly, so that the son of King Tiantian can't die!" The other four elders pleaded in unison.

Elder Lingshu frowned when he heard the words, to make the five elders like this, what kind of deal did Shenwu Academy have with King Zhentian?
"Spiritual pivot!"

Suddenly, a voice rang in Elder Lingshu's ear, but none of the others, even the five elders, heard it.

Following the short narration of that voice, the complexion of the Elder Yinshu suddenly changed, and there was annoyance in his eyes.

"Wang Kai, let go..."

Just when Elder Lingshu's face was cloudy and he was about to stop him, Wang Kai frowned and said with a soft smile: "I'm just a dead dog, I don't even bother to kill him!"

Wan Zhe's body was thrown by Wang Kai at the feet of the elders of Beitang like throwing rubbish. Seeing the man whose ribs were broken and blood protruding from his back and chest, the five elders gasped.

"Take it quickly to the Elder's Hall, please treat the Elder Lingdan!" Elder Lingshu snorted coldly.

The elder of Beitang waved his hand to roll up Wan Zhe with fighting spirit, stared at Wang Kai coldly as he stepped into the air, and scolded darkly: "If Wan Zhe is unable to return to heaven, no one can protect you, even if you are the Marshal's Mansion A single seedling will be smashed to pieces!"

"Okay, hurry up and heal that dead dog, don't brag with me here, I wish he could be rescued by you, so that I can educate him in the future!" Wang Kai said with a disdainful expression.

Elder Beitang suffocated when he heard the words, and was about to get angry when he saw that Wan Zhe's aura was getting weaker and weaker, so he could only grit his teeth and give Wang Kai a look, and hurried away.

"Hmph, if you dare to grab a woman with me, you don't even look at yourself. Even if it's the king of heaven, I still have to kneel down and feel inferior to this young master!" Wang Kai snorted coldly, and stood proudly with his hands behind his back.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 1000 experience, and bragging is worth 1 point."

(End of this chapter)

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