Need for bragging system

Chapter 46 - The Elder of Spirit Pill

Chapter 46 - The Elder of Spirit Pill

Shenwu Mountain is majestic and towering, the throat is filled with clouds and mist, and all kinds of buildings are looming. Wang Kai was held by the shoulders of the elder Lingshu, and he walked past the clouds and mist in the air, so that he could see the true face of the peak. Before, there were monsters and beasts entrenched, and around the peak, there were even birds flying around, just like a fairyland in a fairyland!
Such a scene made Wang Kai dumbfounded. Comparing it with the mountainside where the Lingshu Garden is located, it is like the difference between the fairy world and the mortal world. It is not on the same level at all, as if he has come to another world.

Even though he knew that this mountain was captured by the king from the land of Beishan, but seeing it with his own eyes now, he couldn't help secretly marveling in his heart, what kind of martial arts realm is the king of the Shenwu Dynasty?How could such a majestic mountain be arrested here?

"The Tongtian Pagoda is the inheritance of the Shenwu Academy. It is the treasure of the palace. It is currently in the hands of the Beitang family. If you want to enter, I am afraid that the Beitang family would like to do so, but you must remember that you must not believe anything in it. People, if you are a little careless, you will definitely be spied on or even wiped out!" Elder Lingshu grabbed Wang Kai and stood in the air, level with the peak, and gave serious instructions.

Could it be that the Beitang family can still play tricks!

Wang Kai was stunned when he heard the words, and looked away from the many monsters. He couldn't help poking his mouth, nodded and smiled lightly: "Master, let's rest assured, the disciple's ability is absolutely unbelievable for people to spy on. Speaking of obliterating... Hehe, naturally it's even more impossible!"

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 1000 experience, and bragging is worth 1 point."

After bragging and listening to the reminder, Wang Kai smiled all over his face, and just when the elder Lingshu was about to scold him angrily, he asked again: "Master, after this disciple successfully enters the Tongtian Pagoda later, I still need Master to protect me for a while." Fan, so as not to let the old bastards of the Beitang family succeed."

Elder Lingshu's face froze when he heard the words, he choked back the words of reprimand, twitched the corners of his mouth twice, sighed with a headache, and said lightly: "As a teacher, I will guard against unruly people, but , within the Tongtian Pagoda, I think that the teacher's ability can't interfere, everything depends on myself, and you must be cautious in everything!"

"Hehe, it turns out that the elder Lingshu is here, but you want to send this son into Tongtian Pagoda?"

Suddenly, a burst of laughter came from a palace on the top of the mountain, causing all the entrenched monsters to crawl, and the circling flying beasts also landed in front of the palace, as if they were worshiping a king.

"Uh, could it be that the one who spoke just now was a monster?" Wang Kai asked in astonishment when he saw this.

Elder Lingshu twitched his mouth when he heard the words, and there seemed to be a smile in his eyes, but he still held back and replied: "Junior Lingdan, I haven't seen you for many years, it seems that you have made a breakthrough in your realm."

"Elder Lingshu, don't talk nonsense. Since the day you left the Elder Hall, you and I are no longer in the same family. Come down!"

Elder Lingshu's face remained unchanged, he grabbed Wang Kai and landed in front of the palace, immediately attracted the vigilance of those monsters, showing their thick fangs, provocative again and again.

Seeing this scene, Wang Kai felt more and more that this panacea was a monster, otherwise how could he make these monsters submit so much?Even though the elder Lingshu's martial arts realm is unfathomable, they still dare to show the posture of a battle.

"Wolves, tigers, leopards, eagles, bears, eagles, cranes... Uh, is this a zoo?" Wang Kai glanced over one by one, and couldn't help but feel a little speechless, especially looking at the plaque on the palace. The word "Pill Beast" was written impressively, and I became more and more certain in my heart that this Elder Elder of Spirit Pill was definitely a monster.

"Hmph, is this the one who hurt Zhe'er so badly? Lingshu, you really took in a good apprentice, just as cruel and ruthless as you were back then!"

An old man in a gray robe walked out of the palace, about five or sixty years old, with a serious and indifferent face, and beside him was a very beautiful little peacock, more than one meter tall, And that peacock seemed to be very psychic, blinking its eyes, looking at Wang Kai with its small head shaking up and down, there was a humanized curiosity in its eyes.

"Hehe, Lingdan, it doesn't matter if you don't mention what happened back then, if you really want to discuss it with me, I can also tell your disciples about it." Elder Lingshu smiled lightly, with a narrow expression on his face .

"Okay, okay, Uncle Lingshu, let's talk about it, I really want to know what happened to Master back then." The little peacock tilted his head, and asked crisply, his voice was sweet and immature.

"Damn! This female peacock has become a genius, and she can speak out!" Wang Kai's complexion changed slightly, and he looked at the little peacock with an extremely wonderful expression. Looking at her colorful feathers, he was really very happy. I want to take two of them off.

As soon as these words came out, Elder Lingshu and Elder Lingdan were all stunned, and many monsters were also stunned on the spot.

"Bastard! Where did the little boy dare to insult the noble, beautiful and powerful lady?" The little peacock screamed and scolded, and a peacock opened its tail in anger, and strands of sweet fragrance wafted out, instantly filling the entire palace .


All those monsters shook their bodies, half-opened their eyes, and finally tilted their heads, and all fell to the ground, fainting on the spot.

"Evil spirit! Is this the so-called evil spirit! It's too powerful, little peacock, you are very good, I am very optimistic about you, come to be my mount, follow Ben Shao, and you will not worry about eating and drinking in the future. What do you want? What is there!" Seeing this, Wang Kai became more and more surprised, immediately clapped his hands and gave a praise, and went forward to approach her without saying a word.

Elder Lingshu hurriedly pressed Wang Kai, frowned slightly, looked at Elder Lingdan quite coldly, and said indifferently: "Lingdan, I haven't seen him for many years, not only has he improved in martial arts, but even his temper has changed. Much bigger!"

"Hmph! Take care of your disciples! If you dare to speak nonsense again, you will definitely not be forgiven!" Ling Dan swung his sleeves violently, and snorted coldly with a livid face.

"Ah! Little bastard, you are quite powerful. No wonder you were able to injure that annoying guy Wan Zhe. Your realm should have reached the third rank of general, right? I'm just saying, I'm only the second rank of demon general." , Only warriors who are taller than me can resist the attack of monster energy." The little peacock kept talking, tilting his head to look at Wang Kai, and the curiosity in his eyes became more and more intense.

The second rank of the demon general?Is it the name of the martial arts realm where the monster practiced?
Wang Kai was stunned for a moment, then he suddenly came to his senses, turning a blind eye to the anger of Elder Lingdan, with Master Lingshu at his side, he couldn't do anything about it, then looked at her curiously, and said seductively: "Little Peacock, you must have a wish Haven’t realized it? Come and be my mount, this young master is omnipotent, as long as you can say it, I can help you achieve it!”

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 1000 experience, and bragging is worth 1 point."

(End of this chapter)

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