Need for bragging system

Chapter 50 - Forbidden Illusion

Chapter 50 - Forbidden Illusion
Tongtian Tower, the third floor.

Wang Kai stood alone in the middle of a sea of ​​flames. There was no blue sky above his head, but only flames spreading. He couldn't see anything when he lowered his head. His whole body was wrapped in flames, and he couldn't see any gaps. All he could see was the blazing flames!

"Is it fire this time? After the water, there is fire. It should be transformed by illusion, right? It has no power at all." Wang Kai shrugged and smiled lightly. Although he was in the middle of the flames, he couldn't feel anything. The temperature and burning sensation are like the flames are just obstacles, without any threat to oneself.

"Boy, your mood is really good. I hope you can keep it. Don't suddenly become confused like you were on the second floor of the parallel guards. If so, you will definitely be engulfed by the sea of ​​​​fire here, and you will be killed abruptly." Refined into fly ash."

Hearing these words, Wang Kai immediately raised his eyebrows, and his expression became quite playful. The owner of this voice must be the big white cat. I saw him swallowing the big blue cat just now. Unexpectedly He actually followed closely behind.

"Hey, big white cat, why did you come here? You don't want to take advantage of the opportunity to swallow the guards on the third floor, right?" Wang Kai asked with a smile, squinting his eyes.


Suddenly, there were bursts of loud noises, and a passage without flames appeared in front of Wang Kai, and at the other end of the passage, stood the big white cat.

"You guessed right, that's what Master Cat planned. Pay attention to your feet, and don't be in a state of instability. If you accidentally fall, it will be like the bones of corpses that are pierced by sharp knives." , those who die can’t die anymore!” The big white cat stretched out its paw and pointed down, its expression was rather serious.

Wang Kai was stunned when he heard the words, he couldn't help but look down, he was shocked when he saw it, and found that he was standing in the sky, and thousands of meters below, there were black sharp blades shining with black light. They are densely arranged, and on the sharp blades, there are corpses interspersed, and there are bones that have been dead for an unknown period of time.

It's like wearing a meat skewer, the difference is that what the sharp blade pierces is a human corpse!

If the big white cat hadn't opened the passage and cleared away the flames spreading around, Wang Kai thought that he would never have discovered such a scene.

"Ahem, there's nothing to be afraid of. Even if Ben Shao falls, he still has the air-stepping martial art that can be used. The third floor is nothing more than that."

Wang Kai said with a stiff smile, saying that he was not afraid would be a lie, more or less he still felt a little chilly, and secretly tried his best to calm down, lest something might go wrong, and he couldn't think of anything in his heart. This third level method is actually so vicious.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 1000 experience, and bragging is worth 1 point."

"No, no, you're thinking wrong. The reason why this third floor is set at high altitude is that stepping into the air is forbidden, and the difficulty lies in the state of mind!" The big white cat waved his hand quickly and warned, with a serious look, as if he was afraid of the king's meeting. Something seems to be wrong.

Can be banned?Do you want to be so ruthless?
Wang Kai's heart skipped a beat when he heard the words, and his state of mind, which he had tried to stabilize just now, suddenly became disturbed. He thought that even if he fell, he could use the empty step martial art to step up into the air, so there was nothing to be afraid of, but now he heard It is said that stepping into the air can also be prohibited here...

"I hate your uncle's big stupid cat, can you stop talking so much nonsense next time!"

Wang Kai only felt that his feet were empty, his body fell into the sky, and he only felt the wind howling beside his ears. Looking at the black sharp blade that was getting closer and closer below, he wanted to perform empty steps to turn over, but found that he couldn't perform it at all. The darkness sank.


The big white cat screamed when it saw this, and quickly pulled out a long knife from its back, and threw it at the falling Wang Kai, while it drew out another knife, and suddenly slashed at the flame beside it.


There was a sound of metal clashing in the flames, and a big fiery red cat appeared with a long knife in its paws, staring at the big white cat fiercely.

"Bottom guy, you don't keep watch on the first floor, what are you doing on the third floor of my cat master? You dared to rescue the kid who broke into the tower, aren't you afraid of being punished by Lord Elvis?" the big fiery red cat scolded angrily. .

At the same time, Wang Kai, who fell into the sky, was rescued by the long knife, and stabilized his body dangerously. The cut blood dripped from the palm of the hand holding the blade tightly. Looking at the black sharp blade below, the distance I was only a few tens of meters away, if I was a little later, I would definitely be pierced into a meat skewer.

"Damn it! Is there any way I can step into the air here!" Wang Kai cursed with a dark face, thinking in his heart that he must give a good lesson to the guards on the third floor. Help, don't you really want to stumble?

I have always been the only one who eats meat skewers, how can there be any reason to be dressed as meat skewers?
"Host, to break the air-forbidden illusion here, you need to consume 1 bragging point."

Hearing this reminder, Wang Kaiwen immediately grinned ferociously, his eyes flashed with coldness, he gritted his teeth and said with a sneer: "It only consumes a little bit, quickly decipher the air-forbidden illusion here!"

"Congratulations to the host for successfully breaking the air-forbidden illusion, consuming 1 bragging point."

"Empty step!"

Snapped!clap clap!

Wang Kaihei had a serious face, and immediately circulated the battle energy in his body, and stepped into the air with his feet repeatedly. Because of his anger, the ripples that exploded under his feet became more and more fierce. It became as big as the mouth of the basin, and the speed also increased several times.

"Where is this monster who dares to frame this young master? Don't you know that this young master and the king of hell are buddies? Damn it! I really didn't see the order of the king of hell to withdraw the soul, you can pretend to be until the fifth watch!" Wang Kai cursed with a black face. , both feet stepped into the air again and again, and instantly penetrated into the raging flames.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 1000 experience, and bragging is worth 1 point."

"Bastard! You actually saved that kid who broke into the tower. Once Elvis King knows about this, he will not let you off lightly!" Hearing Wang Kai's yelling, the fiery red big cat jumped up and down in anger. angry.

Just now, he had been hiding in the flames, watching Wang Kai and the big white cat, and was about to look for an opportunity to give a fatal blow, but when he saw Wang Kai suddenly fall into the sky, he thought that he didn't need to take another shot.

But no matter what, he never expected that the big white cat, the last guy, would dare to rescue him. Just when he was about to stop him, he was blocked by the big white cat.

"Damn it, I must report this to Elvis Presley!" The fiery red cat became more and more angry, brandishing two long knives, whining and yelling in the flames.

(End of this chapter)

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