Need for bragging system

Chapter 53 - Ice Lotus Hell

Chapter 53 - Ice Lotus Hell
"Hmph, since Master Cat still has a place for you, let's let you be proud of it for a while, it's just a blood contract, but you still want to hold Master Cat, the warriors in this big fart in Fanzhou are all ignorant and fearless! "

Master Cat hummed secretly, walked in front of Wang Kai, grabbed his shoulder, and turned into a stream of silvery white light and charged upwards.

Tongtian Tower, the fourth floor, Ice Lotus Hell.

The endless icebergs and snow peaks, the air temperature is extremely cold, even the hot air blowing out will freeze instantly, especially the heavy snow that is flying all over the sky, falling and the next layer is higher than the next layer, just a few breaths, Wang Kai’s His figure was already covered and submerged by falling snowflakes.

Wang Kai hastily circulated his battle qi to cover his hands, and shook it a few times to disperse all the snow, but found that the surroundings were all covered with snow. Looking at the top of his head, the height was still increasing, and it took only a few breaths. , The accumulation of snowflakes is already more than ten meters high.

"Empty step!"

Snapped!clap clap!

Wang Kai moved his feet and climbed into the sky. He thought he could avoid the snowflakes, but he guessed wrong. The falling snowflakes speeded up obviously, and he stepped into the air at a height of nearly a hundred meters, but The snowflakes accumulated and increased to a height of nearly [-] meters.

"Damn it! Do you want to bury this young master alive?" Wang Kai cursed with a black face, and once again moved his feet into the air, but the height of the snow also climbed. Seeing such a scene, he couldn't help but look around , the endless snow, all covered up higher and higher.

"Boy's state of mind! The state of mind should be stable, do you understand the state of mind?" Master Cat stood on top of the snow and shouted at Wang Kai who was high in the sky.

Wang Kai looked down when he heard the words, and suddenly found that Master Mao's figure was still standing still. With the continuous coverage of snow, his figure was also rising, as if he was being raised by the snow. Will not be buried by flooding.

"Your current state of mind doesn't even qualify as a beginner. You can only guarantee that you will not be attacked by cold temperatures, but you can't guarantee that you will be covered by ice and snow. Boy, your Taoism is not deep enough!" Master Cat shook his head and sighed.

clap clap!

Wang Kai stepped into the air one after another, avoiding the chasing and covering of the snow below, but the fighting spirit in his body couldn't maintain such an empty step at all, manpower was sometimes poor, that's what he said, he would eventually be exhausted and be swallowed by the heavy snow .

Suddenly, I saw Wang Kai's body paused, with his hands behind his back, and he stopped stepping into the sky, and smiled indifferently: "You said that this young master's Taoism is not deep enough? Isn't it a fairy tale? This young master is not Can't maintain a stable state of mind, but disdain to maintain it!"

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 1000 experience, and bragging is worth 1 point."

Master Cat looked contemptuous when he heard this, stroked his long beard, and said with a sneer, "Boy, if you don't keep going up into the sky, you will be buried alive!"

"Can you break the illusion here?" Wang Kai urged his mind to ask.

"Host, to break the ice and snow illusion here, you need to consume 1 bragging point."

Just a little bit?
Wang Kaiwen grinned when he heard the reminder, his expression became more and more proud, he waved his big hand, and said with a thought: "Break it!"

"Congratulations to the host for successfully breaking the ice and snow illusion, consuming 1 bragging point."

I saw that there were no more snowflakes falling all over the sky, and the air temperature returned to normal. Although the snow did not disappear, the height would no longer increase.

"Hehe, have you seen it now? This young master's Taoism is terrifyingly high. There is no one in the sky and on the earth that can compare with me!" Wang Kai smiled indifferently, and his figure slowly landed on the snow. Walking was extremely easy, not even leaving a footprint.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 1000 experience, and bragging is worth 1 point."

Master Cat narrowed his eyes when he saw this, and looked at Wang Kai excitedly. The more powerful he is, the more he can help him. However, although the illusion here is not as powerful as before, how to say It was all arranged by myself, and I feel a little uncomfortable to be so disdainful by this kid.

"Bingmao, come out, your illusion is too weak to deal with this kid at all." Master Cat smiled lightly.

Suddenly, a big cat with the same white color appeared, suddenly drew out the two long knives behind his back, shook his head, and made the golden earrings jingle, only to hear him scold angrily: "The counterfeit on the first floor , what are you doing on the fourth floor of Lord Cat? You were the one who secretly helped him break the illusion just now, right?"

"Bastard! Don't you know which of us is a counterfeit? It's just the power split by Master Cat!" Master Cat said disdainfully.

The big snow-white cat grinned at the words, waved a long knife and pointed at Wang Kai, and said contemptuously: "Are you trying to use him to help you defeat Lord Elvis? Master Cat advises you not to dream, this kid can't even change his mood." Stable, Master Cat doesn't need to conjure up his shape to interfere with him, how can such a weak human being be able to defeat Lord Elvis?"

Oops!You can't pretend you didn't hear this!

Wang Kaihei had a sullen face, with his hands behind his back, looked at him sideways, and said with a disdainful sneer: "It's just that the mood is stable, this young master just disdains it, it's like an illusion here, this young master can easily destroy it, Why do you need to be calm?"

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 1000 experience, and bragging is worth 1 point."

"Hey, counterfeit, did you find a braggart? You broke the illusion just now, but he actually said he broke it! How ignorant and shameless!" the big snow-white cat sneered.

Master Cat squinted his eyes when he heard the words, gently stroked his long beard, and said calmly: "He is right, the illusion just now was indeed not broken by Master Cat, but by this kid himself."


"Okay, you don't need to talk nonsense, hurry up and transform into this young master's form, otherwise this young master can't help but beat you up first!" Wang Kai waved his hand to interrupt, his expression extremely impatient.

The snow-white big cat trembled with anger, stared at Wang Kai coldly, gritted his teeth and said: "Ignorant human beings, you will regret it!"

Immediately, a figure exactly the same as Wang Kai appeared, holding the Nether Sword in one hand, and the Black Dragon Blade in the other, rushing to kill first while jogging his footsteps.

"It's just a show!"

"Sun Fist!"

Seeing this, Wang Kai shrugged his shoulders, put his hands together to form a hollow shape, and as a dazzling light flashed out, the transformed shape was instantly stabbed and his eyes were closed tightly.

"Ten slaps to subdue the dragon!"

The cyan palm prints fluttered and fell down one after another, and in the blink of an eye, the transformed figure was dissipated invisibly, turning into snowflakes and falling on the snow.

"Hey, it's Master Cat's turn to play!" Master Cat grinned, drew out his long knife, and with a flash, chopped the motionless snow-white big cat into a snowball, and swallowed it with his mouth open. Stomach.

At the same time, Wang Kai was in the same condition as before, his figure automatically rose into the sky, and when he lowered his head and saw that the big snow-white cat was swallowed by the cat master with ease, a strange light flickered in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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