Need for bragging system

Chapter 605 - Heir to the Great Supreme Being

Chapter 605 - Ten Supreme Successors
"You... shameless!"

Liu Yao's delicate body trembled with anger, and the jade hand was green and white, and she clenched her silver teeth, looking like she wanted to tear Wang Kai apart.

In fact, every time I meet Wang Kai, there is nothing I can do about him.

It is impossible to say, but to say, to fight.

Even in this realm of reincarnation, his true cultivation cannot be suppressed.

All of a sudden, Liu Yao was extremely frustrated and really wanted to know, what in this world could Wang Kai not be able to deal with?
"Shameless person? Then you must be an eyeless person. Otherwise, why can't you see the white and shining teeth of this leader, which can make countless beautiful girls go crazy?" Wang Kai shrugged. He smiled jokingly.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 100000 experience, and bragging is worth 100 point."


Liu Yao gasped for breath when she heard the words, but in the end, she couldn't think of a corresponding answer. No matter what she refuted, she would only be annoyed by him even more intolerable.

Thinking of this, Liu Yao could only purse her lips and snort coldly, then turned around and wanted to leave.

However, as soon as he moved his body, he was held in mid-air by Wang Kai's coercion, even though he exhausted his whole body's cultivation, he couldn't move an inch.

"Wait here, wait until the master of the sect uses the great method of returning to heaven and gathers all the key owners in the reincarnation world. At that time, you can take out the Suzaku key." Wang Kai raised his brows slightly, his expression Quite indifferently smiled.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 100000 experience, and bragging is worth 100 point."

Back to Heaven Dafa?

What kind of secret method is that?
Everyone was puzzled when they heard the words, but when they saw that Wang Kai tore open a hole in the void with his bare hands, they suddenly came to their senses.

Isn't this just the means of the Supreme to tear the void?

Where is the Dafa of returning to heaven?That said, it's just to brag!
"This... where is this?"

"There was a strange force that arrested me here just now. What happened?"

"who are you?"


"The bald donkey with the broken blade?"


In the empty openings, young men and women appeared, and they all looked at Wang Kai and the others in astonishment.

There were not many visitors, only eight people.

Among them, there are several acquaintances, such as Li Lingxian from the Linglong Sect, Yun Feiqing from the Ascension Dao Sect, Kong Rou from Xuanwu Mountain, and Kunxue, the daughter of the Kunpeng Emperor from the God of Medicine Mountain...

The remaining four are the Young Palace Master of White Tiger Palace, Tiger Choutian, Heir of Heaven, Nangong Bailie, Heir of Broken Soul Valley, Hu Shan, Buddha Son of Jin Chan Buddhist Temple, and Zhiheng.

"Little bald donkey Zhiheng, quickly hand over the key that belongs to the Jinchan Buddhist Temple. In this battle for the successor of the Buddhist temple, I will count you as the winner. I don't want a mere Buddha position." Fatty Liu pinched Waist yelled loudly.

With that robber-like appearance, where is the image of the Buddhist son of Jinchan Buddhist Temple?

The Buddhist disciple called Zhiheng, although he has actually cultivated for nearly a thousand years, looks like he is about twenty. Hearing this, he folded his hands together and said: "Don't be so smart, brother, the quiet place of Buddhism." , Where did the fight come from? This key, if the brother wants it, take it, the future successor of the Jinchan Buddhist Temple, it is more suitable for me to sit, Amitabha."

As soon as the words fell, Na Zhiheng waved his hand lightly, and with the light of a Buddha, a golden key floated into Fatty Liu's hand.

"Hmph, I don't care if I give you a seat." Fatty Liu shook his face and said rather disgustedly.

Having been a monk for several years and subject to Buddhist precepts, Fatty Liu couldn't do it any longer.

Now, naturally, he is happy to leave Jinchan Buddhist Temple.

Such a scene made Wang Kai and others twitch their mouths slightly, but after all, Na Zhiheng is indeed more suitable to be an abbot than Fatty Liu.

It's no wonder that Zhiheng, a Buddhist disciple, would tell Fatty Liu so clearly that he must be the abbot.

If Fatty Liu is really made the abbot, the Jinchan Buddhist Temple may be overturned from a cliff.

Maybe they will all become kilns!

At the same time, Can Ren at the side also stared at each other with the Young Palace Master of the White Tiger Palace, Hu Qiutian, and started arguing.

If you are not a Buddhist disciple, how can you get the key as easily as Fatty Liu?
On the other side, Concubine Yun glanced at Wang Kai with her eyes twinkling, then lowered her head and walked in front of the Rueqing Supreme.

Instead, Li Lingxian, Kong Rou, and Kun Xue came directly to Wang Kai's side.

Kong Rou even jumped up and threw herself directly at Wang Kai.

"Big villain, long time no see, you've become handsome again." Kong Rou squinted her beautiful eyes and smiled coquettishly with her red lips slightly parted.

Years have passed, Kong Rou is no longer that petite girl, she has grown into a beautiful woman.

"Well, that's natural. The handsomeness of the leader cannot be summed up in words. The handsomeness of the leader can only be seen from a distance, but not up close. But, for the sake of your admiration for the leader, I will make an exception once. Let you touch it enough." Wang Kai shrugged, and said with a rather indifferent smile,

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 100000 experience, and bragging is worth 100 point."

"Big villain, your hand...don't go down any further...ah!"

Kong Rou's pretty face blushed immediately, she exclaimed and jumped out of Wang Kai's arms.

"Hmph, color embryo!"

Li Lingxian snorted angrily in his eyes, turned his head and stopped in his tracks, the idea of ​​getting close to Wang Kai was instantly dispelled.

Seeing this scene, Wang Kai was really speechless, and couldn't help but look at Kunxue, the empress of Kunpeng, shaking her head and said with emotion, "It's been so many years, the changes are quite big."


When Kun Xue heard the words, she blushed and lowered her head, pursing her lips tightly. For a moment, she didn't know what to say.

He vaguely remembered that in the Immortal Martial Domain, Wang Kai cared about his... very much.

It's just that in Qishen Mountain back then, because Qingluan Huofeng touched the teleportation array, it was inexplicable that he came to the Eight Wastes and became the descendant of Yaoshen Mountain.

It was also at that time that Kun Xue knew that the owner who left the space teleportation array on Qishen Mountain was the mountain owner of Yaoshen Mountain, the God of Medicine!
"Here's the key! Master once said, if I can get this key through the inheritance of the God of Medicine, it will prove that the old man has fallen." Kun Xue pursed her lips and took out a key with red eyes .

Wang Kai nodded lightly when he heard the words, out of the ten Supremes, only the Ruthless Supreme, the Heavenly Emperor, and the second soul, the Heavenly Ghost Supreme, are left!
The first soul of the Supreme Heavenly Ghost has been destroyed, and the hope of resurrection has been shattered.

Moreover, he is very likely to have been killed by the Emperor of Heaven.

(End of this chapter)

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