Need for bragging system

Chapter 609 - Ruthless is really ruthless

Chapter 609 - Ruthless is really ruthless
With the appearance of many supreme beings from all dynasties, the majesty and majesty were really shocking.

However, Wang Kai was quite displeased, even if a group of Supreme Realm went to Tianzhou, so what?Do you still want to bring a group of burdens up there?

The so-called talents and aptitudes abound in Tianzhou. If you want to be a subordinate, don't you have them?

It's really strange, where do these supreme beings of the past dynasties get their confidence.

"All eight of you have achieved the Supreme Realm, but only seven of the contemporary Supremes have died. How did the Supreme One achieve it?" Wang Kai frowned, squinting his eyes and asked, in his heart, there was something Got some bad premonitions.

The Heavenly Emperor killed the Supreme Heavenly Ghost outside the realm of reincarnation. Who won?
But no matter who wins, it is not a good thing for Wang Kai.

After all, he had to deal with such pretense as the Supreme Heavenly Ghost himself.

As for the fake contemporary Heavenly Emperor, it is still useful.

After all, she is from Tianzhou, and she has a lot of background.

"The Ruthless Supreme is right in front of you, and the remaining two are the Heavenly Ghost Supreme and the Heavenly Emperor. Presumably, one of them has already fallen." The White Tiger Supreme said lightly.


Suddenly, as soon as the Supreme White Tiger finished speaking, he was slapped by Wang Kai and spit blood and flew away. He turned hundreds of somersaults in the void before bending his body and stopping his body.

"I don't want anything to happen, what did you say, who gave you the courage?" Wang Kai frowned, snorting coldly with a rather unkind expression.

Such a scene caused the rest of the supreme beings to feel terrified, they never thought that Wang Kai didn't care about them so much.

And the most depressing one is the Supreme White Tiger. You were the one who asked the question just now, okay?Am I not answering this?Why was he slapped?

However, such anger and frustration can only be suppressed in the bottom of my heart.

"Ahem, Hierarch Wang, as a disciple of the Tiantian Sect, it's only good to receive this palm... ah!"


Before the Supreme White Tiger could finish his words, Wang Kai slapped him across the air again, and he was slapped and flew up. This time, half of his face was even slapped away.

Looking at the White Tiger Supreme whose face was recovering and regenerating, the rest of the Supremes swallowed dryly, already quite frightened.

"Go away, as long as you concentrate on cultivation, it is not difficult to break through to the Heavenly Armament Realm and ascend to the Heavenly State. You don't need to think about some opportunistic things. This leader has no intention of taking you to Tianzhou, a bunch of scum!" Wang Kai looked quite He waved his hand in disgust.

Hearing the words, several Supreme Beings were all very angry in their hearts. The dignified Supreme would be humiliated in this way, but they could not resist.

They have always been used to condescending, it is simply unbearable.

"Unfeeling Supreme, you are my immortal Taoist..."

The first Daoist of the Feathering Dao Sect opened his mouth, but he was interrupted before he finished speaking.

"The bloodstone can only belong to the deity, even if you are the first Daoist, you are not qualified to compete with the deity!" The Ruthless Supreme said in a cold tone.

As soon as this remark came out, the face of the first Daoist of the Yuhua Taoist sect suddenly darkened. As the descendant of the Daoist sect he founded, he did not respect himself so much.

"Let's go...uh!"

Just when Xu Shun, the feathered Taoist priest, turned and left angrily, he only felt a chill on his neck, and slowly lowered his head to look, there was a sword light piercing through his throat from the back of his neck.

"This deity is not Wang Kai, there is no reason to leave future troubles!" The Ruthless Supreme said indifferently, and with the flip of his hands, a coercion swept away, blasting Xu Shun's body into a rain of blood.

No mercy!Kill as you say!

Even the founding Daoist of the Yuhua Taoist sect didn't care at all!

Such a scene, everyone who watched was terrified, even Wang Kai's heart trembled, secretly thinking that this woman is really cruel and ruthless.

If she were left in the eight wastelands, my relatives and brothers might not end well.

kill?With Concubine Yunqing's relationship, she couldn't be killed at all.

The only solution is to let her go to Tianzhou smoothly.

At that time, I can teach her a good lesson!
clap clap!

Suddenly, snorting sounds came from a distance, accompanied by Niu Zhetian's humming and disdainful sound.

"It's just that I have just recovered to the supreme cultivation base, and I haven't reached the peak yet, so I want to order the younger generation. Even if you order, you have to see who the other party is? This bastard! Death is not wronged!"

I saw Niu Zhetian wagging his tail, shaking his head, staring at his big copper bell-like eyes, and came running from a distance in the void with a rather proud expression.

The corners of the mouths of the remaining supreme beings twitched violently after hearing the words spoken.

Especially the second-generation Xuanwu Supreme, after seeing Niu Zhetian, his complexion changed drastically in fright, and he turned his head and fled away without saying a word.

At the same time, Supreme White Tiger and the others did not dare to stay, and ran away one after another.

In the blink of an eye, the birds and beasts scatter!

"Old Niu, what about the second generation of Xuanwu Supreme, will it be destroyed or not? This leader believes that it is better for you to step into the Supreme Realm." Wang Kai frowned and said lightly.

clap clap!

Niu Zhetian snorted when he heard the words, and said in a rather disdainful voice: "There is no need to do this, Master Niu is used to the wilderness, and he doesn't want to go to Tianzhou to pretend to be aggressive."

Are you used to the wilderness, or are you used to a lazy life?
Wang Kai immediately grinned speechlessly, since Niu Zhetian didn't want to step into the Heavenly Soldiers Realm, it doesn't matter if this bloodstone is given to the Unfeeling Supreme.

After the big deal is given, grab it back. At that time, use the Tongtian Tower to take her into Tianzhou.

Thinking of this, Wang Kai became indifferent, shook his head and sighed softly: "Oh, too strong is really not a good thing, any strong enemy can't resist even a slap, What do you mean? Why is it so difficult to find a suitable opponent! His grandma's!"

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 100000 experience, and bragging is worth 100 point."

With such words, everyone who heard them covered their faces together, and they really had a clearer understanding of Wang Kai's bragging skills.

Even if you are now invincible in the Eight Desolation, you can't brag like this, right?

It's too much!
"Master, he bullied me, and he wants to give the bloodstone to the master of the Empress of Fanzhou! He said it was... said it was a dowry gift for marriage!" Kong Rou pouted, her pretty face full of resentment, and called out in a tender voice road.

clap clap!

Hearing this, Niu Zhetian suddenly became angry, and immediately turned his head, looked at Rueqing Zhizun coldly, and said in a disdainful voice: "Rueling Zhizun, Kong Rou, Master Niu's precious apprentice, is his wife! Apprentices can only be concubines!"

Everyone: "..."

"Master! That's not what I meant... Oh, that's right." Kong Rou stomped her feet anxiously. In the end, she lowered her head in shame and anger, pinching the hem of her clothes and daring not to say any more.

(End of this chapter)

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