Need for bragging system

Chapter 614 - Say goodbye

Chapter 614 - Say goodbye

In the blink of an eye, it was already two years later.

Wang Kai, who was supposed to be the first to step into Tianzhou, became the last one.

In the past two years, Lu Tian and others, the seven leaders of the Tiantian Sect, have all ascended to Tianzhou one after another.

Immediately, Leng Fengcanren and Fatty Liu were also unwilling to show weakness, relying on Kun Yuanguo, they successfully ascended to Tianzhou.

In the end, Concubine Lian Yunqing, Li Lingxian, Kong Rou, Bai Yanyan, and even Kun Xue all ascended to the land of Tianzhou successively by relying on Kun Yuanguo.

At this moment, Wang Kai is in the single courtyard of the Marshal's Mansion, watching the last confidante.

Inside the golden beam of light, a seductive woman in extremely hot clothes was posing with a charming face and said with a coquettish smile, "Husband, I'll be waiting for you in Tianzhou."

This woman is the wonderful voice of Huanxi Buddhist Temple!

For the past two years, Wang Kai has been by the old man's side, and Concubine Yun Qing and Miaoyin have always been by his side.

As for Bai Yanyan, Li Lingxian and Kong Rou, they could only look at them angrily and resentfully from the side every day, so that in the end, they all ascended to Tianzhou with extremely strong complaints against Wang Kai.

It's not that Wang Kai didn't want to do good things with them, but Concubine Yun was too strict in her management, just after sending Concubine Yun away, Miaoyin played the role of supervision again.

It can be said that every day and night have never been separated.

"Let's go, let's all go." Wang Kai frowned, waving his hands with black lines all over his forehead and said, the look of disgust made Miaoyin giggle coquettishly.

As Miaoyin disappeared into the sky, Wang Kai let out a sigh of relief and sat down on the chair, looking at the sky and white clouds, he said rather speechlessly: "This is great, we are all gone, I don't even have a warm bed It's gone."

"Brother, let me go, it's been two years, two years! I really know I'm wrong! Wow..."

Suddenly, an incomparably miserable cry came from beside my ears, that voice was sad, wronged, and full of bitterness.

Wang Kai frowned slightly when he heard this, turned his head and looked over with a rather casual expression, looked at the young man who was tied to a pillar in the yard, and said with a faint smile: "You are not sincere enough, just stay here."


It was Wang Fan who was tied to that huge wooden pillar.

After Wang Kai returned to Fanzhou, he was tied up, and honey was rubbed on his body every day to provoke bees, ants, bugs and other small animals to bite him.

This is not over, almost every night, Wang Kai will beat Wang Fan severely, until he is not in good health for a day, even if even the muscles and bones are broken and regenerated, when the regeneration is complete, it will be regenerated again. broken.

For two whole years, Wang Kai repaired Wang Fan in various ways, and it can be said that it was miserable to clean him up.

A majestic big man washes his face with tears every day, from this we can see how hard it is.

And every time Wang Fan begged for mercy, Wang Kai always said one word.

"Not sincere enough, just stay here."

As long as he heard this, Wang Fan would cry even more tragically.

However, no one can help him.

Even Wuyou is under the reprimand and discipline of the old man at this moment, and he hasn't seen him for two years.

Lin Yue, on the other hand, couldn't persuade her, so she could only grit her teeth and leave her hometown. She went to the Lin family in Wuzhou, and then went back to her mother's house to avoid trouble.

Out of sight is pure.

From Lin Yue's point of view, even if they feel distressed, it's time for Wang Tian and Wang Fan to teach them a lesson.

The old man taught Wang Tian a lesson, and Wang Kai taught Wang Fan a lesson. The father and grandson have a clear division of labor.

"Kai'er, are you going to Tianzhou?"

Now the old man in the Supreme Realm is alive and well, like a middle-aged man. At this moment, he appeared at the gate of the courtyard, glanced at Wang Fan indifferently, and then turned to Wang Kaikai to ask.

Behind him, Wang Tian, ​​whom he hadn't seen for two years, followed.

At this moment, Wang Tian, ​​although his clothes are neat, his face is covered with bruises, and his whole body is trembling slightly when he walks.

It can be seen from this that he was also treated badly by the old man.

Seeing Wang Kai at this moment, the smile that was showing through the pain seemed extremely ugly and blunt.

"Well, I'm going to go now." Wang Kai nodded and smiled lightly, looked at Wang Tian with a complicated expression, then waved his hand and released Wang Fan from the pillar.

"Wow...Grandpa, Father...Wow!"

When Wang Fan was liberated, he was like a child who had made a mistake, weeping and wiping away his tears, very miserable.

Now they dare not look at Wang Kai face to face, once they see Wang Kai's face that seems to be smiling but not smiling, they feel uncomfortable all over, it can be said that they are extremely frightened.

"Bastard, as a child of the Wang family, how can you cry and cry? What's the point?" The old man sternly scolded, raised his foot, and rolled Wang Fan out of the courtyard.

There was a thumping sound and Wang Fan's scream from far away.

"Kai'er, have a good trip, and the family will be fine." Wang Tian hesitated for a moment, moved his lips, and said in a trembling voice. Knowing that Wang Kai would not pay attention to him, he turned his head and left quickly. up the courtyard.


However, what Wang Tian didn't expect was that Wang Kai responded, even though he didn't call his father, it was enough.

As everyone knows, Wang Kai did this only for the sake of the old man. After he left, the Wang family should be happy and harmonious, without leaving any regrets or knots.

Wuyou's footsteps paused, his body trembled violently, and with a final wave of his sleeves, he left the courtyard.

At this moment, his heart is full of regret and guilt.

The obsession to reproduce the glory of the Wang family finally dissipated.

"Old man, you want me to let go of that useless scum, to put it bluntly, why add another kick? Such a fake trick is meaningless." Wang Kai shrugged his shoulders, with a playful look on his face laughed.

The old man froze when he heard the words, and he had to say that Wang Kai had practiced abroad for many years, and now he was no longer the impulsive boy he was back then.

"Hehe, why don't you go to Lin's house and meet your mother?"

Following a burst of laughter, Fu Bo's figure appeared in the courtyard, and now he, like the old man, has stepped into the supreme level.

"No need, I'm not used to the appearance when parting." Wang Kai waved his hand and said with a rather speechless expression.

The taste of parting is really bad.

"He has been at the Lin family in Wuzhou for a few days ago, so naturally he doesn't need to see Yue'er anymore." The old man stroked his beard and smiled.

As soon as this remark came out, Wang Kai's face froze immediately, and he had to say from the bottom of his heart, that hateful cheap mother actually betrayed him.

Looking at Uncle Fu's mocking gaze, Wang Kai suddenly felt extremely embarrassed.

"Old man, Uncle Fu, when the child conquers Tianzhou and takes back the position of ruler of Tianzhou, then my royal family must be the ruler of nine heavens and ten lands! Farewell!" Wang Kai waved suddenly arm, and let out a loud laugh.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 100000 experience, and bragging is worth 100 point."

"Congratulations to the host for successfully breaking through the realm and reaching the rank-[-] Heavenly General realm."

As soon as the words fell, Wang Kai turned around and walked away. It was exactly the same as when he left the Marshal's Mansion before, and he had to boast about an unrealistic but very likely to be completed.

It is enough to flatten Tianzhou, but what is the meaning of regaining the position of ruler of Tianzhou?When did he become the master of Tianzhou?
The old man and Uncle Fu looked at each other, shaking their heads helplessly and laughing.

Wang Kaihui went to Tianzhou two years later than others. The reason was to accompany them. Although the two years were not many years, they were also very warm.

(End of this chapter)

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