Need for bragging system

Chapter 616 – Tongtian Sect

Chapter 616 – Tongtian Sect

Master Cat took a breath when he heard the words, turned his head and stared at Wang Kai with bared teeth, and roared in an annoyed tone: "Tongtian Sect is the second power in Tianzhou! Second! It ranks second among the three thousand powers. !"

Three thousand forces are second!

Wang Kai frowned suddenly, and couldn't help but look up, and looked at the top three forces again, and now the second place is Huangquan Dojo...

"Uh, why did you flee to the Eight Desolations in the first place? Was it hunted down by some of the top three forces? You escaped, but the Tongtian Sect is gone?" Wang Kai rubbed his nose, rather asked in surprise.

As soon as these words came out, Master Cat froze immediately, raised his head suddenly, and fixed his eyes on the Jiutian Palace, which was ranked first, and sneered with gritted teeth: "If the Jiutian Palace is really what you did, Master Cat Even if you are smashed to pieces, half of your country will be ruined!"

Nine Heavens Palace?

Wang Kai was stunned when he heard the words, could it be said that the one who chased and killed Lord Cat was the number one Nine Heavens Palace?In this way, the Tongtian Sect was also destroyed by the Nine Heavens Palace?

"Boy, you should choose Tongtianjiao. Master Cat needs to know what happened. Although Master Cat had some conflicts with an elder of Jiutian Palace back then, it hasn't reached the point where he can make a big move against Jiutian Palace!" Must, said in a deep voice.

Indeed, if there is only a feud with an elder, it is really unlikely that the Nine Heavens Palace will attack the second force, the Tongtian Sect, with great fanfare.

Even if you can win, you must lose a lot.

However, choosing Tongtianjiao...

The corner of Wang Kai's mouth twitched slightly, he couldn't help taking out the folding fan, and said with a slight shake: "Big stupid cat, I don't want to join any sect, if I want to join, the leader must be Ben Shao, otherwise, wouldn't it be humiliating to me?" Is the leader the identity of the ruler of Tianzhou?"

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 100000 experience, and bragging is worth 100 point."

"Hey, if you have that ability, it's okay for you to sit as the leader of the Tongtian Sect." Master Cat stroked his long beard and laughed softly.

To sit in the position of leader, it depends on one's ability!

So, Master Cat doesn't have the right to make decisions?

Wang Kai suddenly lost interest, but it's okay to follow Master Cat to take a look, after all, Tongtian Sect was the second largest power in the past, so it's good to go and see what's so strange.

Thinking of this, Wang Kai shrugged and said with a faint smile: "If that's the case, let's teach Tongtian."


As soon as the words fell, Wang Kai stretched out his hand and grabbed the silver plaque belonging to the Tongtian Sect, but found that even though he grabbed it, there was still a plaque on the door.

"Don't worry, this is the identity token of Tongtian Sect's disciple. As long as you hold this card and enter the gate of reincarnation, you can directly reach the Tongtian Sect Mountain Gate Dojo." Master Cat said while stroking his long beard. Master Cat, jumped onto Wang Kai's shoulder.

"Yeah yay! yay yay!"

"Good brother, who is he? Let him get out of here."

The small white beast, which was sleeping soundly, suddenly opened its eyes. The big watery eyes stared at Master Cat with hostility.

"What are you screaming for? Call again, and when you get to Tianzhou, Master Cat will burn you and eat you!" Master Cat grinned and stretched out his claws. There were several sharp claws inside, piercing through.

Seeing the sharp claws that shone coldly, and the threatening words of Master Cat, the little white beast suddenly trembled all over with fright, looked at Master Cat as if showing weakness, then slowly and cautiously got into Wang Kai. in the arms.

So much so that Wang Kai felt itchy in his chest.

The gate of reincarnation slowly opened, dazzling rays of light fell on the face, accompanied by bursts of surging and huge power of heaven.

Just like the huge heaven and earth spiritual energy stored in the land of the eight wastes, here, what exists between the heaven and the earth is full of the power of the sky.

Such a power of heaven has never been felt in the lower realms.

As Wang Kai stepped forward, the gate of reincarnation suddenly closed.

What came into view was a barren mountain, and the surrounding trees and even the land were terribly exhausted.

Looking at the barren mountain in front of him, there are impressive buildings on it.

From time to time, there will be shouts and shouts of fighting.

"Uh, is this the Tongtian Sect? Did we come to the wrong place?" Wang Kai's mouth twitched suddenly, and he looked at the barren mountains with black lines on his forehead.

This level of dilapidation is simply not as good as the Shenwu Academy in Fanzhou.

"Boy, Master Cat can't reveal it for the time being. You enter the Tongtian Sect as a disciple. Then, Master Cat will find another opportunity to investigate." Master Cat narrowed his eyes and said in a murderous tone.

As soon as the words fell, Master Cat turned into a white hair and floated into Wang Kai's hair.

Seeing this scene, Wang Kai was speechless immediately, and said impatiently: "Can't you just cover it up with illusion? Is it so troublesome and disgusting?"

"No, I don't know if Master Cat's senior brother is in the Tongtian Sect. If he finds out, the truth that Master Cat wants to see may not exist!" Master Cat said through voice transmission.

Master Cat's brother?Also know illusion?
Wang Kai touched his nose when he heard the words, and looked at the barren mountains with disgust, and finally he could only sigh: "Oh, forget it, this young master will condescend for once, who will let this young man be kind and magnanimous?" How about grandeur?"

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 100000 experience, and bragging is worth 100 point."

"If a cultivator in the lower realm wants to become a disciple of the Tongtian Sect, the choice before the gate of reincarnation does not count, and he must pass the test before he can."

Just when Wang Kai took a step and just walked to the front of the mountain gate, a weak voice rang in his ears.

Before Wang Kai could reply, the second voice sounded again.

"There is another fart rule. Now my teaching is short of people. Since this idiot has chosen to join my teaching, let him in! Waste utilization, don't you understand?"

"Ahem, that's right..."

"Cultivators from the lower realm, hold the disciple's token and enter the mountain..."

"I am your uncle!"

Just halfway through that voice, it was interrupted sharply by the dark-faced Wang Kai, who even rolled up his hands to force him.

call out!call out!
"Oh, it hurts me to death, it hurts to death!"

"You bastard, a cultivator from the lower realm, how can you be rude to your fellow disciples?"

I saw two young men in black Taoist robes were directly detained by Wang Kai with coercion, and they all fell to the ground fiercely.

"The two of you are mere celestial soldiers and crab generals, and you are ashamed to say that you are my senior brother? Don't you want your mouth?" Wang Kai frowned and sneered with disdain. The slap was drawn down.

clap clap!

Following the two crisp sounds, the two young disciples had already been beaten and passed out.

"Uh, big stupid cat, are all of you disciples of the Tongtian Sect so irresistible? Just two slaps, and you fainted?" Wang Kai was dumbfounded when he saw this, and couldn't help but look down at his palm. The strength is not heavy.

(End of this chapter)

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