Need for bragging system

Chapter 619 - Outer Door Rules

Chapter 619 - Outer Door Rules
"Senior Brother Wang doesn't know, this steamed bun is not an ordinary steamed bun...uh."

In the middle of Sun Guantian's speech, he was so frightened by Wang Kai's unfriendly gaze that he shut his mouth, and he felt that if he continued to speak, he would be beaten violently.

As everyone knows, Wang Kai is very speechless at the moment.

It is obviously a big white steamed bun, so it has to be said to be an extraordinary piece of steamed bun...

"Ahem, Senior Brother Wang, let's not talk about steamed buns, but about the rules of fighting for outer disciples." Sun Guandi said to help out.

Sun Guantian glanced at him appreciatively when he heard the words, and immediately said down the slope: "Well, in the outer gate, what you need to do is to protect the ten Tongtian beads. Of course, the steamed bun...cough Cough, you have to keep it too."

"Yes, yes, my elder brother is concerned about your hunger problem, senior brother. Don't misunderstand, senior brother." Sun Guandi said quickly.

Wang Kai frowned when he heard the words, he couldn't help but look at the light blue beads in the universe bag, shrugged his shoulders quite casually and said: "So, the reason why the outer sect disciples fight each other is because of the Tongtian beads?"

"That's right, the winner can practice the second Heaven-reaching Taoism. There are two rules for winning. One, keep the original ten Heaven-reaching beads, and reach January; Two, have three hundred Heaven-reaching beads." Sun Guantian Said sadly.

Judging by his appearance, he also knew that the Tongtian Orb and the cliff were snatched away.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to see the Tong Tianzhu, just like a mad dog trying to grab it.

"Senior Brother Wang, you now have ten Heaven-reaching Orbs, that is to say, you need to snatch another 290 to practice the second Heaven-reaching Taoism. There is a chance to enter the inner sect and become an inner sect disciple." Sun Guandi also added with a bitter face.

Wang Kai looked at this pair of suffering brothers and sisters, and was really speechless. Hearing what they said, among the outer disciples, the strongest should be the Heavenly General.

That is to say, the two brothers' Heavenly Soldiers peak state, no matter what, they can snatch some Tongtian beads.

Wang Kai didn't believe that the entire Outer Sect, only the two of them were disciples of the Heavenly Armament Realm.

"Since you only need to reach the peak of the Heavenly General to be eligible to become an inner sect disciple, then this Heavenly Reaching Orb is useless?" Wang Kai raised his brows and said rather amusingly.

Hearing this, Sun Guantian and Sun Guandi looked at each other, with hesitation in their eyes, but in the end, they still gritted their teeth and said with red eyes: "It's useful. Without Tongtian Orb, you won't get Wukong again every day." Without the supply of food, there is no chance to practice the next Taoism."

Without follow-up Taoism, it proves that you won't survive one month!
Without Wu Shi, would he starve to death?
"What is the use of this martial food?" Wang Kai frowned and said rather speechlessly.

"Ahem, senior brother, martial food contains the power of heaven. Mortals eat to satisfy their hunger, but the food for us sky warriors is the power of heaven! Even if you eat food that does not contain the power of heaven, you will still starve to death Yes." Sun Guantian said.

Sun Guandi quickly added: "Moreover, the more martial food, the better. The power of heaven contained in it can help increase cultivation. Within a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles, the only one who can make martial food There is only Fenghua Xueyue restaurant."

"Hey, I heard that the proprietress of the Fenghua Xueyue restaurant is very beautiful, but it's a pity that we haven't reached the level of inner disciples, so we can't go out at will." Sun Guantian shook his head and sighed.

"Even if you can go out, what can you do? Several major forces are all eyeing them, and they will be killed if they go out." Sun Guandi said with a sad face.

Why are there so many ups and downs in Tongtianjiao?
A black line appeared on Wang Kai's forehead. If it wasn't for helping Master Mao, he would not have come here. Why not go to the so-called Fenghua Xueyue Restaurant and have a look at the beautiful proprietress.

However, now that I know that there is a beautiful proprietress, with Wang Kai's personality, he will naturally not let her go.

"As long as I don't practice the Heaven-reaching Taoism, don't I need the Heaven-reaching Orb? As long as I directly reach the peak of the ninth rank of Heavenly General, wouldn't I be able to become an inner disciple? It's such a simple matter, just blow your breath That's all." Wang Kai shrugged and smiled with disdain.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 100000 experience, and bragging is worth 100 point."

"Congratulations to the host for successfully breaking through the realm and reaching the rank eight Heavenly General realm."

"No! Brother, don't do this. If you fail to cultivate the Tongtian Taoism within a month, you will be expelled, or even beheaded!" Sun Guantian reminded with a serious face.

It's really troublesome!
Wang Kai shrugged impatiently when he heard the words, and threw the Qiankun bag to the two brothers Sun Guantian, and said lightly: "Then let you see how this young master became an inner disciple, um, became the leader, It’s easy too.”

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 100000 experience, and bragging is worth 100 point."


Sun Guantian took the Qiankun bag and looked at Wang Kai in a daze, for a moment, he was speechless.

I want to remind and comfort Wang Kai, but the Qiankun bag in his hand is so heavy.

If you don't persuade, you can take it as your own!

It can also solve the immediate crisis!

Even if you still can't get the second Heaven-reaching Taoism, at least you can get the daily martial food provided by the sect again!
Even if they don't have the Daoist method, their brothers can't live for a month, but no one wants to die, and if they can live an extra day, it counts as a day.

"Senior brother, the first method of Tongtian Taoism is on a stone tablet in each room. As for Wu Shi and Tongtian beads... do you really don't want it, brother?" Sun Guantian thought for a while, and finally gritted his teeth, blushing The eyes said it.

Sun Guandi also agreed with this.

"No, you two take it. Well, I'm tired and need to rest." Wang waved his hand without looking back at the beginning, yawned, chose a room at random and walked in.


As the door closed, Sun Guantian and Sun Guandi looked at each other, and they both saw the excitement and excitement in each other's eyes.

It looked like he was about to cry.

"Quickly go to the Elder's House and receive martial food. If someone finds out, we will..."

"Who discovered it? You two are very powerful. The newcomer who just arrived, we haven't made a move yet, but you got it. Hand it over, lest you die a few days earlier!"

Before Sun Guantian finished speaking, he heard a sneer full of disdain spread into the courtyard.

Turning around and looking, there are five young men and women standing at the gate of the courtyard, all wearing black Taoist robes, and their aura is impressively in the realm of heavenly generals.

"Six Masters of Yutianmen, Senior Brother Yukun..."

The two brothers Sun Guantian froze.

(End of this chapter)

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