Need for bragging system

Chapter 627 - The name is quite loud

Chapter 627 - The name is quite loud

"Elder Ju Yun, you are quite old, and you still utter such foul language. How can you let this young man, who is a civilized ruler, deal with himself?" Wang Kai shook his head and sighed again and again, his face full of tears. Looks disgusted.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 100000 experience, bragging is worth 100 point."


When Elder Ju Yun heard the words, his face flushed with anger, and his whole body trembled slightly. This was the first time he had met such a wonderful person as Wang Kai.

"How many Taoisms have you comprehended?" Elder Ju Yun took a deep breath, trying his best to calm down his emotions.

I am afraid that if I continue to be serious, I will really be pissed off by Wang Kai.

"Well, not much, only a thousand or eight hundred ways, not worth mentioning, not worth mentioning." Wang Kai shrugged and waved his hands casually.

It looked like he was talking about a very ordinary thing.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 100000 experience, and bragging is worth 100 point."

Eight hundred ways!

There are only nine Taoisms in total!
Where did it come from?
Elder Ju Yun's old face turned green, and he stared at Wang Kai angrily, and after a while he said in a deep voice: "Ahem, show me the fifth way of Taoism..."

As soon as this remark came out, Wang Kai raised his brows and looked at Elder Ju Yun in a daze. He couldn't help touching his nose, and said with a contemptuous smile: "Old man Ju Yun, what did you just say? Listen clearly, can you say it again?"


Elder Ju Yun felt that his face was hotter and hotter, but thinking about the Heaven-reaching Taoism and Wang Kai's Tongtian Taoism, he gritted his teeth and said: "General, show me the fifth Heaven-reaching Taoism. "

"Uh... old guy, what kind of mood do you have in your mind to say this? A dignified disciple of the Tongtian Sect still has to ask Ben Shao for a way?" Wang Kai grinned suddenly, secretly It feels quite funny.

As everyone knows, within the Tongtian Sect, if the specified requirements are not met, it is impossible to practice the next Taoism.

Just like Elder Ju Yun, even if he reaches the Heavenly King Realm now, he can only practice the fourth way of Taoism at most.

Even if one reaches the peak of the Heavenly King Realm, one cannot easily obtain the Fifth Path.

Unless, make a great contribution to Tongtianjiao, or meet the due test.

Since Elder Ju Yun asked Wang Kai to ask for it, it can be seen that the contribution and test are not simple.

"Hey, for the sake of your old face and open mouth, I will give you the fifth Taoism. Anyway, it is not a valuable thing. As long as I am willing, I can create a Bitong Heaven's Dao is stronger." Wang Kai shrugged and said with a rather indifferent smile.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 100000 experience, and bragging is worth 100 point."

Not worth the money!
Whatever you do, you can create a stronger way!
Such words really caused the corners of Elder Ju Yun's mouth to twitch fiercely, and there were ten thousand thoughts in his heart that he wanted to beat Wang Kai violently.

However, Wang Kai has the way of luck and can easily kill Elder Gongsun. Even if he is in the Heavenly King Realm, if he is against Wang Kai, he is not very sure.

If not, wouldn't it be better to grab it directly?
Immediately, after Wang Kai pointed out with a wave of his hand, there was a stream of light that directly merged into the center of Elder Ju Yun's eyebrows.

That streamer is the Dao of Tongtian, the fifth Dao.

"Elder Gongsun's matter, Beihuan and Duanyan, will be dealt with. You can practice in the outer sect for the time being. The matter of entering the inner sect needs to be discussed in the long term." Elder Ju Yun looked secretly happy, and explained in a hurry, then Go back to the room and close the door tightly.

Seeing this, the two Sun Guantian brothers were speechless, and looked at Wang Kai with some resentment in their eyes.

"Young master, since you have comprehended the Heaven-reaching Taoism, you still let us exchange it with the Heaven-reaching Orb..." Sun Guantian complained rather speechlessly.

Sun Guandi was also full of regret, and said sadly: "It's a pity that tens of thousands of Tongtian beads are gone, and only in exchange for the second Taoism. If they are left in the inner sect, tens of thousands of Tongtian beads will be lost." , at least it can be exchanged for a lot of treasures."

Tens of thousands of Tongtian beads, in exchange for the second Taoism?
There are so many?

Wang Kai was stunned when he heard this, and said rather puzzled: "There is no one left?"

"It's gone. Heavenly Soldiers Realm can only practice the first way of Taoism. If you want to practice the second way, you need to clear all the Tongtian Orbs you have. When you start to practice the second way of Taoism, you will start from scratch." Sun Guantian Said with a bitter look on his face.

There are still such rules!

Wang Kai immediately frowned, and stared at the door of Elder Ju Yun's room with a black line on his forehead, and suddenly had an urge to rush in and kill him.

"Boy, don't be an enemy of the Heavenly King Realm for the time being. If a Tianyuan dies, Tongtianjiao will not notice it, nor will it deliberately pay attention to it, but if a Heavenly King dies..." Master Mao said through voice transmission.

If it weren't for Elder Ju Yun's fear of becoming angry and attack Wang Kai, how could Lord Mao let Wang Kai give him the fifth way?
At that time, it will be difficult to say who will win and who will lose in the eyes of Master Mao.

But what is certain is that the other powerhouses of the Tongtian Sect will definitely notice it.

Hearing this, Wang Kai immediately shrugged his shoulders in disdain, shook his folding fan lightly, and said with a casual smile: "It's nothing more than the Tongtian Sect. I want to destroy it, but it's just a snap of the fingers. Forget it, I just gave him Taoism, and I need to use other Taoism in the future to lure him into doing things."

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 100000 experience, and bragging is worth 100 point."

"Elder Gongsun, please make the decision for us!"

"Elder Gongsun, please make the decision for us!"

Suddenly, following two angry voices, two young men hurried in from the gate of the courtyard.

They were all wearing black robes, one with a sword at his waist, and the other with a knife at his waist.

"Elder Gongsun...uh! Ah!"

Those two disciples were about to yell again, but they immediately found many corpses lying on the ground!
One of them is the elder Gongsun.

At the same time, the two youths also noticed the brothers Wang Kai and Sun Guantian in the distance, and couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Who are these two idiots?" Wang Kai raised his eyebrows slightly and asked curiously.

"The gate master of Yutianmen, Yu Zexian, the gatemaster of Huntianmen, Hunluotian." Sun Guantian said in a low voice.

Hearing this, Wang Kai frowned suddenly, and opened the folding fan with a slap, and said with a rather playful smile: "I don't know who it is, so it's you two idiots."

"You...hehe, you must be the new disciple of the Ding Academy with profound cultivation, right? I have admired your name for a long time, and you have admired your name for a long time." Yu Zexian's eyes were full of annoyance, but he still greeted him with a smile.

On the side, Hun Luotian also had a stiff smile, laughing dryly.

Even Elder Gongsun is dead, how dare they do?Wouldn't it be worse to die if you pretended to be more forceful?
"Grass, the name is quite resounding, but in fact it is not much different from waste residue." Seeing this, Wang Kai curled his lips in disdain.

(End of this chapter)

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