Need for bragging system

Chapter 635 - Poetry 1

Chapter 635 - Recite a poem and pretend to be forceful

Tongtian Peak, Back Mountain.

Under Lingnv Peak.

At this moment, there are thousands of black-robed disciples standing around the foot of the mountain, and in front of them, at the entrance of Lingnv Peak, stands a young woman in green clothes.

"Everyone, if you want to visit Her Highness Lingnv, you have to lift this tripod and walk to a hundred meters. I think everyone is very clear about the rules. If so, then let's start."

The woman in Tsing Yi stood quietly at the mountain gate, raised her arm, and pointed to a bronze tripod in front of her.

The bronze tripod was one meter high and one meter wide, standing on all fours, sitting in front of the mountain gate, like a god guarding the house and guarding the courtyard, blocking the thousands of disciples of the Tongtian Sect.

As soon as the woman in Tsing Yi finished speaking, thousands of disciples looked at each other, and all of them smiled and waved their hands or shook their heads.

For this tripod, the disciples present, and even many disciples in the future today, have tested it, and none of them can lift it up.

Even if there are so few disciples who can lift the bronze tripod, most of them can only walk a dozen steps, which is still far away from a hundred meters.

Rao, no one can pass the test, so many disciples gathered here, hoping to take advantage of the opportunity of the spirit girl going down the mountain, and take a look at it from a distance.

Of course, they also want to see who can break these rules.

Seeing this scene, the woman in Tsing Yi showed contempt in her eyes, pursed her red lips, sneered unabashedly, and said lightly: "Since you all don't have this ability, then don't hang around here, go back quickly. "

Hearing this, the thousands of disciples seemed to be used to it, and they didn't show any anger. Instead, they shrugged, shook their heads and smiled back hundreds of steps.

In this regard, the woman in Tsing Yi was really helpless, even if the copper tripod could prevent them from entering the mountain, it couldn't stop them from surrounding them in the distance.

"Tsk tsk, you are indeed a spiritual girl of Tongtian Sect, there are so many disciples waiting at the foot of the mountain."

Farther away, Wang Kai was standing on the back mountain forest of Tongtian Peak, looking down at the front of the Lingnv Peak below, and what he saw was truly funny.

"Huh? On the back of their Taoist robes, there is a common character. Could it be that they are inner disciples? Or core disciples?" Wang Kai's eyes froze for a moment, looking curiously at those disciples' Taoist robes.

It is the same color as the Taoist robe worn by the disciples of the outer sect, all black.

But the back of the outer disciple's Taoist robe didn't have any handwriting, nor did it have any writing on the front.

And for the thousands of disciples present, there was a Tong character on their backs and even above their hearts.

"They are all inner disciples, core disciples, and there are heavenly characters on the Taoist robes." Master Mao said faintly through voice transmission.

For inner disciples, Taoist robe is Tongzi, and for core disciples, Taoist robe is Tianzi.

Then, what about the spiritual daughter, the holy son and the holy daughter, and even the god son and goddess?
Wang Kai couldn't help but raised his brows, secretly feeling that the Tongtian Sect is worthy of being one of the forces, and there is a clear distinction between high and low in any small matter.

"Boy, are you sure you want to go to Lingnv Peak instead of Shengnv Peak and Shennv Peak?" Master Cat asked through sound transmission in a rather surprised tone.

With Wang Kai's character, he should go directly to Goddess Peak with the highest status.

But it happened that the third Lingnv peak came.

"No hurry, with my heroic appearance, it is easy to capture the reassurance of a few women. Since we are here, let's start from Lingnv Peak. The more the better." Wang Kai shrugged his shoulders, his expression quite He smiled casually.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 100000 experience, and bragging is worth 100 point."

Come one by one, the more the better...

With such words, the Cat Master immediately listened with contempt, and simply ignored it. It was not a bad thing for Wang Kai to go to Lingnv Peak first.

If you go to the Goddess Peak with the highest status first, and then suffer, then, if you want to find out the truth, you can only hope to enter the inner gate, and then enter the core hall.

"He is born with supernatural powers, and his civil and martial arts are superb. Others hold swords, but I use nail clippers. A mere copper tripod can be thrown with the flick of a finger, but it is only a hundred steps away, and it can be surpassed with one breath!" Wang Kai shook his head and chanted softly, his footsteps moved In the meantime, as soon as the voice fell, he just came to the bronze tripod and stood still.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 100000 experience, and bragging is worth 100 point."

Such narcissistic and boastful verses, such a wandering young man shaking his head and playing his folding fan, immediately caught the eyes of all the disciples present.

Even the woman in Tsing Yi stared blankly at Wang Kai with beautiful eyes.

Unexpectedly, in the Tongtian Sect, there are such wonderful disciples.

Call it bragging?But dare to stand in front of the copper tripod!

He is said to be capable, but judging by his unrestrained appearance, he looks like a weak scholar.

All of a sudden, all the disciples were secretly amazed, they looked at Wang Kai together, and wanted to know if he dared to lift the bronze tripod or not?
Or should I say, can it be lifted?
"Looking at your attire, you should be an outer sect disciple, right?" The woman in Tsing Yi came back to her senses, and her gaze was directly fixed on Wang Kai's Taoist robe.

There is no Tongzi, let alone Tianzi.

As soon as this statement came out, all the disciples were stunned, and then they hurriedly looked at Wang Kai's Taoist robe. They didn't notice it just now, and they were completely confused by Wang Kai's poem.

"It's really an outer disciple!"

"Haha! It's a good show to watch now. How many years have passed, and he is the first one who dares to come here, right?"

"Tsk tsk, I vaguely remember that more than ten years ago, many disciples from the outer sect often came here to try, but unfortunately, every time they failed, and sometimes, they would be... hehe, we would give you a big beating. "

"Don't worry, a disciple from the outer sect dared to come over after a long time, how can we bully him? Let him try."

"Hahaha, this statement makes sense, makes sense!"

In an instant, many inner disciples were all ridiculed and sneered, feeling extremely disdainful for Wang Kai who was only an outer disciple but wanted to try his luck at Lingnv Peak.

"Hehe, what's the matter with the outer disciples? What you inner disciples can't do doesn't mean that I can't do it. Just like the bronze tripod in front of you, you can't lift it, but I only need one." It's enough to breathe!" Wang Kai shrugged, and said with a rather indifferent smile.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 100000 experience, and bragging is worth 100 point."

Can lift the copper tripod in one breath?

With such words, many disciples immediately listened with contempt, and immediately stared at Wang Kai with a sneer, with murderous intent in their eyes.

"Since you are boasting so much, you can lift it over there! If you can't lift it up! Humph! Today, you will die here!"

"You can start! The waste of the outer door!"

"A mere trash disciple from the outer sect, dare to come to Lingnvfeng to try his luck, and want to climb a high branch? He really doesn't know what to do!"

Hearing such words, Wang Kai narrowed his eyes immediately, a ray of cold light flashed by, turned around immediately, closed the folding fan with a snap, and said with a sneer, "Tell me, how do you want to die?"

(End of this chapter)

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